SNA troops liberate Al-Shabaab from new areas in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The struggle towards Al-Qaeda-linked group; Al-Shabaab intensified on Monday after a number of authorities troops have been deployed to central Somalia, a area that's just about beneath the administration of the militants in search of to overthrow a fragile UN-backed Somalia authorities. Armed with armored autos, the Somali Nationwide Military troops fell on the militants within the village of Basra, positioned between Bal'advert and Afgoye about 30 kilometers north of Mogadishu, the capital…

Liverpool Oo Musiibadu Kusii Kordhayso & Xiddigii SADDEXAAD

Waxa halkooda kasii socda dhibaatooyinka ay maalmihii ugu dambeeyay lasoo kulmayeen xiddigaha kooxda difaacanaysa horyaalka Premier League iyadoo ciyaaryahanka kooxdaas ee Xherdan Shaqiri uu kamid noqday liiskooda dhibanayaasha ah.Shaqiri ayaa laga helay xanuunka saf-marka ku ah dunida ee Korona Fayras waana ciyaaryahankii saddexaad ee Liverpool ah ee laga helo xanuunkaas mudo toddobaad gudihii ah.Xaqiiqada ah in xidhiidhka kubadda cagta Switzerland uu ku dhawaaqay xanuunka Shaqiri ayaa imanaysa xilli maalmo kahor uun la…

Chad publicizes army reinforcement for G5 Sahel

Chad will quickly mobilize one other army contingent to strengthen the joint energy of the G5 Sahel. The announcement was made on Monday night time in Nouakchott on the shut of the eighth Odd Session of the Organizing Council of Chadian Overseas Ministers. Chad will quickly mobilize one other army contingent of about 1,000…

Labada Shaxood Ee Adag Ee Mikel Arteta Uu Ku Ciyaarsiin Karo

Mikel Arteta ayaa isticmaali kara laba shaxood oo adag oo uu naadigiisa Arsenal ku ciyaarsiin karo kaddib markii Gunners ay maalintii ugu dambaysay suuqa iibka ciyaartoyda lasoo saxeexatay Thomas Partey oo ay kala soo wareegeen Atletico Madrid.27 jirkan reer Ghana ayay Arsenal bixisay lacagtii lagu burburin karayay heshiiskiisa Atletico, waxaana uu siinayaa Arteta kalsooni khadka dhexe ah iyo inuu ka warwar la’aado goolashii badnaa ee laga dhalinayay iyo dhexdii sida fudud lagu jabin karayay.Kooxda ka dhisan woqooyiga London…

start work on the new terminal in Abidjan Harbor

Ivory Coast on Monday launched the construction of a new container terminal in the Port of Abidjan, one of Africa's largest and economic centers, supplying 90% of the country's foreign trade. After refilling of approx. 30 hectares begins a new phase and should last 18 months. It will consist of the installation of superstructures and equipment at the new terminal.…

Al-Shabaab brokers are a part of a terrorist community trapped in

KISMAYO, Somalia - Police and intelligence brokers launched joint raids in Kismayo, the momentary capital of the state of Jubaland in Somalia, and arrested three suspected Al-Shabaab after grenade assaults within the port metropolis final Friday evening. The seize of key Al-Shabaab operatives in a community of terror may as soon as once more form the battle towards the militants in Somalia, a rustic that has struggled with instability, terrorism and piracy for greater than twenty years. Amongst these detained is…

Golaha Guurtida Gobaladda Waqooyi oo u codeeyay Xeerka

Fadhi maanta Golaha Guurtida Gobaladda Waqooyi ku yeeshay Magaalada Hargeysa waxa uu u codeeyay Xeer guud ee Doorashooyinka iyo diiwaangelinta cod-bixiyaasha oo muran ka taagnaa. Xubno katirsan Aqalka Guurtida ayaa dood ka keenay Xeerka Doorashada, balse Guddoonka ayaa ka dalbaday in si duuduub ah loo ansixiyo, maadaama nidaamkaan uu hage u yahay doorashada. 53-Xildhibaan oo fadhiga joogtay waxaa codka Doorashooyinka Gobaladda Waqooyi & Cod-bixiyaasha siiyay 49-kamid ah…

Real Madrid Oo Rikoodh Cusub Ka Dhigtay Suuqa Iibka

Real Madrid ayaa suuqa xagaagani u xidhmay iyadoon hal ciyaartoy lasoo wareegin, waxaana kaliya furnaa albaabka bixitaanka oo dersin laacibiinteeda ka mid ah qaarna ay iibisay, kuwo kalena amaah ay ku baxeen.Los Blancos ayaa loo diiwaangeliyey rikoodh cajiib ah oo aan 40kii sannadood ee ugu dambeeyey soo marin kooxdan, waxaanay u noqotay xagaagii ugu horreeyey ee aanay wax ciyaartooyo ah lasoo wareegin muddadaas afartanka sannadood ah.Tababare Zinedine Zidane ayaa waxa kaliya oo uu koodiisa kusoo celiyey saddex ciyaartoy oo…

Farmajo ends the Eritrea journey after a two-day keep in Asmara

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo ended his two-day official journey to Eritrea on Monday night time and returned to Mogadishu, a high official in Asmara stated, including that the Somali chief had bilateral talks with President Isaias Afwerki, who has been on the helm for almost three years. a long time. Farmajo arrived in Eritrea on Sunday after a short keep in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, the place he witnessed the signing of the historic settlement between Sudan's transitional…

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