Somali Troops Seize Yemeni Al-Shabaab Commander in Galgaduud

Military sources conveyed that the apprehension was facilitated by intel relayed by locals in El-dher district. The nabbed individual admitted, under interrogation, to being a big cheese in Galgaduud region.

This capture follows hot on the heels of reports highlighting teamwork between Al-Shabaab and Houthi rebels. U.S. intelligence sources indicated that the Houthis have been arming Al-Shabaab with advanced weaponry and logistical support, stirring worries about an uptick in regional violence.

A recent piece from VOA News emphasized how Al-Shabaab has undone some progress achieved by Somali forces, primarily due to Houthi backing.

This symbiotic relationship has empowered Al-Shabaab to enhance its capabilities and widen its reach. Security experts are alarmed that this could spur a spike in coordinated strikes and a rise in violence.

Last week, Somali forces zeroed in on various Al-Shabaab sanctuaries in Galgaduud, capturing and neutralizing numerous militants. This operation is a slice of broader efforts to root out Al-Shabaab lairs in central Somalia.

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