Jabuuti oo shacabkeeda uga digtay jebinta xayiraadda ay ku

Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti waxaa ka dhaqangalay amar lagu joojiyay isu socodka Xuduudaha muddo 15-cishe ah si loo xakameeyo Xannuunka Coronavirus oo kiisas horleh laga diiwaangeliyay waddankaas. Dowladda ayaa sheegtay in ujeedka ay ka leedahay uu yahay ogaanta halka uu kasoo laba-kacleeyay xannuunka Covid-19 oo kiisas cusub laga diiwaangeliyay qaybaha kamid ah Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Jabuuti Muumin Axmed Sheekh ayaa shacabka ugu baaqay in ay adkeystaan…

Golaha Shacabka BFS oo maanta u codeynaya Xukuumadda RW

Xildhibaannada Golaha Shacabka BFS ayaa maanta cod gelinaya Xukuumadda uu magacaabay Raysul Wasaare Maxamed Xuseen Rooble 19-kii Bishaan oo ku beegan isniintii todobaadkii tagay. Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka waxaa loo diray fariinta Ajendaha kulankooda maanta oo ah U Codeynta Kalsooni Siinta Xubnaha Golaha Wasiiradda Magacaaban iyo Barnaamijka Xukuumadda. Raysul Wasaare Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa lagu wadaa in uu Golaha Shacabka la wadaago tallaabooyinka ugu horeeyo ee ay qaadeyso…

Former President Pierre Buyoya Condemns “Political Trial”

Sentenced in absentia in his country Burundi to life imprisonment The murder of his predecessor Melchior Ndadaye in 1993 during a coup, former Burundian President Pierre Buyoya spoke this Friday 23. October in Bamako at a press conference. The current High Representative of the African Union for Mali and the Sahel, he rejects this condemnation and announces that he will lodge an appeal, especially in his country. as reported from Bamako, Serge Daniel Before the press, Pierre Buyoya, former President of Burundi and…

Africa’s Covid-19 demise toll nears 40,000 – newest updates

Covid-19 pandemic has contaminated greater than 40 million folks, claiming not less than 1.1 million lives around the globe. Listed here are updates for October 19:Loss of life toll in Africa nears 40,000 The demise toll in Africa has reached 39,738, the Africa Centres for Illness Management and Prevention stated. The entire variety of confirmed instances have now crossed 1.64 million whereas greater than 1.35 million sufferers have recovered. Regionally, Southern Africa noticed probably the most variety of

“Aniga Iyo Hooyadaaba Waan Kugu Hanweyn Nahay Waana Kugu

Jurgen Klopp ayaa si qiiro leh uga hadlay sida uu ugu faanayo Marcus Rashford inkastoo uu xiddigaan u ciyaaro kooxda ay Liverpool xafiiltamaan ee Manchester United.Tababaraha Liverpool ayaa gudbay xeyn daabka xafiiltanka kubada cagta isagoo taageero u muujiyay weeraryahanka oo hogaaminaya la dagaalanka saboolnimada caruurta iyadoo dowlada Ingariiska ay ku guuldareysatay inay caawiso caruurta.Wuxuuna sheegay in kubada cagta ay mar walba tahay mid dadka isku keenta islamarkaan ay soo bandhigeyso bani’aadanimadeena.“Waxaan…

the army accused of abuse during an operation in the Mopti region

Last week, a triple terrorist attack claimed by GSIM, the Support Group for Islam and Muslims, linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, targeted the Sokoura military camp and then civilians, killing a total of 24 people, according to the Malian army. has since launched a counter-terrorism operation in the area. According to several local sources, an operation was ruined by abuse. A "large-scale operation" is underway, according to the Malian army, "on the Dogon plateau and the exposed area of ​​Seno". A…

controversy surrounding François Bozizé’s candidacy for president

The National Electoral Commission (ANE) has just announced that the submission of candidate files for the presidential and legislative elections on 27 December will take place between 1 and 10 November. This prompted the KNK party of former President François Bozizé to want to poke "in" while his candidacy is the subject of controversy between the presidential camp and the opposition through the media.…

Sidiki Diakité, Minister of Territorial Administration, is dead

Sidiki Diakité, Minister of Territorial Administration, died on Friday, October 23, after a cardiac arrest. In recent days, it was he who coordinated the attempts at dialogue between the government and the opposition parties. as reported from Abidjan, Sidy YansaneAs suddenly as it was unexpected, the disappearance of Sidiki…

This Vitamin Could Be The Key To Winter Weight Loss

As if Vitamin A weren't spectacular sufficient! This superhero amongst vitamins, which is usually known as retinol by anti-aging specialists, is known for supporting brilliant eyes, glowing pores and skin, and splendid hair whereas boosting the immune system (to call just some of its superpowers). Now, a research out of Austrian medical faculty, MediUni Vienna, means that Vitamin A may very well help weight reduction, notably because the climate will get colder.…

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