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West Africa

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Niger: A Year Post-Coup D’état, Worsening Conditions

Reflecting on a Year Under Military Rule in Niger To commemorate the anniversary of the CNSP's rise to power, Niger plans several days of festivities starting this Friday. It marks one year since the dramatic events of July 26, 2023, when soldiers forcefully removed Mohamed Bazoum from his presidential post. Since that coup, the former president has been held captive with his spouse in the presidential residence, his immunity stripped away last month. The army justified their abrupt takeover by citing worsening national…

Mali: Conflict Between Army and CSP Rebels Nears End

Violent Clashes Erupt Between Malian Army and Azawad Rebels In a fresh wave of conflict, skirmishes erupted on Thursday afternoon along the Mali-Algeria border. The Malian army, bolstered by its Wagner Group allies, tangled with the Azawad people's rebels of the CSP-DPA (Strategic Framework for the Defense of the People of Azawad) near Tinzaouatene. This volatile region has seen increased military activities as the Fama family patrols the area consistently. Earlier this week, the Malian military proclaimed control over…

Niger: Mohamed Bazoum Resolutely Refuses to Surrender

The Rising Tide of General Tiani's Regime in Niger Just a year ago, Mohamed Bazoum found himself unceremoniously ousted by a military coup. General Tiani, heralded by the ranks, seized control of the nation. In the months that followed, the military solidified its dominion: freedoms were restricted, political party activities were put on ice, and dissenting voices were hushed. No roadmap for a reversion to civilian governance has been laid out. Niger has further distanced itself from past Western comrades, gravitating…

Burkina Faso: Thousands of People Face Violence

Burkina Faso's Crisis Pushes Thousands to Seek Safety in Niger The dire state of security in Burkina Faso has driven hordes of people across the border into Niger. According to a recent statement from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), issued on July 23, the scenario is alarming. They pointed out that this swell of refugees is making an already "catastrophic" situation in the Tillabéry region even worse.

Exporting Nigerian Oil: Exploring Chad as an Alternative Route

Chad-Niger Pipeline Project: Renewed Talks and Strategic Shifts The Chadian oil minister’s visit to Niamey between July 10 and 13 marked a significant step towards reviving the pipeline project between Chad and Niger. In 2019, Nigeria sidelined this project in favor of the Benin route. However, the current diplomatic conflict between Benin and Niger is creating an opportunity to reconsider the Chadian option. This shift brings a renewed focus on connecting the Agadem oil fields to the Doba pipeline in Chad. Niger’s Oil…

Niger: General Tiani Steps Down a Year After the Coup d’État

Reflection on Niger's Military Coup: A Year in Review Niger marks a turbulent anniversary this Friday, July 26. Exactly a year ago, the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland (CNSP) seized the reins of power. The military junta ousted President Mohamed Bazoum in a swift coup. For General Abdourahamane Tiani, the president of the CNSP, the event marked a significant turning point. In a speech broadcast Thursday night on state television RTN, he offered no grand announcements. Instead, he indulged in a…

Senegal: Fresh Arrest in Criminal Activity

Senegal in Turmoil: The Arrest of Amath Suzanne Camara In Senegal, the political landscape took a contentious turn on July 24, 2024, when notable opposition figure Amath Suzanne Camara found himself in handcuffs. The catalyst for his arrest was his vocal critique of President Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Camara's detention brought the controversial law criminalizing insults against the head of state back into the limelight. Under this contentious regulation, offenders can face up to five years behind bars. "The arrest of Camara…

300 Boko Haram Members Stand Trial in Nigeria

Boko Haram Militants Face Justice in Nigeria In an effort to combat terrorism, Nigeria has brought 300 Boko Haram members to trial. These trials aim to hold the insurgent group accountable for countless acts of violence and terror. "Justice must be done, and it will be done," stated a government official. Boko Haram, known for its extreme ideologies, has wreaked havoc across the region. Their campaign of bloodshed and fear has displaced millions and resulted in unspeakable atrocities. "We can't let them terrorize our…

Two Opponents Vanish in Guinea: FNDC Denounces One Case

FNDC Reacts to Government's Comments FNDC Decries Government's Stance on Missing Activists The now-defunct National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC), which disbanded in 2022, has vehemently responded to the statements made by the spokesperson of the Government of Guinea regarding the disappearance of two prominent figures, Fonikè Menguè and Mamadou Billo Bah. These two notable leaders played significant roles within FNDC. Sekou Koundouno, an outspoken member of FNDC, declared, "The…

Senegal: Niokolo-Koba Park Currently Being Evaluated

Niokolo-Koba Park Triumphs as UNESCO Removes It from "In Danger" List Niokolo-Koba Park Triumphs as UNESCO Removes It from "In Danger" List On July 24, UNESCO made a pivotal decision to take Niokolo-Koba Park off its "heritage in peril" list. This sprawling natural expanse in Senegal, famed for its unique biodiversity, had been marked as endangered since 2007. Souleymane Jules Diop, Senegal's ambassador to UNESCO, expressed profound joy, calling it "a genuine triumph" for the nation.…

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