What is the scope for Felix Tshisekedi to form his “holy union”?

On Friday night, October 23, the Congolese head of state condemned the blockade of institutions and the ruling coalition formed with his predecessor Joseph Kabila. To remedy this, he promised to organize consultations during the week to establish a national union. Since his speech, political groups and civil society organizations have continued internal discussions.…

Nigeria: a refuge for pangolins in Lagos

Nigeria is the world's most vital hub for the unlawful commerce in pangolin. It represents 60% of worldwide seizures in 2018, based on a UN report. This mammal is a uncommon protected species that resembles a protracted hedgehog coated in scales. Its meat is in excessive demand in Asia in addition to its scales for alleged medicinal properties.…

Anti-Macron protests in western Libya

A number of demonstrations befell on Sunday, October 25, in western Libya to protest in opposition to Emmanuel Macron's phrases defending the publication of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. The chance for the authorities in Tripoli, near Turkey, to resume their mistrust of France, accused of supporting the rival authority within the east and extra particularly Marshal Khalifa Haftar.…

Mozambique’s internally displaced individuals are rising by 2700%: monitor

The variety of displaced Mozambicans has elevated exponentially over the previous two years, with the bulk snatching up with an rebellion that raged within the north, native observers mentioned on Sunday. On October 19, there have been 424,202 internally displaced individuals within the South African nation, in comparison with 15,000 on the finish of 2018, says a revered advocacy group, the CIP for Public Integrity (CIP). "The variety of internally displaced individuals in Mozambique has elevated by…

Arsenal Oo Gurigeeda Lagu Garaacay, Leicester Oo Jabisay

Arsenal ayaa gurigeeda Emirates Stadium lagu garaacay ka dib kulan adag oo ay la ciyaareen kooxda Leicester City kuwaasoo markii ugu horeysay abid ku badiyay garoonka Emirates Stadium kulan horyaalka ah, waana markii ugu horeysay muddo 47 sannadood ah oo ay Leicester ku badiso garoonka Arsenal.Xaqii laga galay Mesut Ozil ayaa soo dilaacay iyadoo Arsenal uu ka maqnaa hal abuur dhanka weerarka ah taasoo keentay in Leicester City ay qeybtii labaad hesho goolka guusha iyadoo uu u saxiixay Jamie Vardy oo ciyaarta bedel ku soo…

Lix Bilood Oo Uu Xabsi Iyo Xabsi Guri Uu Ku jiray Ka Dib

Halyeeyga reer Brazil Ronaldinho ayaa la ildaran xanuunka Korona Fayras sida uu isagu xaqiijiyay.Ciyaaryahankii hore ee Barcelona ayaa inta badan sannadkan 2020 ku qaatay xabsi ku yaala dalka Paraguay ka dib markii lagu qabtay baasaboor been abuur ah.Laakiin haatan sabab taas ka duwan ayuu karantiil u geli doonaa ka dib markii laga helay Korona Fayras.Ronaldinho oo 40 sanno jir ah ayaa laga helay cudurka ka dib markii uu tagay magaalada Belo Horizonte ee dalka Brazil Sabtidii.Wuxuu haatan karantiil ku galayaa magaalada Belo…

“Cristiano Ronaldo Ayaa Ka Fiican Lionel Messi, Laakiin Ma

Halyeeyga reer Brazil Pele ayaa sheegay in Cristiano Ronaldo uu ka fiican yahay Lionel Messi, laakiin waxa uu sheegay inuu isagu weli yahay xiddigii abid ugu fiicnaa kubada cagta.79 jirkaan oo heysta rikoodhka xiddiga ugu goolasha badan abid kubada cagta ayaa aaminsan in xiddigahaan da’da yar aysan isaga u soo dhaweyn.Inkastoo qaar ka mid ah goolashiisa gaaraya 1281 gool uu ka dhaliyay kulamo aan rasmi ah oo saaxiibtinimo hadana xiddiga seddexda jeer ku guuleystay Koobka Adduunka ayaa weli ku jira dooda ku saabsan xiddigii…

Shaxda Rasmiga Ah Ee Arsenal vs Leicester City – Arteta Oo

Arsenal ayaa caawa garoonkeeda Emirates Stadium ku martigelineysa kooxda Leicester City iyagoo rajeynaya inay wadada guusha ku soo noqdaan ka dib guuldaradii Manchester City ka soo gaartay isbuucii la soo dhaafay.Labada kooxood ayaa ka soo kabtay guuldaradii ka soo gaartay Premier League xilli ciyaareedkii la soo dhaafay, iyagoo guulo ka gaaray kulamadoodii Europa League.Arsenal ayaa dib u heshay Dani Ceballos kaasoo dhaawac ku seegay kulankii Europa League ee ay 2-1 kaga badiyeen Rapid Vienna. Willian ayaa dhaawac ku maqan…

Floods and landslides affect 3.6 million people in East Africa

At least 3.6 million people were affected by floods and landslides triggered by heavy rains over East Africa since June, the UN humanitarian agency said in a report on Saturday. "Water levels in several lakes in Kenya and Uganda are rising and affecting thousands of people," said the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). About 856,000 people have been affected by floods in southern Sudan since June, including about 400,000 displaced, it said. The floods exacerbated…

Real Madrid Oo Sii Magacowday 21ka Xiddig Ee Champions

Real Madrid ayaa durbaba magacowday xiddigaheeda Talaadada u safraya kooxda Jarmalka ee Borussia Monchengaldbach ee Champuons League iyadoo Eden Hazard loo soo yeeray kulanka Jarmalka ka dhacaya.Xiddiga reer Belgium ayaan ciyaarin xilli ciyaareedkan ka dib dhaawac cusub oo soo gaaray. Dhaawacyo ayaa hareeyay xiddigaan tan iyo markii uu tagay Real Madrid iyadoo dhibaatooyin uu ka qabo canqowga ay keentay inuu kaliya 22 kulan safto xilli ciyaareedkii la soo dhaafay.Hazard ayaa tababar la qaatay kooxda inteeda kale maanta oo…

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