Regional Minister assassinated in Somalia

JOWHAR, Somalia - A regional minister was assassinated by unknown assailants in Somalia on Thursday night, senior officials confirmed in the latest wave of violence targeting security forces and state officials, usually constructed by the infamous Al-Shabaab militants. Nur Hashi Abdulle was killed on the spot by unknown assailants as he left the mosque in Jowhar, the regional administrative capital of the state of HirShabelle, in what analysts condemned as security lapses, which could further raise questions among…

Kenyan cargo plane lands in Mogadishu

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A plane registered in Kenya crashed at Aden Adde International Airport on Saturday morning, Somali authorities said, adding that the plane had taken off before crashing inside the airport zone, in an incident that added rising aviation accidents in Somalia. Reports show that two of the four crew members were seriously injured, but they have since been stabilized at a Mogadishu hospital. The plane is owned by Silverstone Airlines, an aviation advertising company operating in East Africa, an…

In ka badan 20 milyan oo ruux oo Cunno la’aan ku heysata Yemen!

Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegtay in Xaaladda wadanka Yemen ee Xiligaan ay tahay mid halis ah oo u baahan gurmad degdeg ah iyo in la daba-qabto qoysaska isu biirsaday Colaadda, Covid-19 & Gaajada. In ka badan 20 Milyan oo ruux oo u badan Yemeniyiin iyo Soomaali la nool ayaa haatan qarka u saaran in ay u dhintaan xaaladaas isbiirsaday haddii aysan daba-qabad helin, sida uu sheegay Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Antonio Guterres. Waxa uu soo jeediyay in gurmad degdeg ah…

DFS oo sheegtay in ay 4-ruux kasoo badbaadisay Diyaarad ku dhacday Garoonka Aadan Cadde!

Maxamed Cabdullaahi Salaad Oomaar sii hayaha Wasiirka Wasaaradda Gaadiidka iyo Duulista Hawada Xukuumadda Soomaaliya oo faah-faahin ka bixiyay cilad ku timid Diyaarad nuuca xamuulka ah oo ku dhacday Garoonka Aadan Cadde ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Wasiir Oomaar ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Federaalka ay badbaadisay 4-ruux oo la socday diyaarad ku dhacday Garoonka Aadan Cadde ee Magaalada Muqdisho oo dhaawacyo fudfudud soo gaaray. Sababta Dhicitaanka Diyaaradda keentay ayuu ku sheegay…

Somalia’s opposition welcomes historic agreement before the election

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's main opposition groups have welcomed a pre - election agreement signed on Thursday by a number of stakeholders, further closing a growing gap that could have derailed efforts to restore peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. Interestingly, the agreement was only signed by President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, five regional leaders, and Mogadishu Mayor Omar Filish, who convened the conference. The opposition team was not invited to the dialogue, which was also endorsed by the…

Diyaarad ku dhacday Garoonka Aadan Cadde ee Magaalada Muqdisho!

Garoonka Diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ku dhacday Diyaarad nuuca Xamuulka ah oo nuuceedu yahay 5Y-MHT, waxaana ay dooneysay in ay caga dhigato Garoonka sida Axadle ay u xaqiijiyeen ilo xog ogaal ah. Waxaa gurmad degdeg ah siiyay howlwadeenada, si aysan u sababin khasaare kale sida dab ka kaco, maadaama qaybta hore diyaaradda ay ku dhufsatay Darbiga Garoonka Aadan Cadde oo ay suuragal tahay in uu dab ka kaco, khasaaruhuna intaas uu kasii bato. Sawirro laga…

“Madaxda DFS & DG waxa ay heshiis gaareen iyada oo aan lagu dhex jirin” Qoor-Qoor.

Hogaamiye DG Galmudug Axmed Cabdi Kaariye Qoor-Qoor oo faah-faahiyay shirarkii Dhuusamareeb 1,2 iyo 3 ee uu martigeliyay, isla markaana lagu go’aamiyay Doorashada Dalka iyo isu soo dhaweynta madaxda Heer Federaal iyo heer Dowlad Goboleed. Qoor-Qoor ayaa sheegay in dadaal badan oo aysan u kala harin labada dhinac lagu gaaray xalka siyaasadeed ee dalka, natiijooyinka kulamadii Dhuusamareeb iyo shirarkii daba-socdayna guulaha wada leeyihiin dhammaan dhinacyadaan. “Waxay ahayd…

“Doorasho qof & Cod ah waxa aan uga tanaasulay si aan Dalka u kala tagin” Madaxweyne Farmaajo.

Hogaamiye DFS Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo ka hadlay Munaasabad lagu soo xiray Shirkii Wadatashiga DF iyo DG oo lagu qabtay Muqdisho ayaa ka hadlay culeyskii siyaasadeed ee muddada wadahadalka uu socday. Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxa uu sheegay in tanaasulaad badan uu ka yimid dhankiisa, gaar ahaan doorasho qof iyo cod ah, kadib markii madaxda maamul Goboleedyada ay go’aansadeen in la qabto doorasho dadban. Duruufaha isbiirsaday ee sababay in ay meesha ka baxdo rajada doorashada…

Why Somalia needs to address the security of women and children now

EDITORIAL | The biggest political story in the country this week may be the ultimate agreement reached between President Mohamed Farmaajo and five federal states to adopt a constituency electoral system. This agreement on Thursday night could give the country hope for a peaceful transition. But the biggest issue sticking out like a sore thumb this week has been the incessant stories of rape and murder. Last week, a woman identified as Hamid Mohamed Farah was thrown out of a six-story building in Mogadishu. She…

Somalia’s leaders blow historic election deal after chaotic dialogue

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia will now go to the polls starting in November this year, a section of senior stakeholders said on Thursday, weeks after a series of meetings in Dhusamareb and Mogadishu, mediated by members of the international community and local actors, amid simmering political tensions. Initially, deep suspicions among the political elites had literally stopped the dialogue, with federal states and the opposition accusing President Farmajo of devising a strategy to extend his term after approving the…

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