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Five Key Insights into Turkey’s Involvement in Africa, Particularly Somalia

Five Key Insights Into Turkey's Engagement in Africa, Including Somalia Turkey is carving a substantial niche for itself on the global diplomatic and economic stage, particularly in Africa. This week, the nation revealed plans to explore oil and gas reserves off the coast of Somalia. Under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s two-decade-long leadership, Ankara has strengthened its presence across Africa, increasing its number of embassies fourfold. Here are five pivotal aspects of Turkey's diplomatic and economic maneuvers in…

Trump Shooting: Three Key Developments to Watch This Week

Trump Survives Assassination Attempt; Faces Crucial Week Ahead Donald Trump is set to be officially named the Republican presidential candidate this week, against the backdrop of a failed assassination attempt that has further deepened political tensions in the United States. Democratic President Joe Biden has called for an investigation into how a 20-year-old with an AR-15-style rifle managed to get close enough to target Trump from a rooftop last Saturday. Here's what to watch in the days to come: 1. Republican…

Investment in skills development is ‘key to Africa’s growth’

By 2050, a large share of the world’s workforce will be African, but the continent needs more jobs and strategic investment to meet the potential and expectations of its greatest asset: its people. Ragnheiour Elin Arnadottir, Director of the OECD Development Centre, discusses the next steps. Meanwhile, Kenyan President William Ruto is firing nearly all of his ministers as he struggles to contain the fallout from weeks of anti-government protests. Finally, a new competitor in the Central African Republic’s beer market is…

Al-Shabaab suffers worst defeat as Somali military retakes key areas

Al-Shabaab suffers worst defeat as Somali military retakes key areas MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based al-Shabaab militants suffered heavy casualties in central Somalia's Mudug area on Tuesday, state media reported in the most recent crackdown on the militants, who nonetheless management a number of villages in Somalia. nation. According to state media, not less than 90 al-Shabaab terrorists…

After the battle, ISIS captured a key area in the northeastern state of Somalia

Northeastern State - In what may be the first major attack on the Somali authorities, ISSomalia extremists captured a strategicallyimportantcity inthe north-eastof the state on Wednesday, a move that could spark bitter fighting with security forces in the region known for peace and stability. Somali extremists have captured the city of Balidhidin in the Bari region, making it the first city to fall into the hands of militants whose presence in the north-east of the state has increased according to analysts. Most of the…

Division on LH electoral procedures forward of key Somalia summit

Division on LH electoral procedures ahead of key Somalia summit MOGADISHU, Somalia - Cracks have appeared in the Federal Election Commission on the electoral procedure of the lower house which will be applied during the current legislative elections, which could delay the exercise, which will pave the way for the presidential elections. In a statement released Tuesday, the FIET team appeared to…

Bus with footballers explodes in Somalia as key elections begin

Bus with soccer players exploded in Somalia at the start of key elections MOGADISHU, Somalia - Four local footballers in Somalia were killed when an explosion believed to have been caused by a bomb ravaged their bus on Friday, police and witnesses said. Ten players from the Jubaland Chamber of Commerce and Industry club were on their way to a game at the stadium in the city of Kismayo in…

Al-Shabaab hit laborious as military seizes key metropolis in central Somalia

Al-Shabaab hit hard as army seizes key central Somali town MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali national army on Tuesday recaptured the town of Ba'adweyn from al-Shabaab militants, more than four months after the region was captured by the al-Qaida-linked group, which controls large swathes of rural central and southern parts of the country. Somalia. Al-Shabaab has used the strategic city to unleash…

the key witness tells about ICC judges

Since May 24, the International Criminal Court has heard a key witness in the trial of Patrice-Édouard Ngaïssona and Alfred Yekatom, accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in 2013 and 2014 in the Central African Republic. Joachim Kokaté spoke about the first steps in anti-balaka and revealed the content of the meetings organized in exile by the dismissed President François Bozizé.…

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