Muxuu Frank Lampard Ka Yiri Rigooradii Uu Tammy Abaraham Ku

Tababare Frank Lampard ayaa ka hadlay dhacdadii uu weeraryahan Tammy Abraham rigoorada kula dhegay Jorginho dhamaadkii ciyaarta markii Blues loo dhigay rigooradii labaad ee kulankii ay 4-0 ku xaaqeen Crystal Palace.Iyadoo ciyaarta ay mareyso 3-0 islamarkaana uu Jorginho u saxiixay rigooradii koowaad ee kooxda loo dhigay ayay Chelsea heshay rigoore labaad daqiiqadii 81aad ee ciyaarta markii uu Sakho xerada ganaax qalad kula galay Kai Haverz.Tammy Abraham ayaa durbadiiba kubada ku booday si uu u tuuro rigoorada halka Jorginho…

Sudan, rebel groups ink landmark peace deal

JUBA: The Sudanese government and rebel groups on Saturday signed a landmark peace deal aimed at ending decades of war in which hundreds of thousands died. Ululs and cheers sounded one by one, representatives of the transitional government and rebel groups signed the agreement, a year after the peace talks began, at a ceremony in the South Sudanese capital Juba. "Today we have reached a peace agreement. We are happy. We are done with the mission," said Tut Gatluak, head of the South Sudanese Mediation Team shortly…

a historic peace treaty signed between the government and the rebels

The Sudanese government and rebel leaders signed a peace deal this Saturday, October 3, in Juba, South Sudan, to end 17 years of deadly war. From our correspondent in the region, This historic agreement is the formal successor progress achieved in August last year. The two parties already agreed on the main points of this historic agreement. Everyhad put his initials on the documentthen negotiations continued until the formal signing, which took place at noon on Saturday. The August text contained a three-year…

Three Rwandan genocide suspects arrested in Belgium, prosecutors say

Three men suspected of being involved in the 1994 Rwandan genocide have been arrested and charged in Belgium with serious human rights abuses, prosecutors said on Saturday. The office gave no details about the three, but said their identity had been established using testimony collected in Rwanda by a Belgian investigation. "Two were arrested on Tuesday in Brussels and the third on Wednesday in Hainault (province)," said Eric Van Duyse, a spokesman for the Belgian Federal Prosecutor's Office. "All three have been…

Chelsea Oo Gurigeeda Ku Xasuuqday Crystal Palace, Saxiixooda

Chelsea ayaa ku soo noqotay wadada guusha iyadoo 4-0 ku xasuuqday kooxda Crystal Palace oo marti ugu aheyd Stamford Bridge xilli saxiixooda cusub Ben Chiwell uu wacdarro dhigay kulankiisii ugu horeysay ee Premier League ee uu Chelsea u safto.Ben Chilwell ayaa kulankiisii ugu horeysay ee Premier League ee Chelsea waxa uu isku darsaday gool iyo caawin halka Jorginho uu isna labo rigoore u saxiixay kooxda Chelsea iyadoo sidoo kale Kurt Zouma uu shabaqa soo taabtay.Guushaan ayaa ka dhigan in Chelsea ay wadada guusha ku soo…

Government of Sudan, rebel groups sign landmark peace agreement

The Sudanese government and rebel groups on Saturday had a colorless peace deal aimed at ending decades of war in which hundreds of thousands died. Ululs and cheers sounded one by one, representatives of the transitional government and rebel groups signed the agreement, a year after the peace talks began, at a ceremony in the…

How the pair match before Leeds’ meeting with Man City

The second weekend in April has thrown up one of the Premier League's most exciting matches in the excavation, with Marcelo Bielsa's Leeds United hosting Pep Guardiola's Manchester City.The odd Bielsa has masterminded Leeds' long-awaited return to top flight, plays an exhausting style of football and makes headlines off the pitch with his various eccentricities.Matchday vs Manchester City!⚽️ #LUFC VS #MCFC? | ELLAND-VÄGEN? | 17:30 Bielsa vs Guardiola, in a huge match at home! Who is excited? ⚪️…

Miyuu Jadon Sancho Xilli Dambe Borussia Dortmund Ku Cadaadin

Da’yarka kooxda Borussia Dortmund ee Jadon Sancho ayaa ah mid uu qorshe uga yaalo haddii uu doonayo inuu kooxdaas ku qasbo inay xilli dambe u fasaxdo inuu ku biiro Manchester United maalmaha ugu dambeeya suuqa xagaagan.Man United ayaa gudaha Usbuucan dalab cusub ka gudbisay Sancho kaas oo ahaa 73 Milyan oo qadin ah iyo waliba shuruudo ugu dambayn heshiiska 91 Milyan oo Pound gaadhsiinaya.Si kastaba, dalabkaas ayaa noqday mid aad uga hooseeya lacagta 108-da Milyan ee Pound ah ee ay Dortmund ku doonayso da’yarkeeda, United…

Ii Fasaxa!! Xiddig Chelsea Ah Oo Doonaya Inuu Jose Mourinho

Daafaca dhexe ee kooxda Chelsea ee Antonio Rudiger oo bixitaan lala xidhiidhinayo ayaa la sheegayaa inuu doonayo inuu ku biiro kooxda ay London kasoo wada-jeedaan kuna xifaaltamaan Blues ee Tottenham.Rudiger ayaa hoos uga dhacay xulashada tababare Frank Lampard isaga oo aan kusoo baxayn liisaska kulamada kooxdiisa tan iyo markii uu bedel aan la isticmaalin ka noqday kulankii ay kooxdiisu la yeelatay Brighton toddobaadkii furitaanka.27 sano jirkan ayaa la filayaa inuu markale seegi doono kulanka ay Chelsea maanta Stamford…

Somalia: Soldier beaten to death for rape

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A member of the Somali National Army was struck on Thursday with a death sentence after being convicted of rape, the military court confirmed in the latest major ruling demonstrating Somalia's ability to fight impunity among government officials. Mohamed Hussein Elmi, who had served in the army for a few years, was found guilty of raping a 4-year-old girl from the Wadajir District of Mogadishu in an incident that caused outrage among the public and those from civil society when it was first…

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