In the spotlight: the controversial swearing-in of the new constitutional judges

While we waited for President Tshisekedi to speak on Friday, the Kinshasa newspapers - almost all of them - mentioned in this week's deliveries the controversial sword of the new constitutional judges."They took the oath ... He took note". It's on the front page of the newspaper Le Soft International. Service "without certainly the war weakened and the front reassured, on the contrary", notes the colleague from Soft…

AMISOM guarantees help for Somalia’s upcoming elections

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The African Union Mission Staff in Somalia has pledged help for Somalia's upcoming elections, scheduled to start subsequent month, the mission mentioned, solely within the midst of ongoing political adjustments within the Horn of Africa, which has struggled to realize stability and democracy for the previous three a long time. . Ambassador Francisco Madeira, Head of the Mission of the African Union in Somalia , has pledged the mission's help to make sure that Somalia's 2020/2021 parliamentary…

QM oo War kasoo saartay ololaha ka dhanka ah cudurka

Children is vaccinated as part of national polio and measles vaccination campaign in Mogadishu, Somalia on Tuesday 01 September 2020. Photo Ismail Taxta / Ildoog/WHO SOMALIA 24-ka Oktoobar, waa maalinta loo goonida yeelay ciribtirka cudurka Dabaysha oo kamid ah lexda cudur ee dilaaga ah, isla markaana olole ka dhan ah uu ka socdo guud ahaan Caalamka si loosoo afjaro. Cudurkaan ayaa naafeeya lixaadka qofka uu ku dhaco, waxaana la siiyaa tallaal kahortag si jirka qofka uu awood…

The opposition chief of Somaliland’s opposition is testing constructive for COVID-19

HARGEISA, Somalia - A number one Somaliland opposition chief introduced on Friday that he examined constructive for the novel Coronavirus and went into self-isolation, which continued to wreak havoc world wide. In his Twitter put up, opposition chief Abdirahman Abdullahi alias Irro confirmed that he had examined constructive for COVID-19, a transfer that technically means he has to go for necessary isolation in one of many amenities. He's the newest senior politician to check constructive for the illness. The…

Somalia: NISA chief takes management of Hirshabelle’s election

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's spy company NISA has reportedly taken full management of the Hirshabelle election file, it was created in a transfer that may very well be aimed toward manipulating the long-awaited election in Somalia, which is because of begin subsequent month after a pre-election half. Final month, leaders from Hirshabelle, Galmadug, Southwest, Northeastern State, Jubaland and the Banadir area signed the settlement after intensive negotiations with President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who had been…

69-ruux oo lagu dilay dibadbaxyada ka socda Nigeria! –

Shacab ka careysan tacaddiyada ay geysanayaan Ciidamada Booliiska Dalka Nigeria ee dhaca Waqooyiga Afrika ayaa isu-soo baxay waddooyinka waaweyn iyo meelaha kale ee muhiimka ah. Ugu yaraan 69-ruux ayaa lagu dilay dibadbaxyada socda, halka dadka Shacabka ah xoojiyeen muujinta cabashadooda ka dhanka ah dhibaatooyinka ay ka sheeganayaan laamaha ammaanka sida ay daabacday Wakaaladda Wararka Xinhua oo ilo wareedyo katirsan Madaxtooyada soo xigatay. Ilahaan ayaa shaaciyay in…

Hordhac: Manchester United vs Chelsea

Manchester United ayaa maanta kusoo dhoweynaysa garoonkeeda Old Trafford kooxda kubadda cagta Chelsea, waxaanay jilbaha iskugu dhigan doonaan kulanka usbuuca lixaad ee horyaalka Premier League ee xili ciyaareedkan.Red Devils oo kulan xusuus wanaagsan u lahaa toddobaadkii hore kusoo qaadatay magaalada Paris oo ay kusoo garaacday PSG ayaa qaabbilaysa Chelsea oo garoonkeeda Stamford Bridge barbarro goolal la’aan ah kula soo gashay Sevilla.Toddobaadyadu kala duwan!! maalmo ka hor, Manchester United ayaa ahayd koox qalalaase ku…

Ivory Coast: how the town of Korhogo opened up

The fourth largest metropolis in Côte d'Ivoire, Korhogo is taken into account the capital of the northern nation of the Senufo individuals area. The town, which was significantly remoted a couple of years in the past, has benefited from financial progress particularly because of the accession to energy of one in all its most well-known residents: former Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly. .

Jabuuti oo shacabkeeda uga digtay jebinta xayiraadda ay ku

Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti waxaa ka dhaqangalay amar lagu joojiyay isu socodka Xuduudaha muddo 15-cishe ah si loo xakameeyo Xannuunka Coronavirus oo kiisas horleh laga diiwaangeliyay waddankaas. Dowladda ayaa sheegtay in ujeedka ay ka leedahay uu yahay ogaanta halka uu kasoo laba-kacleeyay xannuunka Covid-19 oo kiisas cusub laga diiwaangeliyay qaybaha kamid ah Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Jabuuti Muumin Axmed Sheekh ayaa shacabka ugu baaqay in ay adkeystaan…

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