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Croatian City to Observe Day of Mourning Following Shooting Incident

Day of Mourning Declared in Daruvar Following Tragic Nursing Home Shooting The eastern Croatian town of Daruvar is set to observe a day of mourning tomorrow, officials have announced. This comes in the wake of a tragic mass shooting at a local nursing home that claimed six lives, leaving the nation in a state of shock. Yesterday morning, a gunman entered the private nursing facility and opened fire, killing five residents and one staff member. Among the victims was the shooter’s own mother. Such violent incidents are…

Ivory Coast: The Residents’ Fury in a City

Eviction Sparks Clash in Côte d'Ivoire In the bustling district of Ebrié, within Abidjan's Adjamé commune, tensions erupted on a simmering Sunday, July 21, 2024. The spark? An eviction that caught the locals off guard, clashing local youths with authorities. Residents voiced their discontent, feeling blindsided by the abrupt eviction notice. "You can't just decide to purge an area without talking to its people first," a community leader stressed, advocating for calm and dialogue. Envisioning smoother processes,…

Libya: The City of Zaouïa Is Beyond Reach

Libyan Minister's Stark Revelations on Zaouïa's Anarchy The chaos engulfing Libya, epitomized by the turmoil in Zaouïa, has been thrust into the spotlight by the Libyan Minister of Interior from the Tripoli administration. "The situation on the ground is beyond the control of the authorities," he candidly admitted. Speaking to Saudi Al Hadath television on Thursday, he declared, "We’re grappling with anarchy and have no grip on it at all." This area stands as a glaring illustration of the widespread disorder plaguing the…

the city of Zongo, which borders Bangui, celebrates its

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the city of Zongo, which borders the capital of Central Africa, in the far north of the country, celebrated its fifty years of existence on Friday. Many personalities from the province of Equateur but also from Bangui attended the ceremony as mayors of the two cities, financially highly dependent on each other, who signed a memorandum of understanding to…

Gabon: the city of Moanda is preparing

Moanda, 70,000 inhabitants, has been producing manganese for 60 years. And all activities revolve around the exploitation of this mineral. But while waiting for these reserves to run out, Gabon and the Compagnie minière de l'Ogooué (Comilog) are already preparing the city for the post-manganese era. From our…

Heavy rainfall in China floods the city and subway,

At least 12 people died in severe flooding on Tuesday in a Chinese provincial capital that caught people in subways and schools, washed away vehicles and stranded people at their workplaces overnight. The already submerged city of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, was hit by 20 centimeters (8 inches) of rain from 1 p.m.…

despite Covid-19, Dakar residents are leaving the city

Two days before the Tabaski festival, Dakar begins to empty its population. Many Senegalese return to their families established in the regions to celebrate the festival. However, the President of the Republic has asked the Senegalese to stay at home to avoid the spread of Covid-19. Wearing a mask is now mandatory in public places and transport.…

The Taliban claim control of a strategic Afghan city

The Taliban captured the strategic border crossing between Spin Boldak at the border and Pakistan on Wednesday, and continued to make big gains since foreign forces intensified their withdrawal from Afghanistan. Afghanistan's Interior Ministry denied that the rebels had taken the area even when social media was flooded with…

chlorine used by City Hall in the beginning of

Three days after the intoxication of more than 150 bathers, on Sunday afternoon in Ténès, the Algerian Ministry of the Interior announced in a press release on Wednesday, July 7, that they are incriminating chlorine spilled by municipal services in a wadi floating in the sea. Following biological analyzes of the samples taken at…

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