Luccin Ignites Passion: FC Dallas to Showcase Intense Spirit in His Debut Clash Against St. Louis City

Following Nico Estevez’s exit, Peter Luccin steps up to redirect FC Dallas’ course, beginning his journey against St. Louis City this Saturday.

On June 9, Dallas cut ties with Estevez after the team languished near the Western Conference’s base, securing no victories in five outings.

The club appointed Luccin as the interim coach, hoping his debut brings a fresh dynamism to the team.

“Acknowledging the past’s positives is crucial. We’ve laid down a robust foundation,” Luccin mentioned. “There’s palpable devotion I see, mirrored in the team’s gaze too.”

“Frankly, St. Louis might not be the easiest rival for my first match, yet it’s a challenge I relish due to the rigorous contest they pose,” Luccin added.

St. Louis, with their own set of challenges, hover four points above Dallas following a similarly disappointing streak.

Bradley Carnell, head coach of St. Louis, highlighted the complications of facing a team under new management. “Though uncertain of what to anticipate, our previous robust performances inspire confidence. Matching their new-found intensity is key,” he admitted.


FC Dallas – Liam Fraser

In his MLS journey across three clubs, it took Fraser 77 games to net his inaugural goal during the recent match against Minnesota.

Only behind Portland’s Eric Miller, who scored his first MLS goal in his 186th appearance, Fraser’s milestone marks a significant moment.

St. Louis City – Chris Durkin

During their last outing against Portland, St. Louis initiated attacks in the offensive third on multiple occasions, with Durkin leading the charge.

This season, the team managed the highest number of third-zone recoveries in the league, overriding other clubs by a notable margin.


After three encounters with St. Louis, Dallas achieved one win, one loss, and a draw. History suggests late-game excitement, with past goals primarily occurring after the 80th minute.

At their stronghold, Dallas has a commendable track record, barring two defeats in recent contests against Canadian teams. D.C. United was the last United States squad to clench a win at their venue.

Meanwhile, St. Louis secured a commendable tie with Portland last Saturday, further proving their resilience in the league this season.


FC Dallas – 47.6%

Draw – 26.1%

St. Louis City – 26.3%

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