Laamaha ammaanka Hir-Shabeelle oo Baaris ka sameeyay

Magaalada Jowhar Xarunta DG Hir-Shabeelle waxaa howlgal ka sameeyay Ciidamada ammaanka Dowlad Goboleedkaas, Askar dhawaan la geeyay & Ciidamo katirsan DFS oo horay ugu sugnaa. Ujeedka Baarista ayaa lagu sheegay sugidda amniga & la socodka dhaq-dhaqaaqaha Xaafadaha Magaaladaas oo maalmaha soo socda martigelinaya Ergada u tageysa Doorashooyinka heer Federaal & heer Dowlad Goboleed. Afarta Xaafadood ee kala ah: Hanti wadaag, Horseed, Buula Sheekh & Kulmis waxaa la…

Galmudug oo soo Gudbisay xubnaha Guddiga Doorashada 20/21 ku

Hogaamiyaha DG Galmudug Axmed Cabdi Kaariye Qoor-Qoor ayaa magacaabay xubnaha Guddiga farsamada & xalinta khilaafaadka oo laga doonayay 10-kii ilaa 20-ka bishaan oo muddo saddex cishe laga soo gudbay. Wakiilada Galmudug ee Doorashada Federaalka 20/21 ayaa la soconaya howsha xulista Ergada Beelaha, hubinta Waxgaradka iyo waxyaabaha la xiriira habsami u socodka doorashada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Guddigaan ayaa la shaqeynaya xubnaha kale ee ka kala imaanaya DG Puntland,…

Mesut Ozil Oo Magacaabay AFARTII Xiddig Ee Ugu Wanaagsanaa

Mesut Ozil ayaa tilmaamay afartii ciyaartoy ee ugu wanaagsanaa Arsenal kulankii xalay ay guusha xilliga dambe ah ka gaadheen naadiga Rapid Vienna oo gool kala hor maray.Arsenal ayaa xalay ku sugnayd waddanka Austria oo ay kulankeeda ugu horreeya ee tartanka Europa League ee xili ciyaareedkan isku haleeleen Rapid Vienna, taas oo ay kaga soo adkaatay 2-1.Kulankan oo ka dhacay garoonka Allianz Stadion, waxa Arsenal laga dhaliyey bilowga qaybta dambe kaddib markii uu goolhaye Bernd Leno sameeyey qalad, laakiin David Luiz ayaa u…

empty chairman of UST and opposition parties at the 2nd National Inclusive Forum

In Chad, the second inclusive national forum convened by the government from 29 to 31 October to examine the constitution adopted in May 2018 is not unanimous. Several opposition political parties and the largest trade union center, UST, believe that this forum will only legitimize power without solving the real problems of the peoples. with our correspondent in Ndjamena, Most opposition political parties and some civil society associations indicate that the forum will not be inclusive because participation is not open…

The IMF warns donors of the risk of excessive debt in sub-Saharan Africa

The specter of excessive debt reappears for sub-Saharan Africa after the coronavirus pandemic. The International Monetary Fund has just sounded the alarm, urging donor countries to be "bold" about the debt wall that awaits Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa needs the next 3 years to revive their economies is huge. According to the IMF, it would require $ 890 billion in external funding for the countries of the region. This amount represents more than half of their total GDP. It will therefore return to massive borrowing to…

SNEL explains the reasons for the increase in power outages

Power outages exceed in Kinshasa. They have become more untimely and long-lasting. The national electricity company (SNEL) is facing huge power outages from Inga's hydropower dams. The work is therefore underway, but should not be completed quickly. as reported from Kinshasa, The river's waters are abundant, which should normally increase electricity production in this last quarter of the year, but if entire municipalities have been poorly served since the end of September, it is for technical reasons. Désiré Baleka,…

authorities confirm IS attacks

Tanzanian police have confirmed that the country has been the target of an Islamic State attack in the village of Kitaya on the border with Mozambique. The attack took place last week and killed several people. It was claimed by the Central African branch of the Islamic State. Videos and photos show buildings on fire. The attackers shout "Allah Akbar" and split the neck of a lifeless man. The attack was claimed as early as October 15 by the Islamic State. What finally confirms the Tanzanian police. Simon Sirro Director…

Ivory Coast: Bouaké, Renaissance

Bouaké, the nation's second metropolis, is infamous for being the insurgent headquarters within the 2000s when Laurent Gbagbo was in energy. The northern metropolis has skilled a decline in its financial and cultural exercise. Immediately, Bouaké tries to rise from the ashes. .

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