Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari warns protesters against unrest

The President of Nigeria makes his first public statement on the recent protests against political brutality in the country. Muhammadu Buhari says he regrets the loss of human life but urges young people to stand down. In addition, at least seven people have been killed and 40 more injured in connection with violence between people in a port city in the Ivory Coast near Abidjan since Monday before the…

Polio-free Cameroon stops pushing against viruses

Cameroon has not completely eased its fight against polio, but despitebeing declared free of the disease earlier this year. It has launched an immunization drive against a specific virus strain. Kenya, too, has pushed the regional trend and seen an elephant baby boom. But despite the promising number, the species remains vulnerable. And we see how students in Libya are caught between conflict and…

Tottenham, Leicester & AC Milan Oo Guulo Gaartey, Celtic &

Tottenham ayaa guul 3-0 ah ku bilaabatay tartanka Europa League ee xili ciyaareedkan, waxaanay meel iska saartay naadiga yar ee LASK, taas oo uu Gareth Bale markii ugu horreysay ugu soo bilowday kooxdiisa cusub.Tababare Jose Mourinho ayaa nasiyey xiddigihiisa waaweyn sida Harry Kane oo aan ciyaartaba soo gelin iyo Son oo uu beddel ku keenay, waxaana uu fursad siiyey Gareth Bale oo goolka labaad ee kooxdiisu heshay oo ay LASK iska dhalisay isagu soo laaday kubadda.Tottenham ayaa daqiiqaddii 18aad hoggaanka u qabatay ciyaarta,…

Saadaasha Khabiirka Mark Lawrenson Ee Kulamada Usbuuca 6aad

Horyaalka waddanka Ingiriiska ee Premier League oo wali ku jira kulamadii ugu horreeyay ayaa maraya meel xiiso badan, waxaana toddobaadkan ballansan kooxo waaweyn oo ay ugu mudan tahay kulanka ay ku ballsan yihiin Manchester United iyo Chelsea oo Sabtida dhici doona. Tababare Ole Gunnar Solskjaer oo guul muhiim ah ay kooxdiisu kasoo gaadhay PSG oo Salaasadii ay ugu tagtay Paris, ayaa waxay qaabbili doontaa Chelsea oo barbarro lasoo gashay Sevilla, sidoo kalena ay dhibcaha wadaageen Southampton ciyaartoodii toddobaadkan.…

Muhammadu Buhari comes out of his silence

Nigerian President Muhamadou Buhari ended up speaking this Thursday, October 22, about the crisis that is taking hold in his country. However, he did not say anything about the repression of the protest. as reported from Abuja Muhammadu Buhari said he heard the legitimate concerns of the Nigerian people over excessive use of force by some police members. The head of state lamented that his long silence over the last few days could be interpreted as "a sign of weakness" on his part. He condemned the violence that has…

15 Greatest and Worst Meals for Your Interval

We'll be the primary to confess {that a} Midol or two generally is a girl's saving grace when her interval exhibits up for its month-to-month routine of inflicting havoc. However seeing as how we nonetheless have to eat a number of instances a day, would not it make sense to verify the meals we're placing into our physique are the very best decisions for our lives throughout our cycles? That is why we have got down to uncover precisely what to eat — and what to not eat — in your interval. Here is what's up: There are a…

SHANTA Qalad Ee Waaweyn Ee Zinedine Zidane Sameeyey,

Guul-darradii Shakhtar Donetsk ay u xambaarisay Real Madrid Khamiistii, waxay bannaanka soo dhigtay xaaladda  adag ee uu ku jiro tababare Zinedine Zidane oo ay durba shaqadiisu halis ku jirto. Los Blancos oo laba guul-darro iskugu xigeen, usbuucan horraantiisiina ay Cadiz isla garoonka Estadio Di Stefano 1-0 ugu dhiibtay ka hor intii aanay Shakhtar oo iyaduna garoonkan timid ku garaacin 3-2, ayaa waxa durba la sheegayaa in Zinedine Zidane uu ku dhow yahay in shaqada laga caydhiyo. Real Madrid ayaa Sabtida u tegi doonta…

Arsenal Oo Guul Ay Ku Dhibaatootay Ku Furatay Europa League,

Kooxda kubadda cagta Arsenal ayaa guul ku bilaabatay tartanka Europa League ee xili ciyaareedkan, waxaanay 2-1 ku garaacday kooxda Rapid Vienna oo ay marti u ahayd.Arsenal ayaa lagala hor maray gool uu Rapid Vienna u dhaliyey Taxiarchis Fountas daqiiqaddii 51aad ee bilowga qaybta dambe, waxaa se ciyaarta oo ay 20 daqiiqadood ka hadhsan tahay dhamaadkeeda jabiyey derbigii ay dhisatay kooxda garoonkeeda joogtay David Luiz oo dhaliyey goolka hore ee Arsenal, waxaana afar daqiiqadood oo kaliya kaddib mid labaad ku daray…

Carlo Ancelotti Oo Ku Eedeeyey Virgil van Dijk Inuu Dhaawac

Tababaraha ruug-caddaaga ah ee Carlo Ancelotti ayaa eedaymo u jeediyey laacibkii ka dhaawacmay Liverpool ee Virgil van Dijk oo uu xusay inuu waxyeello usii geystay James Rodriguez ka hor intii aan isaga laga saarin garoonka ciyaartii Sabtidii ee Merseyside dereby.James Rodriguez ayaa seegi doona kulanka Everton ay Axadda soo socota la ciyaari doonto Southampton kaddib taakal uu ku qabtay Van Dijk bilowga ciyaartii Liverpool iyo Everton ee barbarraha 2-2 kusoo dhamaaday.Carlo Ancelotti ayaa ku dooday in xiddiga Liverpool uu…

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