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Horjoogayaal ka tirsanaa Al-shabaab oo isku soo dhiibay ciidanka dowladda

 Arbaco, Luulyo, 24, 2024 (AX) - Laba horjooge oo waqti dheer ka tirsana kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa Shalay galinkii dambe  isku soo dhiibay gacanta ciidanka xooga dalka Soomaaliya.Horjoogayaashan isa soo dhiibay ayaa kala ah Cabdi Maxamed Caraaye oo magaciisa Afgarashada ee kooxda Al-shabaab ugu yeerto uu yahay Cabdirashiid, kaasoo kooxda u qaabilsana dhanka Maaliyada, wuxuuna isku soo dhiibay Ururka 26-aad guutada 6-aad ee qaybta 60-aad ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaliyeed ee ku sugan deegaanka Buula Mareer ee gobolka…

Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo dardar galinta dagaalka ka dhanka ah Al-shabaab u tagay Afmadoow

 Jimco, Luulyo, 26, 2024 (AX) - Madaxweynaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam, Axmed Madoobe ayaa maanta gaaray degmada Afmadoow ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose, halkaas oo uu u tagay dardar galinta dagaalka ka dhanka ah kooxda Al-shabaab.Axmed Madoobe ayaa gudaha magaalada Afmadoow kulan gaar ah kula qaatay saraakiisha hogaaminaysa ciidanka iyo xubno isugu jira qrybaha kala duwan ee bulashada ku nool Afmadoow oo uu kala hadlay xoojinta howlgalada Al-shabaab looga xureynayo Jubbaland.Tagista madaxweynaha Jubbaland uu…

Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo ciidamada uga digay qorshe kale oo ay damacsan yihiin Al-shabaab

 Khamiis, Luulyo, 25, 2024 (AX) - Madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam, Axmed Madoobe ayaa booqasho ku tagay deegaanka Buulo Xaaji ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose oo dhawaan uu ka dhacay dagaal culus oo khasaare badan geystay.Axmed Madoobe oo ciidamada ku sugan Buulo Xaaji kula hadlay goob fagaare ah ayaa ugu horeyn ku boggaadiyay guulaha ay ka gaareen weerarkii Al-shabaab kusoo qaaday Isniintii lasoo dhaafay deegaanka Buulo Xaaji, isagoona uga digay ciidanka weerar kale oo aargudasho ah oo ay kooxda soo…

Somalia: Jubaland Leader Commends Troops for Victory Against Al-Shabaab

Jubaland's Triumph: Honoring Soldiers for Defeating Al-Shabaab KISMAYO, Somalia - Ahmed Madobe, the president of Jubaland, has recognized the valiant efforts of local troops who played a significant role in overcoming Al-Shabaab on three pivotal fronts. This feat was lauded as the 'most triumphant' endeavor by indigenous forces. Madobe bestowed medals upon the soldiers and elevated their ranks for displaying valor in Monday's clashes with the Al-Shabaab faction. The confrontation resulted in the deaths of over 130…

Somali Forces Eliminate Al-Shabaab Fighters

Somali Forces Triumph Over Al-Shabaab Militia MOGADISHU, Somalia - Three days of sustained military campaigns have seen the Somali National Army (SNA) gain significant ground against Al-Shabaab. These extremists aim to dethrone the delicate UN-supported federal government of Somalia. Military reports reveal that several key Al-Shabaab bases were targeted by army operations in Abagbeday, approximately 20 kilometers from Hudur town, Bokool region in Southwest state. Their fortresses crumbled under heavy fire. Insiders in…

Al-Shabaab Leaders Capitulate to Somali Forces During Military Campaign

Al-Shabaab Leaders Turn Themselves in to Somali Troops Amid Heightened Conflict MOGADISHU, Somalia - In a significant uplift for the Somali government, two prominent Al-Shabaab figures have thrown in the towel, substantially strengthening efforts against these militants who are relentlessly aiming to dismantle the existing regime. Insider information reveals that these commandants capitulated to the Somali National Army in the Bulo Marer District, situated in the Lower Shabelle region, a locality noted for its allegiance…

Somali Army Chief Visits Wounded Soldiers Following Fatal Encounter with Al-Shabaab

Somalia's Army Chief Visits Wounded Soldiers After Fierce Battle with Al-Shabaab MOGADISHU, Somalia - Major General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhydin, the Chief of Defence Forces for the Somali National Army (SNA), paid a visit to soldiers injured in Monday’s violent clash in Southern Somalia. This confrontation involved the army and Al-Shabaab insurgents attempting to seize military outposts. Accompanied by police chief Brigadier Sulub Ahmed Firin, known for his pivotal role in upholding law and order, Major General Muhydin…

Somali Military Achieves Numerous Victories Over Al-Shabaab

Somali Forces Celebrate Triumphs Over Al-Shabaab KISMAYO, Somalia - Monday marked a significant milestone for the Somali National Army (SNA), as they reported a remarkable performance in their recent engagements. The SNA's strategic maneuvers resulted in the death of over 120 Al-Shabaab militants across three distinct operations, targeting the insurgents who attempted assaults on military installations. Joint efforts of the Somali National Army and Jubaland Security Forces secured victories in three separate…

Somalia: Scores of Al-Shabaab Fighters Killed in Thwarted Assault

Somalia: Dubious Raid on Military Bases Turns Deadly for Al-Shabaab KISMAYO, Somalia - Jubaland regional forces, in tandem with the Somali National Army (SNA), successfully exterminated 80 Al-Shabaab militants on Monday, as per the information ministry's report while showcasing the remains of the assailants who had tried to seize a military encampment. In a coordinated effort, the army, along with Jubaland regional allies, thwarted Al-Shabaab in three different frontlines, previously liberated from the insurgent group,…

Al-Shabaab Militants Executed by Firing Squad in Somalia

Somalia Executes Al-Shabaab Fighters in Crackdown KISMAYO, Somalia - Somali officials announced that Al-Shabaab insurgents faced the firing squad in the latest offensive against the group destabilizing the region for nearly two decades. Al-Shabaab, notorious for its attempts to overthrow Somalia's shaky UN-supported government, keeps losing ground as efforts intensify to oust them. The militants have seen key towns slip from their grip nationwide. Reports indicated that on Tuesday in Kismayo, Jubaland state, five men were…

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