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Al Shabaab

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo ka hadlay dagaalo lagu jabiyay Al-shabaab oo ka dhacay Jubbada Hoose

 Talaado, Luulyo, 23, 2024 (AX) - Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo ka hadlay dagaalo qaraar oo shalay aroornimadii hore ka dhacay laba Saldhig oo ciidanka xoogga dalka iyo kuwa Daraawiishta Jubbaland ku leyihiin Jubbada Hoose ayaa bogaadiyey guulo ay ka gaareen ciidanka dagaaladaas.Wuxuu sheegay madaxweynaha in weeraradii Shalay kooxdu ku qaaday deegaanada Buulo Xaaji iyo Harboole guulaha ciidanka ka gaareen iney ka marqaati kacayso tayada iyo awoodda ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed…

Horjoogayaal ka tirsanaa Al-shabaab oo isku soo dhiibay ciidanka dowladda

 Arbaco, Luulyo, 24, 2024 (AX) - Laba horjooge oo waqti dheer ka tirsana kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa Shalay galinkii dambe  isku soo dhiibay gacanta ciidanka xooga dalka Soomaaliya.Horjoogayaashan isa soo dhiibay ayaa kala ah Cabdi Maxamed Caraaye oo magaciisa Afgarashada ee kooxda Al-shabaab ugu yeerto uu yahay Cabdirashiid, kaasoo kooxda u qaabilsana dhanka Maaliyada, wuxuuna isku soo dhiibay Ururka 26-aad guutada 6-aad ee qaybta 60-aad ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaliyeed ee ku sugan deegaanka Buula Mareer ee gobolka…

Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo dardar galinta dagaalka ka dhanka ah Al-shabaab u tagay Afmadoow

 Jimco, Luulyo, 26, 2024 (AX) - Madaxweynaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam, Axmed Madoobe ayaa maanta gaaray degmada Afmadoow ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose, halkaas oo uu u tagay dardar galinta dagaalka ka dhanka ah kooxda Al-shabaab.Axmed Madoobe ayaa gudaha magaalada Afmadoow kulan gaar ah kula qaatay saraakiisha hogaaminaysa ciidanka iyo xubno isugu jira qrybaha kala duwan ee bulashada ku nool Afmadoow oo uu kala hadlay xoojinta howlgalada Al-shabaab looga xureynayo Jubbaland.Tagista madaxweynaha Jubbaland uu…

Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo ciidamada uga digay qorshe kale oo ay damacsan yihiin Al-shabaab

 Khamiis, Luulyo, 25, 2024 (AX) - Madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam, Axmed Madoobe ayaa booqasho ku tagay deegaanka Buulo Xaaji ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose oo dhawaan uu ka dhacay dagaal culus oo khasaare badan geystay.Axmed Madoobe oo ciidamada ku sugan Buulo Xaaji kula hadlay goob fagaare ah ayaa ugu horeyn ku boggaadiyay guulaha ay ka gaareen weerarkii Al-shabaab kusoo qaaday Isniintii lasoo dhaafay deegaanka Buulo Xaaji, isagoona uga digay ciidanka weerar kale oo aargudasho ah oo ay kooxda soo…

Senior Al-Shabaab commander visits Somalia – navy

Senior Al-Shabaab commander visits Somalia - navy BAIDOA, Somalia - Amid ongoing al-Shabaab assaults in Somalia, a senior determine within the al-Qaeda-linked group surrendered to authorities troopers over the weekend because the nation struggles to include violent extremism coming into the his sixteenth yr. Government troops have intensified the crackdown on militants within the southwestern…

Al-Shabab’s Rise in Somalia Suicide Bombings ‘Change in Tactics’, Experts Say

Al-Shabab's Rise in Somalia Suicide Bombings 'Change in Tactics', Experts Say Al-Shabab extremists in Somalia are changing into "more audacious" of their assaults and are more and more resorting to suicide bombers carrying improvised explosives in what safety consultants name a "change in tactics". The Islamist militant group staged certainly one of its deadliest assaults on Wednesday, focusing…

Death toll rises to twenty, together with MP in twin bombings in Somalia

Death toll rises to twenty, together with MP in twin bombings in Somalia BELEDWEYNE, Somalia - The dying toll within the Beledweyne bombings has risen to twenty, officers stated on Thursday, after at the very least ten extra individuals died of their accidents in varied hospitals moments after they had been evacuated from the scene. Officials stated the primary explosion in the town killed…

US senators push for redeployment of troops to Somalia

US senators push for redeployment of troops to Somalia WASHINGTON- A 12 months after the troops withdrew from Somalia, numerous US senators now need President Joe Biden to redeploy the troops to the Horn of Africa nation, The notes, including that the transfer will assist "de significantly" within the combat in opposition to Al-Shabaab. In January 2021, former President Donald Trump…

Roadside blast kills 9 Kenyan troopers in Somalia

Roadside blast kills 9 Kenyan troopers in Somalia KISMAYO, Somalia - At least 9 Kenya Defense Forces Soldiers have been killed in Gherille within the Gedo area on Monday, officers mentioned, in the most recent assault focusing on safety forces within the Federal Republic of Somalia. The Gedo space is an element of Sector II of the African Union Mission forces . KDF troopers have been typically…

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