Puntland Military Court sentences activists to death and

AXADLE, Puntland - A Puntland military court has sentenced an Al-Shabaab suspect to death and jailed four others after being convicted of complicity in terrorism, officials said on Sunday in the latest harsh verdict aimed at neutralizing the militants, who have wreaked havoc on the country. Somalia. It is the first time that Puntland, the federal state of northern Somalia, has sentenced members of al-Shabaab in as many months, following a wave of terrorism-related incidents that rocked the country. oil-rich region,…

YAAB!! Muran Ka Dhashay Sababtii Layaabka Lahayd Ee Ansu

Baraha bulshada ayaa loogu hiiliyey laacibka da’da yar ee Barcelona ee Ansu Fati oo loo diiday inuu noqdo xiddigii ugu wanaagsanaa garoonka kulankii xalay ay kooxdiisu 4-0 ku garaacday Villarreal.17 jirkan ayaa kusoo bilowday ciyaartii ugu horreysay kooxdiisa xili ciyaareedkan, waxaanay muujiyeen bandhig xarrago leh oo ay jamaahiirta ku ilowsiinayeen guul-darradii bahdilaadda ahayd ee kasoo gaadhay ciyaartii ugu dambaysay ee tartan ah oo ahayd fadeexaddii Bayern Munich ugu soo xambaarisay Champions League oo ay kusoo…

Man United Oo Doonaysa N’Golo Kante, Barca Oo Go’aan Ka

Asalaamu calaykum waraxmatulaahi wabarakaatuhu. Idilkiinba salaan dhamaan akhristayaasha sharaftalahow kuna soo dhawaada barnaamijkeenii sida maalin laha ahaa aanu idiinku soo gudbin jirnay waxyaabaha ay wargaysyada yurub ka qoreen suuqa kala iibsiga ciyaartoyda.Suuqa kala iibsiga ciyaartoyda xagaaga ayaa si rasmi ah u furan waxayna koox kastaaba haysataa fursada ay ku samayn karto saxiixyo cusub oo ay xili ciyaareedka cusub kooxdeeda ugu soo xoojin karto.Kooxaha qaar ayaa haddaba bilaabay in ay saxiixyo muhiim ah sameeyaan…

many questions after the incursion of an armed group into Lubumbashi

How have hundreds of Mayi-Mayi entered Lubumbashi, and why did no force oppose Bakata Katanga for several hours? The questions abound after the bloody intrusion led by these Katangese separatists, and this while the authorities in Kinshasa are surrounded by silence. For many lush residents, there is a dysfunction in the police hierarchy. The deputy provincial commissioner in charge of the operations and the intelligence service have been out of action for a long time, condemns human rights activist Timothée Mbuya.…

Mareykanka oo dal ku galka ku adkeynaya Arday Soomaali ku

Waaxda Amniga Gudaha ee Mareykanka ee loosoo gaabiyo (DHS) ayaa soo jeedisay tilmaamo cusub oo xaddidaya ardayda caalamiga ah ee wax ku barata goobaha waxbarasho ee dalkaas ku yaalla. Muddo labo sano ah ayaa lagu soo koobayaa dal ku galka Mareykanka ama ogolaanshiyaha joogitaanka, waxaana laga magac dhex xusay Ardayda Nigeria oo aan horay usoo geli jirin xadidaada. Ujeedka qorshahaan waa siyaasadda Caalamiga ah ee cusub waa in Ardayda wax ka barta Mareykanka ee Ajaanibta ah la…

US signs bilateral deal with Somalia, promises debt

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The United States has signed a bilateral deal with Somalia, in another important step that gives the Horn of Africa yet another opportunity to reform its declining financial fortunes, which has seen the country struggle to lead historic development. On Sunday in Mogadishu, US Ambassador Donald Yamamoto led the event which also saw Somali Finance Minister Abdirahman Beileh and new Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble honor the event. It was the first official deal Roble had ever seen. The bilateral…

Waa Kuma Xiddiga 29 Jirka Ah Ee Liverpool Ee Jurgen Klopp Ku

Liverpool ayaa caawa marti gelinaysa Arsenal, waxaanay u dagaallami doonaan sidii ay guushii saddexaad ee xili ciyaareedkan u gaadhi lahaayeen isla markaana u difaacan lahaayeen koobka ay xili ciyaareedkii hore ku guuleysteen oo soo afjartay 30 sannadood oo ay abaari ka haysay.Reds waxay xagaagan lasoo saxeexatay saddex ciyaartoy oo tababare Jurgen Klopp uu waqti dambe safkiisa kusoo xoojiyey, kuwaas oo saxeexyadooda lagu dhawaaqay xilli lagu canaanayo in aanay dibu-dhis isku samaynayn.Laakiin markii ay Chelsea ku garaaceen…

ex-president Abdel Aziz banned from leaving Nouakchott

The Nouakchott-Ouest prosecutor's office on Friday night banned Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz from leaving the capital during the ongoing investigation. More than 300 people, including the former head of state and several members of his family, suspected of corruption and embezzlement between 2008 and 2019 are concerned. The former Mauritanian president rejects everything as a whole. The lawyers for the former Mauritanian president are amazed at the decision made by the public prosecutor in Nouakchott-Ouest, which prohibits…

In the spotlight: a transitional prime minister appointed in Mali

"It is done, erupts the land in Bamako. The Prime Minister of the transition is known. He is neither from the M5-RFP nor from the former presidential majority. His name is Moctar Ouane, a respected diplomat. (…) Former Foreign Minister, former United Nations Ambassador Moctar Ouane, most recently WAEMU's General Delegate for Peace and Security. He is recognized by many Malians, Le Pays emphasizes, as a great technocrat, honest and respected. " "This appointment follows a tough debate, reveals for its part L'Indépendant,…

“Nasser was the hero of the Arab world”

Fifty years ago, on September 28, 1970, the Egyptian Gamal Abdel Nasser, whose name is still associated with the nationalization of the Suez Canal, died. For the Arab street, the man embodies the freedom and regained dignity of the Egyptian people. On July 23, 1952, a group of high-ranking soldiers calling themselves the "Movement of Free Officers" came to power in Cairo and overthrew the corrupt monarchy, the puppet of the British imperialists. Nasser, who was the junta's strong man, will rule Egypt with an iron fist for…

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