Jurgen Klopp & Gary Neville collide over You’re Never Walk Alone comments

Since the announcement of the Super League, Sky Sports speculator Gary Neville has taken on a role of voiceless voice.He has launched several passionate speeches to condemn the parties involved, including his beloved Manchester United and rivals Liverpool. On the latter, he questioned how the club could continue to stick to their motto for Youll Never Walk Alone while ignoring their entire fans.It's a point that most fans agreed with, but Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp was not exactly happy with everything.? | "I'm a #MUFC…

last tribute to Cardinal Tumi

Remember him as someone who was deeply patriotic and then tolerant, because we had a very divisive political climate. Cameroon loses or has lost someone who had the courage to say what he thought, he preached a lot for dialogue. I think the problem that the government had is that many leaders or many ministers fought to slander Cardinal Tumi, but they found out that the cardinal was really someone who was tolerant and wanted dialogue. Elie Smith, one…

The former US envoy accuses Farmajo of Somalia’s political stalemate

The former US envoy accuses Farmajo of Somalia's political stalemate MOGADISHU, Somalia - A former US envoy to Somalia has directly accused outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo of being the stumbling block in the ongoing pre-election negotiations, arguing that the matter should have been checked before it escalated. In an interview with Voice of America, Somali Stephen…

Tottenham’s decision to dismiss Jose Mourinho explained

Tottenham Hotspur's decision to fire manager Jose Mourinho the day after announcing his intention to join the Super League and just a week before the Carabao Cup final against Manchester City generated a lot of confusion.The Portuguese tactician got his marching orders early on Monday, with 29-year-old first team coach Ryan Mason being drafted to take charge until the end of the season while Spurs are looking for a full-time replacement.Mourinho was sent packaging | Pool / Getty ImagesIt was a bold move, but according to…

Patrick Bamford compares Super League outrage to taming racism’s response

Leeds United striker Patrick Bamford has slammed football's governing body for thinking they care more about money than they do about social issues such as racism.Since the announcement of the Super League on Sunday night, FIFA, UEFA, the Premier League and almost all other governing bodies inside and outside football have released statements to the left, right and center and acted immediately to try to neutralize this danger to the modern. game.UEFA President Alexander Ceferin has not held back KARIM JAAFAR / Getty…

Florentino Perez Oo Bixiyey Waraysi Xaasaasi Ah – Muxuu Ka Yidhi

Madaxweynaha kooxda kubadda cata Real Madrid ee Florentino Perez oo bixiyey waraysi xaasaasi ah oo uu kaga hadlay arrimo badan oo la xidhiidha kooxdiisa iyo guud ahaan horyaalka Spain.Perez ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay weeraryahanka Kylian Mbappe ee kooxdiisa lala xidhiidhinayo, saxeexyada ay samaynayaan, mustaqbalka Zinedine Zidane, Sergio Ramos, Lionel Messi iyo Cristiano Ronaldo oo lala xidhiidhinayo Los Blancos.Saxeexa Kylian Mbappe: “Runtu waxay in Mbappe uu yahay ciyaartoy wanaagsan, Real Madrid na waxay u baahan tahay…

Two English clubs are close to losing their temper over Super League plans

Two of the English sides involved in the formation of the Super League are perceived to be close to dissolution after all the controversy that the plans have attracted.In addition to a huge amount of backlash, which has seen supporters protest outside the arenas and on social media, there have also been threats from UEFA and FIFA to fire the teams and players from all other competitions if they choose to join this new attitude.UEFA's Alexander Ceferin confirms: "Players who will play in the Super League will be banned from…

Laba Kooxood Oo Premier League Ah Oo Doonaya Tababarihii Shalay La

Jose Mourinho ayay suurtogal tahay in uu sii joogo horyaalka waddanka Ingiriiska ee Premier League kaddib markii shalay laga caydhiyey Tottenham.Tababaraha reer Portugal ayaa waqti adag ku qaatay hroyaalka waddanka Ingiriiska ee Premier League, waxaana ugu dambaysay in uu ku guuleysto horyaalka sannadkii 2015 oo uu la qaaday Chelsea, laakiin intii ka dambaysay ayey sumcaddiisu hoos usii socotay.Manchester United oo uu layliyey ayaanu la qaadin horyaalka inkasta oo uu koobab kale oo uu ku jiro Europa League u qaaday, waxaana…

Farmajo asks AU to mediate in Somalia’s political crisis

Farmajo asks AU to mediate in Somalia's political crisis MOGADISHU, Somalia - The African Union should take a leading role in conveying Somalia's political impasse, outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has said after his recent trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose president Felix Tshisekedi is the current president of the Addis Ababa-based institution. Farmajo…

James Milner Oo Shaaciyey In Uu Kasoo Horjeedo Tartanka Super League

Kabtan ku-xigeenka kooxda kubadda cagta Liverpool ee James Milner ayaa shaaciyey in uu kasoo horjeedo qorshaha iyo tartanka cusub ee ay Liverpool qaybta ka tahay ee European Super League, kaas oo ay 12 kooxood oo waaweyn isku waafaqeen in ay samaystaan.Kaddib markii ay soo dhamaatay ciyaartii ay Liverpool barbarraha 1-1 la gashay Leeds United xalay, James Milner ayaa warbaahinta hor-yimid, waxaanu soo bandhigay dareenkiisa dhabta ah ee ah in aanu ku faraxsanayn in kooxdiisu qayb ka noqoto tartankan.Lixda kooxood ee waaweyn…

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