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Euro 2020 finals revealed

Kieran Trippier has replaced Bukayo Saka in England's start XI for the Euro 2020 final, with the Three Lions returning to a back three. Trippier started his team's first match in the tournament, a 1-0 victory against Croatia, but he has been reduced to a supporting role since then. In his only previous start of the competition, he was set as a left back in back four. Your # ThreeLions team for tonight's # EURO2020 final against Italy is here! ? England (@England) 11 July 2021But this time,…

Shaxda Rasmiga Ah Ee England vs Italy – Miyey Keeneen Shaxihii Lasii

Xulalka Ingiriiska iyo Talyaaniga ayay ciyaartoydoodu ku sugan yihiin gudaha garoonka Wembley Stadium oo ay ku samaynayaan iskululayn waxyar ka hor ciyaartooda finalka Euro 2020.Ingiriiska oo aan waligii imanin finalka Euro ayaa waajahaya Talyaaniga oo sannadkii 2012 semi-finalka ku garaacay, laakiin Spain oo ay finalkii isku heleen ay iyagana koobka ka qaadday.Warbaahinta adduunyada ayaa maanta sii daabacday shaxo ay ku sheegeen in loosoo dusiyey oo ay caawa labada xul ku ciyaari doonaan, laakiin jamaahiirta ayaa sugayay…

What can Arsenal expect from Nuno Tavares?

'Why are they signing another left-back ?!'That was the question that resonated around the Twittersphere on Saturday night when Arsenal announced the signing of Benfica left-back Nuno Tavares.I mean, they already have the second-best left-back in the Premier League in Kieran Tierney, who himself is still young enough that Arsenal do not have to think about replacing him for another decade. So why are they signing another?Welcome to Arsenal, Nuno Tavares? Arsenal (@Arsenal) July 10, 2021That's a…

Labada Xiddig Ee Ugu Wanaagsan Talyaaniga Oo La Magacaabay Ka Hor

Xiddigaha ugu wanaagsan xulka qaranka Talyaaniga ayaa la magacaabay xilli ay daqiiqado ka hadhsan yihiin kulanka finalka Euro 2020 ee England.Talyaaniga ayaa haysta ciyaartooyo badan oo heersare ah oo boosas kala duwan ka ciyaaraya, kuwaas oo isugu jira xiddigo ruug-caddaa ah iyo da’yar calankoodu taagan yahay oo hadda uun madaxa la galay waqitigii ay kubaddoodu qaangaadhka noqonaysay.Glenn Hoddle ayaa qiimayn ku sameeyey ciyaartoyda xulka Talyaaniga ee ka qayb-gelaya tartanka Euro, waxaanu kala soo baxay labada ciyaartoy ee…

TOP 10: Tobankii Goolhaye Ee Ugu Wanaagsanaa England, Halka Uu Kaga

Waa kuma goolhayihii ugu wanaagsanaa taariikhda xulkaqaranka England, halkee ayuu se Jordan Pickford kaga jiraa? Waa su’aal sababtay in dib loogu noqdo illaa qarnigii 20aad, si loosoo ururiyo xogta goolhayeyaashii ugu fiicnaa ee Ingiriiska soo maray.Jordan Pickford oo ah goolhayaha xulka qaranka England ee hadda, isla markaana bandhig fiican ka sameeyey tartanka Euro oo hal gool oo kaliya laga dhaliyey, ayaa sabab u ahaa in qiimayntan la sameeyo, iyadoo lasoo xulay 10kii laacib ee ugu wanaagsanaa marka laga eego tirada …

Kane, Shaw Mise Sterling? Rio Ferdinand Oo Magacaabay Xiddigii Ugu

Halyeyga England ee Rio Ferdinand ayaa magacaabay xiddigii ugu fiicnaa xulka qaranka England intii uu socday tartanka qaramada Yurub ee ay ciyaartii ugu dambaysay ee Finalka caawa la ciyaarayaan Talyaaniga.Ingiriiska oo u dagaallamaya koobkiisii ugu horreeyey tan iyo 1966kii, waxa uu haystaa ciyaartooyo da’yar u badan oo wanaagsan, waxaana hormood u ah Harry Kane oo dhaliyahooda ah, Raheem Sterling, Maguire oo difaaca soo adkeeya iyo Luke Shaw oo isaguna bandhig heersare ah muujiyey.Ka hor inta aan la gaadhin ciyaarta ugu…

Trippier starts the Euro 2020 final

Gareth Southgate is expected to recall Atletico Madrid right-back Kieran Trippier to England's starting line-up for Sunday's Euro 2020 final against Italy.Trippier has not started a game since the 16th victory over Germany, where he was placed as a right-back as England switched to a 3-4-3 to counter the threat of wing-backs Robin Gosens and Joshua Kimmich.Trippier impressed against Germany / Robbie Jay Barratt - AMA / Getty ImagesWell, according to The Telegraph, we'll see something similar. Trippier is expected to return…

Patrick Vieira to plunder Arsenal & Man City for Palace goals

Exclusive - Crystal Palace boss Patrick Vieira hopes to use his ties with both Arsenal and Manchester City to gain an advantage in the pursuit of a number of potential goals.Vieira, who replaced Roy Hodgson at Selhurst Park this summer, has been commissioned to lead a mass build-up at the Palace after no fewer than 12 senior players left after their contracts expired.French star Michael Olise has already been lured from Reading, but those in charge at Palace know that many more gigs are needed. Football manager Dougie…

GO’AAN: Maamulka Horyaalka La Liga Oo Talaabo Xasaasi Ah Ka Qaaday

Kooxda Barcelona ayaa lagu soo warramayaa inay talaabo muhiim ah ka qaaday arrimaha heshiis kordhinta ee xiddigeedii hore ee Lionel Messi kaas oo 11-kii maalmood ee ugu dambeeyay koox la’aan ah kaddib markii qandaraaskiisii Camp Nou dhacay.Walow uu Messi haatan koox la’aan yahay haddana dareenka ayaa markasta ah inuu heshiis cusub u saxeexayo Barcelona iyagoo xilli horeba kooxda isla meel dhigay waxkasta.Hadda waxa ay u muuqataa in kaliya wakhti inaga xigo inta si rasmi ah loo shaacinayo heshiiska cusub ee uu 34 sano…

Di Lorenzo looked like a backup of Wan Bissaka

Manchester United are believed to be interested in Italian star Giovanni Di Lorenzo, as they want to add an experienced right-back to their squad this summer. United's squad is gradually coming together, with a new contract for Edinson Cavani and Jadon Sancho's imminent arrival, which means they look good in the final third. However, that's a different story further back, as they have no real competition for right-back Aaron Wan-Bissaka. He was a virtual gift for United last season, starting 34 times in the Premier League…

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