Rice: India establishes itself as Africa’s leading supplier

Indian rice is in the process of replacing Thai rice in Africa. It is exported like never before this year despite delays caused by Covid. Small revolution in the world's rice trade. Africa, which mainly imported its rice from Thailand, is turning more and more to India, which will be its main supplier this year. India has overtaken Thailand for a few years in terms of exports, but so far the two countries have followed each other closely and Thai rice has retained the favor of African buyers. Thai exports down 30%…

Two were found guilty, one acquitted in Kenya Westgate attack case

In tonigh's version: A Kenyan court finds two men guilty of aiding al Shabaab in Westgate mall attacks. 67 people were killed in the 2013 violence. And once the world's leader in phosphates, Tunisia is now importing the product. We bring you a report on the impact of both covid 19 and social movements on the country's phosphate industry. And Madagascar's tourism sector continues to suffer from the…

30 Flat-Belly Mistakes Women Make

You've been crushing it at your spin class, bringing homemade healthy lunches to work, and you drink weight loss smoothies like they're water. And yet the scale doesn't seem to be in any hurry to inch its way down, and your abs refuse to unearth themselves. In fact, did those leggings shrink, or are they tighter this month than last? But fear not, we're about to school you in sneaky—and very common!—flubs that could be keeping the belly fat on your middle. After you've seen our list of mistakes many women make,…

40 Meals For Weight Loss & Flat Abs

It is by no means too late to get your physique again in form—particularly when your native grocery store has loads of meals for weight reduction that burn stomach fats. As you age, fats begins accumulating round your midsection, which is particularly harmful as a result of it may be an indicator of coronary heart illness, weight problems, and diabetes. That will help you banish stomach fats for good, we have compiled 40 finest meals for weight reduction that may shrink your intestine. Are you turning to smoothies…

Xasuuqii Faransiisku U Geystay Ukraine, Labada Farxadood Ee

Xulka qaranka France ayaa xasuuqay dhiggiisa Ukraine oo ay isku haleeleen kulan saaxiibtinimo oo ka dhacay garoonka qaranka ee Stade de France ee ku yaalla magaalada Paris.Kulankan oo kabtan looga dhigay Olivier Giroud oo ay ahayd ciyaartiisii 100aad ee uu u safto France ayaa waxa uu kusoo dhamaaday bahdilaad loo geystay Ukraine oo lagu garaacay 7-1, iyadoo uu laba ka mid ah goolashana dhaliyey Olivier Giroud.Daqiiqaddii 9aad ee ciyaarta ayuu da’yarka kooxaha badan doonayaan ee Eduardo Camavinga u furay gool-dhalinta xulka…

Ethiopian parliament votes to cut ties to Tigray region

ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopian lawmakers have ruled that federal officials should cut ties with leaders in the northern Tigray region who defied Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed last month by holding elections his government considered "illegal." The decision, announced late on Tuesday by the House of Federation, the upper house of parliament, promotes the collapse of relations between Abiy and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), which dominated Ethiopian politics before Abiy came to power in 2018 and is still under…

Portugal Iyo Spain Oo Goolal La’aan Ku Kala Baxay, Cristiano

Cristiano Ronaldo iyo Sergio Ramos ayaan isku soo gaadhin garoonka gudihiisa kulan saaxiibtinimo oo barbarro goolal la’aan ah ay ku kala baxeen waddamada Portugal iyo Spain.Ciyaar fursado badan ay heleen Spain iyo Portugal oo ay iskugu diyaarinayeen kulamada UEFA Nations League ee toddobaadka dambe ayay 0-0 ku dhamaysteen, waxaana xiddigihii indhaha lagu hayay ee Ronaldo oo ciyaarta kusoo bilowday ay is-waayeen Sergio Ramos oo markii uu CR7 baxay lasoo geliyey.Waddanka Spain ayaa ciyaarta inteeda badan maamulayay, waxaanay…

9 best healthy diet hacks for weight loss

Being “healthy” doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to just eating salads and avoiding ice cream forever. In fact, it is accurate opposite of what to do. Healthy eating is about balance. It's about Find ways to incorporate nutritious food into your diet while still enjoying the foods you love. Still though this sounds simple, it can seem daunting at first. Therefore, we put together a list of healthy eating disorders to get you started. By following these…

Spain Iyo Portugal Oo Wada-jir Ugu Dhawaaqay Inay

Waddamada Portugal iyo Spain ayaa si wada jir ah ugu dhawaaqay inay u tartamayaan martigelinta Koobka Adduunka ee 2030.Xidhiidhada kubadda cagta ee waddamadan ayaa caawa shaaciyey inay doonayaan in si wada jir ah ay u martigeliyaan Koobka Adduunka ee ku xigi doona Qatar oo 2022 lagu qabanayo iyo saddexda waddan ee Canada, Maraykanka iyo Mexico oo wada-jir u qaban doona sannadka 2026ka.Pedro Sanchez iyo Antonio Costa oo ah madaxweyneyaasha xidhiidhada labada waddan ayaa soo bandhigay codsiga ay FIFA u gudbiyeen oo ay ku…

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