Martin Odegaard Oo Dhaawaciisu Ka Xun Yahay Intii La

Martin Odegaard oo toddobaadkii hore uu dhaawac kasoo gaadhay kulamadii caalamiga ahaa ayaa xaaladdiisu kasii xun tahay sidii hore loo moodayay, waxaana tijaabadii caafimaadka ee Jimcihii uu maray lagusii sheegay in baadhitaanno kale uu marayo Isniinta maanta.Sida ay sheegayaan wararka laga helayo waddanak Spain, Martin Odegaard ayaa dhaawac ka qaba muruqa lugta midig, waxaanu garoomada ka maqnaan doonaa muddo bil ah, waxaana sidaas lagu ogaaday baadhitaankii ugu dambeeyey ee Isniintii maanta.BETIS-REAL MADRIDLaacibkan oo…

Doing This Each Day Is the Key to Weight Loss

There are loads of completely different research that present you ideas and methods to shed extra pounds. One research exhibits that sleeping for quarter-hour greater than ordinary may also help with weight reduction. One other research says that consuming breakfast inside half-hour of waking up may also help you shed extra pounds. And now this research, printed by the American Coronary heart Affiliation Journals in 2018, states that getting on the dimensions…

Nigeria’s financial system hit onerous by oil costs

Nigeria is formally in recession for the primary time in additional than a decade, ending three years of low however optimistic progress. The African nation's financial system is closely depending on oil exports, however the coronavirus pandemic has lower international demand and the value of oil has fallen. That is unhealthy information for a rustic whose price range plans had been depending on getting a sure value per capita. Barrel, a value that now means Nigeria is promoting crude oil at a loss. Our correspondent…

teachers start their strike movement

In the DRC, teachers who are members of the Union of Teachers of the Congo (SYECO) and those affiliated with the National Union of Catholic Teachers (SYNECAT) have started their strike movement. They demand improvement in their pay conditions. They also suspect the presence of tens of thousands of fictitious teachers on the payrolls. After promises made especially by the President of the Republic, the…

Haweenka qaxootiga ku ah Afrika oo ka cabanaya xadgudubyo ka

In ka badan 70% haweenka barakacayaasha ah iyo qaxootiga ku nool qaarada Afrika ayaa waxaa ku soo kordhay rabshadaha guriga ka dhaca ee ay kala kulmayaan raga inta lagu guda jiro safka faafa ee coronavirus, ayaa lagu ogaaday sahan la daabacay khamiistii. In ka badan kala bar 850 haween ah oo laga wareystay 15 dal oo Afrikaan ah ayaa sidoo kale soo sheegay in ay sii kordhayaan rabshadaha galmada ku dhowaad saddexdiiba mid ayaa lagula kacay guurka qasabka ah iyaga oo aan…

Trump’s plan to withdraw US troops terrified Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has warned of plans to withdraw the US military from Somalia merely days after tales obtained right here in that President Donald Trump had ordered the Safety Division to take such a step, arguing that it is in constant along with his ensures regarding the President 2016. Based mostly on Bloomberg, the US president had significantly ordered the withdrawal from Somalia, the place america has close to 600 troops. Most of these troopers have been…

10ka Xiddig Ee Ugu Wanaagsan Khadka Dhexe Waqtigan Oo La

Tobanka ciyaartoy ee ugu wanaagsan hal-abuurka iyo kubbad samaynta waqtigan dunida oo dhan ayaa la shaaciyey, waxaana hormood u ah xiddigo waaweyn oo kooxahooda u yeedhiya kubbadaha quruxda badan ee ay garoomada kusoo bandhigaan iyo guulaha ay gaadhaanba.Majaladda FouFourTwo ayaa qiimayn ay samaysay waxay ku ogaatay tobanka ciyaartoy ee xilligan ugu fiican kubbad abuurista ee weeraryahannada siiya kubbado goolal noqda ama ku dhowaada, waxaana kaalinta koowaad kusoo baxay ruug-caddaaga Bayern Munich ee Thomas Muller.Laacibkan…

Guddiga gaadiidlayda gobolka Banaadir oo lagu eedaynayo in

Maamulka gobolka Banaadir ayaa wareegto uu soo saaray waxa uu ku kala diray guddiga iskaashatooyinka  gaadiidlayda gobolka Banaadir ka dib markii lagu eedeeyey in ay ku milmeen waxa loogu yeero argagixisada. Afhayeenka Gobolka Banaadir Saalax Cumar Xasan Saalax dheere oo warbaahinta kula hadlay magaaladda Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in guddiga Iskaashatooyinka gaadiidlayda Gobolka Banaadir ay ku milmeen Al Shabaab sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Saalax Dheere oo aan shirkiisa jaraa’id…

excitement around vocal collection and compilation

In Guinea, in the wake of the presidential election, where the government and the opposition accuse each other of intimidation against their representatives, it is now the preparation and publication of the results that is crystallizing the tensions. . The government warns the political parties that themselves want to publish the results of the polling stations by claiming that only CENI is authorized…

Bomb kills troopers in Somalia when struggle on al-Shabab breaks out

MOGADISHU, Somalia - At the least 4 Somali national armies was killed in an explosion Sunday, stories present that added the rising variety of safety forces who've just lately died in assaults associated to Al-Shabaab raids throughout the nation, and which might change Somalia's fortunes as a result of an impending election. The 4 troopers have been killed between El-Baraf and Biyo Adde, Center Shabelle on Sunday morning, and are stated to have escorted a senior army officer into the nation, touring to the area on the…

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