Somali Troops Seize Key Ruunirgood Stronghold from Al-Shabaab

For a stretch of days now, soldiers have been active in Ruunirgood, a zone erstwhile controlled by Al-Shabaab. Military brass say they’re in the throes of minesweeping efforts, since Al-Shabaab departed leaving hidden dangers in their wake.

“The Somali National Army has surged forth from multiple fronts into Ruunirgood District, seizing control of this key area straddling the Galgaduud and Middle Shabelle regions. Investigations are underway in the city,” stated the government communiqué.

Authorities didn’t mention any losses or disclose where Al-Shabaab fighters might have skedaddled to.

The fall of Ruunirgood marks a big win for government forces. Al-Shabaab had turned the spot into a staging ground for activities across the Galgaduud and Middle Shabelle areas.

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