Hear firefighter Kent who was sickest in

One who survived the disease was firefighter Kent Östling from Luleå. He was called "sickest in Sweden" by the care staff who cared for him for covid-19. One Saturday night at the end of March, he became tired and lethargic. The next day he woke up with a fever. Kent was bedridden for nine days before finally receiving care when he could no longer eat or drink. Kent Östling was on a respirator for over two months, and in total he was in hospital for almost three months. Now he is struggling with rehabilitation.

Luis Suarez Oo Kulankiisii Ugu Horeeyay Ee Atletico Madrid

Luis Suarez ayaa rekoodh taariikhi ah oo aan qarnigan 21 aad laga diwaan galin kooxda Atletico Madrid waxa uu ka sameeyay kulankiisii ugu horeeyay ee uu kooxda Atletico uga soo muuqday horyaalka La Liga.Suarez ayaa Ronald Koeman iyo maamulka Barcelona tusay sida ay ugu qaldanaayeen in ay dabada la laageen oo ay qasab kaga direen Camp Nou waxaana la filayaa in uu noqon karo mid xaalad adag kooxdiisii hore ku abuuri kara marka uu Atletico Madrid kaga hor yimaado.Haddaba maxay tahay taariikhda aan qarnigan 21 aad loo diwaan…

Jose Mourinho Oo Ka Jawaabay Hadalkii Duur Xulka Ahaa Ee Uu

Jose Mourinho ayaa ka soo jawaabay hadalkii kaftanka iyo duur xulka ahaa ee uu xalay kala kulmay macalinkii shaqada Manchester United ka badalay ee Ole Gunnar Solskjaer kaas oo tababaraha reer Portugal erayo xanaf leh ku ganay.Markii ay Manchester United u guulaysatay qaab ayna waligeed koox kubbada cagta ahi guul uga gaadhin kulan horyaal ah ee uu garsoorihii kulankii Brighton ciyaarta oo dhamaatay dib iskugu yeedhay ee uu rekoodhaha ugu abaal mariyay United, waxa uu Solskjaer warbaahinta u sheegay hadal uu Mourinho…

The knife attack was an act of revenge against Charlie

"We are still at war with terrorism," Interior Minister Gerald Darman told French media this morning when he paid a symbolically important visit to one of Paris' synagogues. At the same time, Darmanin assured the French that he had asked the Paris police to strengthen security in a number of places considered possible terrorist targets. Following the attack on Friday, the French authorities were criticized for not strengthening security in such places now in connection with the trial of a number of suspects for aiding and…

Maraykanka oo balanqaaday in uu Soomaaliya ka cafindoono $1

Dowladaha Mareykanka iyo Soomaaliya ayaa maanta kala saxiixday heshiiska deyn cafinta, Heshiiskan oo ka dhacay safaaradda Mareynkanka ee Muqdisho ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble iyo Mahdi Maxamed Guulleed Khadar sii hayaha Ra’iisul wasaare ku xigeenka dalka. Sii hayaha Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Xukuumadda Federaalka Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Beyle ayaa sheegay in ay ku rajo weyn yihiin in deynta lagu leeyahay Soomaaliya la wada cafiyo isaga oo…

Increased problems with young people being drawn into

- We may think we see a certain marginal increase in, for example, drug trafficking, where young people occur in drug trafficking. We can also see certain behavioral patterns downwards in age, what norms there are and how to treat people, says Magnus Nordahl, head of the children and family section in Falun. The social services in 26 municipalities in Sweden today receive more reports of concern about children and young people who are suspected of being involved in gang crime compared with five years ago. This is shown by…

More than 50 arrested after mass protests in

A man in blue jeans is dragged by police on the paving in the square in the town of Grodna. People shout "What are you doing?" Others grab another man's legs and manage to pull him out of the police grip. They throw things at the police and a man punches a policeman who has to withdraw.It is one of the huge amount of film clips on arrests in Belarus. One by one, group after group, day after day, people are taken away from the demonstrations to waiting minibuses and taken to the jail.Today's big demonstrations in Belarus…

New visitor rules are criticized by SKR

Stock Photography.Listen: The National Board of Health and Welfare APPTomorrow, the National Board of Health and Welfare is expected to present the rules that will be in place when the restraining order on nursing homes is lifted on Wednesday. But the regulations are criticized by important consultative bodies, such as Sweden's municipalities and regions, for implying unnecessary repetitions. Greger Bengtsson is the coordinator for elderly care at SKR.For example, there are already rules that say that you must do risk…

Shaxda Rasmiga Ah Ee Kulanka Manchester City vs Leicester –

Manchester City ayaa garoonkeeda Etihad Stadium ku qaabilaysa Leciester City, waxaana uu tababare Pep Guardiola la shir yimid shax ay ka maqan yihiin weeraryahannadii tooska ahaa, kaddib dhaawacyadii soo gaadhay Gabriel Jesus iyo Sergio Aguero oo beryahanba aan garoomada  lagu arag.City oo kulankii hore 3-0 kusoo garaacday Wolves oo ay u tagtay, ayaa doonaysa in guushii ugu horreysay ee xili ciyaareedkan cusub ay garoonkeeda Etihad Stadium ku gaadho, taas oo haddii ay hesho siin doonta lix dhibcood oo ay laba ciyaarood ka…

Lionel Messi Oo Sannado Kale Sii Joogi Doona Barcelona

Lionel Messi waxa uu sii joogi doonaa Barcelona isaga oo go’aankiisa beddeli doona, haddii ay kooxdiisu awood u yeelato inay ku guuleysato koobab xili ciyaareedkan. Sidaa waxa sheegay Sergi Roberto.Xiddiga reer Argentina oo doonayay inuu ka tago Barcelona xagaagan ayaa khilaaf kaddib go’aansaday inuu dhamaysto sannadka uga hadhay heshiiskiisa Camp Nou, kaddibna uu xagaaga dambe hadal la’aan ku baxo, waxaana arrintaas ogsoon cid kasta oo kooxda ah oo aan awood u yeelan doonin inay hor joogsato.Barcelona ayay dhibaato weyn ku…

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