Roobe: Ra’isalwasaarihii 6aad ee  siyaasadda ka billaabay

Engineer Maxamed Xuseen Rooble, Ra'isalwasaaraha 20aad ee xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Engineer Maxamed Xuseen Rooble Waa ra’isalwasaarihii 6aad ee  siyaasadda ka billaabay xilka Wasiirka koowaad, sida uu ku qoray Dokumentigii uu ku codsaday xilka Ra’isalwasaaraha waa 57 jir wax ku bartay Dalalka Soomaaliya & Sweden, derajooyinka 1aad & 2aad ee jaamacadda waxa uu ku sameeyey Handasda deegaanka iyo kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha, waxa uu la shaqeeyey dhowr…

RW Rooble oo gaba-gabeeyay wadatashiga magacaabista

Ra’iisul Wasaaraha XFS Maxamed Xuseen Rooble oo wadatashiyo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ka sameynayay magacaabista Xukuumadda laga sugayo ayaa soo gaba-gabeeyay kulamadaas talo gelinta ah. Sida ilo xog ogaal ah Axadle ay u xaqiijiyiin Rooble ayaa ku dhawaaqaya Golihiisa Wasiirada 48-ta saac ee soo socota si uu u horgeeyo Baarlamaanka Federaalka oo kalsoonida shaqada xukuumadda gacanta ku haya. Rooble ayaa qaar kamid ah Wasiiradii Xukuumaddii Xasan Cali Khayre kusoo daraya…

President Tshisekedi is trying in vain to calm things down in the Karega affair

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, President Félix Tshisekedi is calming things down. The Congolese head of state has commented on the case of Vincent Karega, the Rwandan ambassador accused of denying the Congolese massacres in Kasika in southern France. Kivu, in 1998. Vincent Karega had relativized the responsibility of the Rwandan soldiers and rejected the content of the Mapping report as published by the UN High Commissioner. No question of expelling this diplomat, the president said in front of Congolese journalists…

Mareykanka dib u xusuusanayo 27-sano kahor Askar looga dilay

Mareykanka waxaa Soomaaliya Looga dilay Askar katirsaneed howlgalkii Qaramada Midoobay ee Rajo soo celinta, waxaana ka qaybgalay Dowlado dhowr ah oo ay shukaanta u heysay Xukuumadda Washington sanadkii 1993-dii. 3-dii Oktoobar sanadkii 1993-dii maanta oo kale waxa uu isku dhac dhexmaray Ciidamadii Mareykanka ahaa Taageerayaashii Janaraal Maxamed Faarax Caydiid oo la sheegay in xiligaas ay ku kulansanayeen Suuqa Bakaaraha. Ciidamada sida gaarka u tababaran ee Maraykanka oo…

Maydka qof la dilay oo saakay lagu arkay Degmada Howlwadaag.

Xaafadda Salaama oo dhaxeysa Isgoysyada Baar Ubax iyo Balaagsii Degmada Howlwadaag ee Magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan laamiga dheer ee Soddonka waxaa saakay lagu arkay maydka qof la dilay. Ciidamo katirsan Dowladda Federaalka ayaa tagay halka lagu dilay Ninkaan oo ah dhanka dhinaca laamiga ay ka maraan Gawaarida kasoo tagta Baar Ubax ee aadda dhanka Balaagsii (Black Sea). Baakado ayay dul saareen, Ciidamada Booliiska ayaa xiray waddooyinka u dhaw halka Maydka lagu arkay, waxaana…

the Electoral Commission received the case files with 23 candidates

In Burkina Faso, the submission of candidacies for the presidential election on November 22 has been closed since yesterday Friday at midnight. The Independent National Electoral Commission received 23 cases. Among the graduates are three women and several independent. On October 10, Ceni will announce the official list of candidates for the presidential election. with our correspondent in Ouagadougou On the receipt list of files, we find the heavyweights from politics in Burkina Faso such as Roch Marc Christian…

the new prime minister primarily wants to modernize the country

Prime Minister Victoire Sidémèho Tomégah-Dogbé went to parliament on Friday for the general political statement. A program that she wants to focus on development and modernization. as reported from Lomé, Victoire Sidémèho Tomégah-Dogbé presented her program to a parliament that won over to her case. A program that commits the government to work with more efficiency, more speed in severity in finding solutions to Togolese's daily concerns, as the Prime Minister said: "We are working to mobilize internal resources…

Concerns over African debt following Zambia’s difficulties

Zambia has failed to secure a moratorium on its Eurobond debt from its private creditors. Zambia is one of the many countries that have become indebted to Eurobonds in recent years. As the IMF worries about an alarming rise in debt in Africa, several African countries could quickly default on their payments. The event did not…

fearful recovery of international tourism in Nosy Be

In Madagascar, the island of Nosy Be reopens its borders to international tourists. On Thursday, the first Ethiopian Airlines plane landed after six difficult months for the tourism sector. Another plane showing full according to the Ministry of Tourism is expected this Saturday. as reported from Antananarivo, It is after a PCR test performed as soon as they get off the plane and a 48-hour confinement at their hotel that passengers will be able to enjoy their vacation on this paradise island and its archipelago.…

Morocco, USA sign military cooperation agreement

The U.S. Secretary of Defense ended his visit to North Africa on Friday. Mark Esper was in Morocco after passing Tunisia and Algeria during the week. This three-day tour was intended to strengthen military cooperation, the fight against jihadism and security in the region. "Our alliance is strong and made to last," said…

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