Muxuu Luis Suarez Ka Yidhi Taariikhdii Uu Ka Dhigay Atletico

Weeraryahanka reer Uruugay ee Luis Suarez ayaa qirtay inuuu u baahnaa inuu isbeddel ku sameeyo xirfaddiisa oo uu tago Atletico Madrid, taas oo uu xalay u saftay kulankiisii ugu horreeyey.Suarez ayaa dhaliyey laba gool, mid kalena caawiye ka noqday muddo 19 daqiiqadood ah oo uu garoonka ku jiray, waxaanu qayb ka noqday xiddigihii tababare Diego Simeone ee xasuuqa u geystay Granada.Laacibkan oo beddel kusoo galay daqiiqaddii 71aad ayaa daqiiqad kaliya markii uu garoonka ku jiray, waxa uu caawiye ka noqday goolka afraad ee…

Hordhac: Liverpool vs Arsenal | Klopp vs Arteta – Dagaalka

Kulanka hore ee laba ciyaarood oo xidhiidh ah oo ay afar maalmood gudahood isku haleelayaan Liverpool iyo Arsenal ayaa caawa ka dhacay garoonka Anfield, halkaas oo Reds ay ku qaabilayso Gunners oo labadii jeer ee ugu dambeeyey marna ka badisay marna barbarro ku qabatay.Labadii ciyaarood ee horyaalka Premier League ee xili ciyaareedkan ay koox walba soo ciyaartayay ayay kasoo hooyeen guulo, waxaanay iska hor imanayaan iyagoo sita min saddex dhibcood, laakiin marka Anfield oo madhan albaabka la iskugu xidho ayuu dagaal adag ku…

Hay’adaha ammaanka DFS oo la amray la dagaalanka Walxaha

Kulan looga hadlayay wax ka qabashada Cabasho la xiriirta walxaha maanka-dooriya ayaa ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana lagu go’aamiyay in la sameeyo howlgal cagta lagu marinayo walxahaas oo qayb ka ah Amni darrada Caasimadda. Mas’uuliyiinta Degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa la faray in ay waajib iska saaraan wax ka qabashada walxaha maanka-Dooriya ee lagu dhex iibiyo Xaafadaha iyo meelaha gaarka ah si gacan adag loogu qabto dadka iibiya iyo kuwa isticmaala. Gudoomiyaha…

Kenya oo Dad la tuhmayo in ay Soomaali ku jirto u xirtay

Ciidamada ammaanka Garoonka Diyaaradaha Joma Kenyatta ayaa gacanta ku dhigay qaad si sharci darro ah looga qaadayay dalkaas, waxaana loo waday Dalka Norway si loogu kala iibsado suuq madow. 140 Kg oo qaad ah ayaa la qabtay, waxaana lagu qariyay Kabo nuuca xiran ee loo yaqaan Buudka, waa laga shakiyay culeyska kabaha, kadib waala baaray waana lagu arkay qaadkaas lagu qariyay sida uu qoray Wargeyska The Standard ee kasoo baxa wadanka Kenya. Ciidamada ammaanka ayaa xiray dad aysan…

we must “stop scaring the Ivorians”, criticizes Alassane Ouattara

After visiting the Morounou region earlier this month, the Ivorian president spent four days in the Marahoué region. At the end of this new "state visit" in front of the remarkable and the inhabitants of Bouaflé, in the center of the country, Alassane Ouatarra spoke to his political opponents. "The law has been said and the democratic game is now open," the Ivorian president assured Bouaflé. Far from responding to the demands of the opposition, which in particular calls for the dissolution of the Independent Electoral…

The EU will help Venezuela to become democratic

The EU has sent two top officials to crisis-stricken Venezuela to try to reach an agreement between the government and the opposition on the contested parliamentary elections in December. Two top officials from the EU Foreign Service are currently in Caracas. Their goal is to contribute to the negotiations between the government and parts of the opposition on how the parliamentary elections in December can be done freely and fairly. The Venezuelan opposition is divided. The majority want to boycott the December…

Trial against employees at the State

It is a strange story that is told in TV4's review program Kalla Fakta in the beginning of 2017. A tipper must have told about unspecified invoices sent to and paid for by the Swedish Property Agency, and expensive furniture and carpets must have disappeared without a trace from Royal Rosersberg Castle north of Stockholm, which is managed by the authority. The tracks lead to a senior employee at the Swedish Property Agency, who, among other things, is suspected of having the authority pay for renovations of his private…

Zookeeper attacked by gorilla

Listen: Animal keeper attacked by gorillaYesterday, a vet at a zoo in Madrid received serious injuries after being attacked by a gorilla.The female vet suffered serious head injuries and broke both arms before her colleagues managed to take care of the animal, which was given an anesthetic syringe to calm down. The vet's condition is said to be critical.

Clan crime a known phenomenon in Germany – News

In the city of Essen in western Germany, the police have had a special operation against clan crime for almost two years. During a traffic check in northern Essen, police commissioner Bernd Stratmann and his colleagues have just stopped a Mercedes AMG, a car that they know is popular with high-ranking members of the city's criminal families.- We are looking for the heavyweights of the clans and the higher up in the hierarchy, the more expensive the cars, says Bernd Stratmann, who works one week a month in the Essen police's…

WWF criticism of bottom trawling in the Baltic Sea

Today (MONDAY 28), a ministerial conference on the Baltic Sea's environmental issues is held at the invitation of the EU Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Virginius Sinkevicius from Lithuania. He has invited ministers and, among others, fisheries authorities from the Baltic Sea countries to discuss how to jointly solve environmental problems with, among other things, eutrophication, overfishing and pollution. At the same time, the World Wide Fund for Nature presents a report criticizing…

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