Somalia Rejects Talks with Al-Shabaab Amid Security Concerns

Somalia Wont’ Negotiate with Al-Shabaab

MOGADISHU, Somalia – The Somali government has unequivocally ruled out talks with Al-Shabaab, stating that the group’s menacing activities will prevent any formal negotiations for the foreseeable future.

Hussein Sheikh Ali, National Security Advisor, refuted social media claims suggesting the government is gearing up for discussions with the notorious militants. This faction has plagued the population for ages.

The rumor mill churns out tales of upcoming discussions in Qatar. Ali emphatically stated that Al-Shabaab must honor Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial sanctity by severing their affiliations with international terror networks first.

“The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) isn’t negotiating with Al-Khawarij (another name for Al-Shabaab),” Ali declared. He emphasized, “The President has laid down explicit prerequisites: break ties with global terror outfits, recognize Somalia’s territorial sovereignty, and commit to pursuing a peaceful political path.”

Earlier this month, in Norway’s capital Oslo, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud stated his administration is open to dialogue provided Al-Shabaab halts its insurgent actions.

The Somali government is currently undertaking a robust military offensive against Al-Shabaab in the heartland regions. Since the campaign’s kickoff in mid-2022, several towns and villages have been wrested from militant control.

Over the past couple of years, Somalia’s focused military efforts have dismantled much of Al-Shabaab’s stronghold, neutralizing thousands. The imminent second phase will target the territories of Jubaland and Southwest states.


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