British-Ghanaian architect David Adjaye, winner of the RIBA Gold Medal

David Adjaye is the recipient of the Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in 2021. British-Ghanaian, he is the first black architect to receive this award since the establishment of the institution in 1834 in London. It is one of the highest differences in the world of architecture. To David Adjaye in particular, we owe quite a symbol to the National Museum of Afro-American History and Culture, inaugurated four years ago in Washington. The gold medal of Royal Institute of British…

That is the worst food plan for weight reduction

Relating to selecting a food plan to observe, there may be so much of alternatives on the market. And whereas everybody can select a food plan that works effectively for his or her life-style, Rachel Paul, PhD, RD is from, says that there's particularly one food plan that's thought-about the worst food plan for weight reduction. She says a food plan with a give attention to low protein, low fats and excessive carbohydrate content material…

Koox Ingariis Ah Oo La Saxiixatay Daaficii Ugu Qaalisanaa Ee

Tababaraha kooxda Leicester City Brendan Rodgers ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay saxiixa Wesley Fofana oo 40 milyan euro uga soo iibsadeen kooxda Faransiiska ee St Etienne.19 jirkaan ayaa heshiis shan sannadood ah u saxiixa kooxda maanta oo Jimce ah isagoo tijaabada caafimaadka ku maray dalka Jarmalka, wuxuuna ku biirayaa Leicester ka hor kulankooda Premier League ee ay Axada la ciyaarayaan West Ham.Leicester City ayaa bixisay 35 milyan euro oo kaash ah iyo shan milyan euro oo ku xiran qaab ciyaareedka…

Arsenal & Atletico Oo Heshiis Ka Gaaray Saxiixa Xiddig

Kooxaha Atletico Madrid iyo Arsenal ayaa heshiis ka gaaray saxiixa Lucas Torreira iyadoo xiddiga khadka dhexe uu u wareegayo kooxda ka dhisan caasimada Spain.Heshiiska uu Torreira ugu wareegayo Atletico waa mid amaah ah oo dhamaanaya bisha Juun 2021 iyadoo Atletico Madrid khiyaar loo siiyay inay si joogta ah u la wareegto xagaaga danbe.Sida markii hore la filayay heshiiska waa laga bixiyay in Atletico ay qasab ku tahay inay iibsato xiddigaan xagaaga danbe, waxaana loo bedelay mid iyada khiyaar loo siinayo haddii ay wada…

the new authorities hope for a speedy lifting of the ECOWAS embargo

ECOWA's financial sanctions have hung over Bamako for a month and a half. This Thursday, the junta made new promises to the West African organization. The Transitional Charter has been published and the powers of the Transitional President, Colonel Assimi Goïta, leader of the Putschists on 18 August, are limited. In the heart of the Malian power, we do not hide our impatience. "We did what was necessary, we are now awaiting the good news," a senior official close to the junta said this Friday morning. ECOWAS did not…

Musiibo Ku Habsatay Real Madrid, Xiddigii Afaraad Oo Weyn Oo

War kale oo xun ayaa u soo yeeray Real Madrid iyadoo Dani Carvajal uu soo gaaray dhaawac halis ah oo garoomada ka saarayo muddo dheer.Daafaca midig ayaa baaritaano lagu sameeyay, waxaana lagu xaqiijiyay dhaawaciisa jilibka, iyadoo la filayo inuu garoomada ka maqnaado muddo labo bilood ah.“Ka dib baaritaano ay dhakhaatiirta Real Madrid ku sameeyeen Dani Carvajal, waxaa dhaawac xun uu ka soo gaaray jilibka midig, soo kabsashadiisa waa la qiimeyn doonaa” ayaa lagu yiri warbixin ay soo saartay Real Madrid.Waxay tani la micno…

several arrests before a cultural festival in the Oromia region

According to police, more than five people were arrested in the Oromo zone. These arrests come just before the Oromo Ireecha Cultural Festival. Ethiopian authorities say the detainees planned violent action this weekend. Weapons and ammunition were seized during a police operation in Oromia. It is not known if and under what conditions the detainees intended to use it. At the same time, another operation was uncovered, involving the intelligence services, the federal and Amhara region police, but also the federal army.…

Saxiix Cusub Oo Arsenal Ku Fashilmay Islamarkaana Kooxda

Arsenal ayaa lagu waramayaa inay wadahadalo lama filaan ah ugu jirto inay William Saliba amaah kale ku diraan xilli ay xiiseynayaan kooxda Faransiiska ee Rennes iyo kooxo Ingariis ah.Xiddiga Faransiiska ayaa loo arkayay inuu boos joogta ah ka helayo Emirates Stadium ka dib markii uu 28 milyan ginni uga soo wareegayo kooxda St Etienne laakiin waxa uu weli sugayaa inuu Gunners u safto kulankiisii ugu horeysay.19 jirkaan oo lala barbardhigay Virgil van Dijk ayaa la filayay inuu noqon doono wajiga cusub ee daafaca Arsenal isagoo…

Cameroon: Prohibited English?

In the two English-speaking regions of southern Cameroon, the country's regular army has been fighting the armed groups in an asymmetric war for the past three years. In October 2017, English-speaking separatists declared an outbreak state known as "Ambazonia". The armed uprising has turned into a guerrilla war that kills thousands of people, displaces nearly 700,000 more and leaves millions of civilians captured. FRANCE 24 gives you a rare glimpse of one of Africa's forgotten humanitarian tragedies. .

Isku-aadka Europa League Oo La Shaaciyey – Kooxahee Ayey

Isku aadka wareegga hormooyinka tartanka Europa League ayaa lagu dhawaaqay, kaas oo ka kooban 12 group oo min afar kooxood ah. ooxda kubadda cagta Arsenal ayaa hoggaaminaysa Group B, waxaana ku wehelinaya Rapid Vienna, Molde iyo Dundalk, halka Tottenham oo ku jirta Group J, ay afka iska galeen Ludogorets iyo labada kooxood ee kale LASK iyo Royal Antwerp. Kooxda awoodda badan ee Napoli oo sannadkan aan nasiib u yeelanin inay ka qayb-gasho Champions League ayaa tartanka Europa League ku maraysa imtixaan adag iyaga oo…

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