UEFA Oo Ku Dhawaaqay Magacyada AFAR Xiddig Oo Ciyaaryahankii

Xidhiidhka kubadda cagta Yurub ee UEFA ayaa si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqay afarta xiddig ee ku tartami doona ciyaaryahankii ugu wanaagsanaa tartanka xiisaha badan ee UEFA Champions League toddobaadkan oo ahaa midkiisii ugu horreeyay.Afarta ciyaaryahan ee ay UEFA soo xusheen ayaa kala ah weeraryahanka Juventus ee Alvaro Morata, daafaca bidix ee RB Leipzig ee Angelino, garabka weerar ee Bayern Munich ee Kingsley Coman iyo waliba dhigiisa Shakhtar Donestk ee Tete.Aan ku bilawnee Morata ayaa u sahlay kooxdiisa Juventus inay guul ku…

This Standard Meals Secretly Makes You Achieve Weight

At this level, we're fairly conscious of the meals that make us acquire weight, proper? These meals which are excessive in components that are not nice for our our bodies—like added sugars, oils, and high-fructose corn syrup. Meals which are excessive in sodium may cause our our bodies to bloat, and consuming plenty of alcohol can be not doing our our bodies any favors. Nevertheless, there are some meals which are so much sneakier relating to your weight acquire…

Eat These Meals to Decrease Your Blood Stress, New Examine Says

The checklist of the well being advantages of ingesting tea are lengthy (this is what occurs to your physique once you eat it), so it could come as no shock that sipping a variety of this beverage may help decrease your blood stress. Tea—like berries, apples, pears, and extra meals—accommodates flavanols. And a weight-reduction plan excessive in flavanols can result in decrease blood stress, in keeping with a current research. An evaluation of the meals decisions of 25,618 individuals within the U.Ok. revealed within the…

the government reaches out to the opposition

As Côte d'Ivoire sinks into a pre-election crisis, the government appears to be easing slightly, particularly with regard to CEI, a consequence of ECOWAS mediation on 18 and 19 October. as reported from Abidjan, Pierre PintoOn Wednesday, October 21, after a meeting with political parties, but to which no heavyweight from the…

Northeastern State elects representatives to election commissions

AXADLE, Northeastern State - Northeastern State has elected 4 commissioners who will signify her on nationwide and federal election commissions, simply over a month after Somalia agreed on the election timelines and the mannequin for use through the extremely anticipated 2020-2021 polls. The northeastern a part of Somalia was one of many federal states that had strongly referred to as for correct illustration and construction of elections a number of months earlier than a compromise was reached on well timed…

Mid Kamida Xiddigaha Ugu Muhiimsan Barcelona Oo Tababarka

Kooxda Barcelona ayaa war wanaagsan helaysa kahor kulanka adag ee ay Sabtida soo dhawayn doonto kooxda ay xifaaltamaan ee Real Madrid kaddib markii uu tababarka kusoo laabtay daafaceeda bidix ee Jordi Alba oo muhiim u ahi.In lagu daro liiska Barcelona uga qayb galaya kulanka adag ee Real Madrid ayaa ku xidhnaan doonta wadahadala dhex mara ciyaaryahanka iyo tababare Ronald Koeman iyo waliba shaqaalaha caafimaadka ee kooxda.Sidoo kale Alba ayaa kaga qayb qaadan kara ciyaartaas jawaabta uu ku bixiyo iyo sida uu iskugu muujiyo…

the government backs the rise in transport prices

Prices had risen by the end of the lockdown, as buses could only be half-filled to respect social distance. Despite a slight drop on October 14, they remained above prices before the coronavirus crisis. In Rwanda, the government on Wednesday night suspended a rise in transport prices that had sparked a wave of protests from the…

Coronavirus:-Soomaaliya oo kamid noqotay wadamada ugu

Dowladda Jordan ayaa Khamiista maanta ah waxa ay soo saartay liis casriyayn oo ay ku jiraan dhamaan wadamada Caalamka kaas oo u kala saaraya  wadama kuwa Casaan ah, kuwa jaallaha ah iyo kuwa cagaaran marka la eego xaaladda COVID-19 ee waddan kasta oo dunida ka mid ah. Dowladda Jordan ayaa liiskaan uga gol leh in ay hubiso dadka soo galaya dalkeeda si ay ugu samayso baaritaan dheeri ah oo looga hortagayo xanuunka dilaaga ah ee Coronavirsus. Soomaaliya ayaa liiska la soo saaray…

Thomas Partey Oo Jamaahiirta Arsenal Tababarka Ku Tusay

Khadka dhexe ee kooxda Arsenal ahna saxeexoodii maalintii ugu dambaysay suuqii xagaaga ee Thomas Partey ayaa tababarka kooxda ee kahor kulankooda Europe League ee caawa tababarka ku muujiyay waxyaabaha uu soo kordhin karo.Tababare Mikel Arteta ayaa ka bixiyay qish in Thomas Partey uu kulankiisii ugu horreeyay caawa ugu soo bilaaban karo kooxda.Partey ayaa bedel kusoo galay kana soo kacay keydka kulankii ay kooxdiisu guuldarrada kala soo kulantay Manchester City balse waxa uu markii ugu horreysay shaxda koowaad soo gali karaa…

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