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Real Madrid Oo Doonaysa Mucjisadii Euro, Arsenal Oo Khad Dhexe Heshay

Everton tababaraheeda Rafa Benitez ayaa madaxda kooxdaas ku dhiirigeliyay inay lasoo saxeexdaan daafaca 30 sano jirka ah ee Kalidou Koulibaly kaas oo uu Napoli kusoo maamulay. (90min)Napoli ayaa doonaysa inay iska dirto Kalidou Koulibaly iyo khadka dhexe ee Fabian Ruiz si ay u yarayso mushaharaadka ay bixiso balse wali ma aysan helin dalab ku haboon. (Calciomercato – in Italian)Lionel Messi ayaa sii joogaya Barcelona heshiis cusubna saxeexi doona kaddib markii ay kooxdaasi horyaalka La Liga magaciisa ka diiwaan gashatay…

Talks were held about naming rights for the stadium

Tottenham Hotspur are close to a breakthrough to secure naming rights for their stadium, almost three years after it opened.Named 'Tottenham Hotspur Stadium' at the opening, the plan was for that name to be a placeholder while a multi-million pound deal was struck to sell the naming rights, but no agreement has been reached yet.Daniel Levy has been looking for a buyer for several years / Alex Burstow / Getty ImagesFinding a sponsor has taken an absolute eternity, but according to the Daily Mail, the wait for a new name may…

Muxuu Kusoo Dhammaaday Kulankii Saaxiibtinimo Ee Uu Carlo Ancelotti

Kooxda Real Madrid ayaa toddobaadkeedii ugu horreeyay ee diyaar garawga ka horreeya xilli ciyaareedka kusoo xidhatay guul ay ka gaadhay kooxda heerka labaad ee Fuenlabrada, kulanka ayaa ka dhacay xerada tababarka Real ee Valdebebas.Fuenlabrada ayaa kulankaas ciyaartay qaab daafac iyaga oo iska caabin weyn muujiyay balse Real ayaa guul 3-1 ah gaadhay kaddib goolal ay ka kala heshay Victor Chust, Martin Odegaard iyo Mariano Diaz.Qaar badan oo kamida xiddigaha waaweyn ee Real Madrid ayaan qayb ka qaadan kulankaas maadaama oo ay…

In Tokyo, the Olympics are being prepared between a state of emergency

The Tokyo Olympics start in less than two weeks, and it has been decided that most events will be held behind closed doors. For foreign athletes and journalists, it is about quarantine, even if you are 100% vaccinated. For the Japanese, of whom only 16.8% are, the goal is to minimize the risk of contamination and an explosion in the number of cases of Covid-19 in the country. The decision to refrain from spectators is a first in Olympic history. There will therefore be no one in almost all the venues for the Olympic Games…

England Iyagoo Heysta Hal Koob Oo Daxalaystay Ayay Ismoodaan Xulka Ugu

Laacibkii hore ee Talyaaniga Alessandro Altobelli ayaa sheegay inuu ku riyaaqay guushii Wembley ee ay ka gaareen England, madaama ay aaminsan yihiin inay yihiin xulka ugu fiican dunida inkastoo armaajadooda uu ku jiro hal koob oo daxalaystay.65 jirkaan oo weerarka uga soo ciyaaray Italy islamarkaana u soo saftay 61 kulan ayaa aad u faraxsanaa ka dib guushii rigoorada ay xalay Azzurri ka gaareen xulka England.“Waxay aheyd guul farxad leh oo aan ka gaarnay England” ayuu Altobelli u sheegay RAI Sport.“England waa dal aaminsan…

Liiska Dhameystiran Ee Sida Loogu Kala Guuleystay Tartanka Qaramada

Xulka Talyaaniga ayaa ku guuleystay koobka Euro 2020 ka dib markii ay rigoorayaal ku garaaceen xulka Ingariiska ciyaartii finalka ee ka dhacday magaalada Wembley ee magaalada London, iyadoo Azzurri ay koobkaan kor u qaadeen markii ugu horeysay tan iyo sannadkii 1968kii.Shabakada Laacib waxay dib u eegeysaa ku guuleystayaashii Koobka Qaramada Yurub tan iyo markii la bilaabay tartankaan sannadkii 1960kii.Euro 2020Martigeliyaasha: Yurub oo idilGuuleysatayaasha: ItalyXulkii koobka laga qaaday: EnglandEuro 2016Martigeliyaha: …

England must use penalty pain to win the World Cup 2022

55 years of wounded and still ... still ... England dreams. Everything went so well. Remember to open for two minutes. Trippier's cross, Luke Shaw's violent finish. Riot. The members intertwined as the world's greatest Twister game ever. This was not a completely fleeting highlight either. Suddenly, the best English meat is everywhere, Italy hits every other ball and worries the best midfield in the tournament. Even Giorgio Chiellini, who is approaching big matches with the relaxed confidence that normally only the…

Gareth Southgate reacts to England’s final defeat in Euro 2020

Gareth Southgate has said he takes full responsibility for England's penalty kick defeat to Italy in the Euro 2020 final. With the score level 1-1 after extra time - thanks to goals from Luke Shaw and Leonardo Bonucci - the game went to get kicks. Bukayo Saka, Marcus Rashford and Jadon Sancho were the unfortunate trio of the Three Lions, who failed to convert which ensured that the trophy went to Rome. Southgate won a second medal / Marc Atkins / Getty ImagesSpeaking to the BBC after the match, Gareth Southgate took all the…

Harry Kane reacts to England’s final heartbeat in Euro 2020

Harry Kane has said that England will use their penalty heart grief in Euro 2020 as motivation for the World Cup 2022. The Three Lions were heartbreakingly defeated in a shootout against Italy after the score was 1-1 after extra time. Luke Shaw got England off to a perfect start and reached the fastest goal in European Championship final history before Leonardo Bonucci leveled things off in the second half of normal time. ? You made your nation proud, @HKane. Tottenham Hotspur (@SpursOfficial)…

CHAMPIONS!!!!! Talyaaniga Oo Ku Guuleystay Koobka Euro 2020 &

Xulka qaranka Talyaaniga ayaa markiisii labaad ku guuleystay Koobka Euro 2020  iyagoo rikoodheyaal ku garaacay Ingiriiska oo taageereyaashiisii tobannaanka kun ahaa waxba u tari waayeen.Talyaaniga ayaa ku dabbaal-degay garoonka Wembley ee Magaalada Londo iyagoo ku badiyey rikoodheyaal 3-2 ah, kulan ay ciyaartiisii caadiga ahayd kusoo dhamaatay 1-1.Ingiriiska oo labadii rikoodhe ee hore dhaliyey ayaa saddexdii dambe iska khasaariyey, halka Talyaaniga oo laba rikoodhe laga qabtay ay saddex dhaliyeen, waxaanay sidaas ku qaadeen…

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