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Somali Forces Eliminate Al-Shabaab Fighters

Somali Forces Triumph Over Al-Shabaab Militia MOGADISHU, Somalia - Three days of sustained military campaigns have seen the Somali National Army (SNA) gain significant ground against Al-Shabaab. These extremists aim to dethrone the delicate UN-supported federal government of Somalia. Military reports reveal that several key Al-Shabaab bases were targeted by army operations in Abagbeday, approximately 20 kilometers from Hudur town, Bokool region in Southwest state. Their fortresses crumbled under heavy fire. Insiders in…

Al-Shabaab Leaders Capitulate to Somali Forces During Military Campaign

Al-Shabaab Leaders Turn Themselves in to Somali Troops Amid Heightened Conflict MOGADISHU, Somalia - In a significant uplift for the Somali government, two prominent Al-Shabaab figures have thrown in the towel, substantially strengthening efforts against these militants who are relentlessly aiming to dismantle the existing regime. Insider information reveals that these commandants capitulated to the Somali National Army in the Bulo Marer District, situated in the Lower Shabelle region, a locality noted for its allegiance…

Turkey to Send Naval Forces to Somali Waters

Turkey Poised to Send Navy to Somali Waters ANKARA, Turkey - Following a recent defense accord with Somalia, Turkey is gearing up to dispatch its Navy to Somali waters. This move is contingent on the approval of a motion put forth by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in parliament. Somalia inked the defense agreement with Turkey after Ethiopia entered into an unauthorized Memorandum of Understanding with the autonomous region of Somaliland. The purpose of this deal is to gain access to the Red Sea. The arrangement could lead…

Guinea: Forces Vives de Guinée is getting ready for an upcoming event

Global Outcry Swells Against Abduction in Guinea Outrage is brewing both locally and internationally following the abduction of Foniké Menguè and Billo Bah, which took place during the night between Tuesday, the 9th, and Wednesday, the 10th, last week. Among the Forces Vives de Guinée, various political factions are gearing up for a demonstration. Their aim? To denounce the widespread repression perpetrated by President Mamadi Doumbouya's CNRD junta. "We're fed up with the tyranny," declared one opposition leader, a…

Human rights violations against farmers by Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces

Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan Continues The brutal conflict in Sudan has raged on for over a year now. Reports from the High Committee of Refugees reveal that a staggering 10 million Sudanese people have been forced out of their homes, with 8 million of them still stranded within the country. The situation is dire, particularly for the thousands of farmers who have been uprooted from their land. This mass displacement has disrupted agricultural activities for two consecutive seasons, sparking concerns of a looming famine…

Ethiopian forces burn a Tigray man alive, says rights physique EHRC

Ethiopian forces burn a Tigray man alive, says rights physique EHRC ADDIS ABABA - The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) on Sunday accused authorities safety forces of burning a person alive. A grotesque video of the incident was circulating on social media. Some of the folks apparently concerned within the incident have been sporting uniforms. The Ethiopian authorities stated it might…

towards a new organization of the defense and security forces

Burkinabe's defense and security forces are reorganizing to better deal with attacks by armed groups. A new national security strategy will soon be implemented, according to Brigadier General Aimé Barthelemy Simporé, Minister of Defense. as reported from Ouagadougou,Yaya BoudaniReorganization of ground forces, territorial…

Ethiopian spy chief vows to wipe out Tigray forces from the nation

NAIROBI, Kenya - The Director of Ethiopia's National Intelligence and Security Service Temesgen Tiruneh vowed to crush the Tigray protection forces , which continued to shut in on Amhara and Afar territories, additional complicating the Tigray War. The intelligence chief has additionally stepped up the tough criticism towards foreign nations he accused of saving the TDF. He didn't, nevertheless, point out the nations he suspected of serving to the Tigray rebels. In a press release on Facebook, Temesgen, who was the…

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