Burcad badeedda Soomaalida oo 5-sano ku afduubatay

Muddo shan sano ah kooxaha burcad badeedda Soomaalida waxaa gacantooda galay dad gaaraya 3600 ruux oo la socday maraakiib kala duwan oo qaarkood waday Kunteenaro ganacsi, Kalluumeysi, Doomaha dabayl ku socodka ah ee (Dhows) & Booyado Shidaal. Dhammaan nuucdaan waa Maraakiibta & Doomaha ay qafaalatay Burcadda Soomaalida sida uu xaqiijiyay Xafiiska Caalamiga ah ee Badaha oo la socotay howshaan muddada shanta sano ah ee afduubka uu dhacayay. Saddex kamid ah Doomaha ka…

Paolo Maldini Oo Magacaabay SADDEXDII Ciyaartoy Ee Uu Ugu

Halyeygii difaaca AC Milan iyo xulka qaranka Talyaaniga ee Paulo Maldini ayaa shaaciyey magacyada ciyaaryahannadii uu ugu necbaa waqtigii uu ciyaartoyga ahaa, waxaanay yihiin xiddigo waaweyn oo joojintooda iyo xakamayntooduba ay aad ugu adkaatay.Maldini oo ay da’diisu tahay 52 jir, waxa uu ku jiraa difaacyahannada ugu fiicnaa taariikhda kubadda cagta, waxaanu cimriqiiga ku dhamaystay AC Milan oo bilow illaa dhamaad uu soo dhex-taagnaa.Muddadii dheerayd ee uu ciyaartoyga ahaa, waxay iska hor yimaaddeen ciyaaryahanno badan oo…

Al-Shabaab ranked as the most “skilled” terrorist group in

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Al-Shabaab remains one of the most "skilled and dangerous" terrorist groups in Africa, the US-African Command has said, arguing that the militants are threatening the interests of Somalia's Western allies in their relentless attacks on security forces and civilians in East Africa. For the past 14 years, the group that swore allegiance to Al-Qaeda in 2012 has released terror to security forces working in Somalia and Kenya in addition to targeting innocent civilians. Also trapped in the mix are…

Waa Sidee Xaaladda Caafimaad Ee Sadio Mane Oo Uu Ku Dhacay

Xiddiga Liverpool ee Sadio Mane ayaa la geliyey karantiil markii laga helay xanuunka Korona Fayras sida ay kooxdiisu shaacisay xalay, waxaanu noqday ciyaartoygii labaad ee Reds ka tirsan ee uu Korona Fayras ku dhaco.Thiago Alcantara ayaa toddobaadkii hore uu xanuunkani ku dhacay, waxaanu seegay labadii kulan ee Arsenal ee Premier League iyo Carabao Cup, laakiin waxa haddana war xun usoo yeedhay tababare Jurgen Klopp oo lagu wargeliyey in Sadio Mane uu isagana ku dhacay xanuunkani.Sadio Mane iyo Thiago ayaa labaduba maraya…

Transition in Mali: makes the demand for integrity an option

The transition in Mali is what is being discussed today with Wathi. They believe there is a certain moment of integrity demands from the Malian citizens that need to be seized in order not to miss the transition.Yes, from the demonstrations by the M5 movement to the remarks of Malian citizens about the choice of personalities to…

12 worst weekend habits to your waist

PSA: Should you’ve let unfastened over the weekend and are able to hop again on the weight loss program wagon Monday morning, it might be sensible to step off the dimensions. A 2014 examine within the journal Details about weight problems discovered that we are likely to weigh not less than Friday morning and most on Sunday and Monday. So let's deviate. What precisely occurs on the weekends that causes weight acquire on Monday morning and makes our work…

concern about the international mission departing from Conakry

As part of the presidential election scheduled for October 18, a joint mission between diplomats and partners from Guinea left Conakry yesterday, Friday, after spending a few days there. The aim is to try to restore trust between all the actors involved in the electoral process, but also to look closely at the status of the preparations for an inclusive, fair and equitable vote. At the end of their mission, envoys from the UN, the African Union and ECOWAS, despite their smiles, leave Conakry with some concern and not…

Hordhac: Leeds United vs. Man City

Leeds United oo wadata maskaxdeeda tababare Marcelo Bielsa ayaa sugaysa in Elland Road ay ugu timaaddo Manchester City oo kulankeedii ugu dambeeyey guul-darro weyn oo 5-2 ah ay usoo xambaarisay Leicester City oo waliba marti u ahayd.City oo dhawr saxeex samaysay intii uu suuqa iibku furnaa, ayaa labadii kulan ee ay ciyaartay horyaalka Premier League ee xili ciyaareedkan, waxay guuleysatay hal mar oo kaliya, ciyaarta labaadna waa midda fadeexaddu kasoo gaadhay ee Leicester ku burburisay, taas oo ka dhigan in kaliya saddex…

Baarlamaanka Galmudug oo maanta Saxaafadda loo fasaxayo

Baarlamaanka Dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug oo maanta fadhi xasaasi ah ka leh fasaxyada Xildhibaannada iyo kaararka aqoonsiga ayaa loo fasaxayaa saxaafadda in ay gudaha u gasho xarunta. Arrintaan ayaa ka dambeysay kadib markii muran uu ka dhashay maqnaashiyaha Xildhibaannada iyo guddoonka, dabagalka mudanayaasha oo aan jirin & howlaha shaqo ee horyaalla oo aad u badan. Xildhibaanno katirsan Baarlamaanka Galmudug ayaa dalbaday in Warbaahinta loo ogolaado in ay duubato oo ay…

Mauritian Ananda Devi tells the women’s millennium “Fardo”

The new book from the pen by Mauritian novelist Ananda Devi is not a novel, but an original written exercise published in co-edition with the Musée des Confluences in Lyon. Inspired by the author's encounter with the mummy of a Peruvian, pre - Columbian woman who lived three thousand years ago, Fardo is a text halfway between anthropology, history and reflection on art and writing. The original in its form nonetheless revives this book the haunted themes of Ananda Devi's work, ranging from the state of women to social…

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