Say goodbye to the game as you know it

Greed is everywhere in the modern world.The anti-hero in your favorite TV show does, whether it's Tommy Shelby, Tony Soprano or Walter White, who's a little more captivating.Maybe in the last week, if you live in England, it is meant to have the fourth pint when three would have been enough.Leading European football clubs announce new Super League competition.- Liverpool FC (@LFC) 18 April 2021With these terms, greed, as Gordon Gekko would say, is good. He's also the type of character who wholeheartedly agrees with the…

UEFA does not plan to banish Super League sides from the Champions League and Europa League semi-finals

UEFA is expected to allow the sides involved in the erupting Super League to retain their places in the Champions League and Europa League this season.Chelsea, Manchester City and Real Madrid are all part of the Champions League semi-final, while Manchester United and Arsenal are still fighting for a place in the Europa League at the same time as they are fighting for the right to leave the competition.The semi-finals 2020/21 are canceled ✅??? Who will reach the final in Istanbul❓ # UCL UEFA…

Farriintii Ay Garamada Kusoo Qorteen, Diyaaradii Garoonka Dul Martay,

Kooxda Leeds United ayaa xalay noqotay kooxdii ugu horreysay ee garoonka ku dhex muujisa sida ay uga soo horjeedo tartanka ay ku bahoobeen qaar kamida kooxaha ugu waaweyn Yurub ee ka magac baxay European Super League iyaga oo waliba wajahayay kooxda Liverpool oo qayb ka ah tartankaas.Xiddigaha Leeds ayaa garoonka soo galay markii ay isku diyaarinayeen ciyaarta iyaga oo xidhan maaliyado farriimo sida, dhabarka ayay kusoo qorteen “Kubadda cagta waxa iska leh jamaahiirta” halka ay laabta hore kusoo xardhadeen “Shaqaysta” oo ay…

Serie A side Napoli offered the chance to join

Serie A clothing Napoli is considered to have been offered the opportunity to become the fourth Italian side to participate in the Super League.12 clubs have announced that they intend to participate in the wrestling competition with Milan, Inter and Juventus, which make up the Italian contingent.Aurelio De Laurentiis has previously spoken about his desire to form a Super League Danilo Di Giovanni / Getty ImagesThe competition is planned to consist of 20 clubs - of which 15 will be founders who cannot be transferred - but…

Waa Kuwan LABADA Xiddig Ee Tottenham Ka Tirsan Ee Sababta U Ahaa Shaqo

Sida ay sheegayaan xogo cusubi, tababaraha Portuguese-ka ah ee Jose Mourinho ayaa shaqada tababarenimo ee Tottenham shalay looga caydhiyay sababo la xidhiidha kacdoon ay sameeyeen qaar kamida xiddigaha kooxdu gaar ahaan hoggaamiyaha kooxdaasi ee Harry Kane iyo kabtan Hugo Lloris oo ahaa kuwo aan faraxsanayn.Jose ayaa laga saaray albaabka Spurs waxaana caydhintiisa shaaciyay guddoomiyaha kooxdaas ee Daniel Levy xilli ay kooxdu booska toddobaad ka joogto miiska kala sarreynta Premier League iyadoo West Ham, Chelsea iyo…

Chad President Idriss Deby dies of injuries

Chad President Idriss Deby has died while visiting front-line troops to fight northern rebels, an army spokesman said on Tuesday, the day after Deby was declared the winner of a sixth term. The 68-year-old "has just breathed his last of the defense of the sovereign nation on the battlefield" over the weekend, Army spokesman General Azem Bermandoa Agouna said in a statement read on state television, according to Agence France-Presse (AFP). The army said a military council led by the late president's…

[Live Update] Chad: Idriss Deby has died of injuries suffered on frontline

Chadian President Idriss Déby Itno, who has been in power for 30 years, died on Tuesday from injuries sustained while commanding his army in fighting against rebels in the north over the weekend, a spokesman announced on state television. "The president of the republic, head of state, supreme head of the army, Idriss Déby Itno, has just breathed his last while defending the territorial integrity on the battlefield. It is with deep bitterness that we announce to the Chadian people the death this Tuesday, April 20, 2021 of…

in Kasai, Monusco is preparing its withdrawal

While demonstrations have intensified in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo to protest the massacres and insecurity and to demand the departure of MONUSCO in Kasai, the UN mission will be unpacked in June. A UN delegation arrived on Monday to assess compliance with this withdrawal plan. In Kasai, Monusco is…

Madasha Badbaadada Qaranka waxay ugu baaqeysaa UN-ka inay diidaan ereyga

Muqdisho (Axadle) Madasha Badbaado Qaran oo ay ku mideysan yihiin xubno mucaarad ah, Gudoomiyaha Aqalka Sare, Madaxweynayaasha Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa fariin ku aadan xaalada dalka u diray Golaha Amniga ee Qaramada Midoobay. Qoraalka lala wadaagay fadhiga Golaha Amniga, oo xasaasi u ahaa, ayaa looga hadlay xaaladda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan waajibaadka loo igmaday. Qoraal laba bog ka kooban oo ku qornaa luuqadda Ingiriiska ayay Madashu ugu baaqday UN-ka inay aqoonsato muddo kordhinta. "Tallaabada dastuurka".…

AU forces intensify operations against Al-Shabaab in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A contingent of African Union mission forces has continued to crack down on al-Shabaab militants in Somalia, targeting some of the supply routes that have been blocked by the al-Qaeda-linked group in the country. Soldiers serving in AMISOM from Burundi continued to rescue several towns and villages in northern Mogadishu, where the militants have been ballistic against officials, officials and security forces. In a statement, AMISOM said the group was targeting Gololey and Ceel-gelow village in…

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