Somali PM Hamza Abdi Barre Embarks on Mission to Strengthen Iraq Relations

MOGADISHU, Somalia – On Thursday, Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre departed for Iraq, answering an invitation from Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani.

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The trip aims to tighten the relationship between Somalia and Iraq, focusing on discussions around security cooperation and shared interests.

Both countries are currently battling terrorism, and these high-level talks are expected to zero in on ways to boost their security collaboration, along with progress in economy, culture, education, and healthcare.

“Our mission is to deepen the historic ties between Somalia and Iraq, especially enhancing security cooperation and addressing shared concerns,” stated Prime Minister Barre during a meeting with President Abdul Latif Rashid of Iraq in Manama, Bahrain.

This visit forms part of a larger initiative to strengthen bilateral ties between these Arab League members. Currently, Arab League leaders are convening in Bahrain, discussing various regional issues, including Red Sea events, navigation threats in the Arabian Gulf, border disputes between Djibouti and Eritrea, and the ongoing conflict in Sudan.

Prime Minister Barre’s journey to Iraq marks a crucial move towards reinforcing the connection between the two nations, who have historically aligned in combating violent extremism. The talks will center on mutual benefits and the importance of cooperation in numerous sectors.

As Prime Minister Barre engages in these pivotal discussions with Iraqi leadership, his visit is perceived as a golden opportunity to solidify bonds and tackle common challenges head-on.


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