North Western of Somalia Dominates Sool Region, Forges Economic Partnership with Ethiopia

Nairobi (AX) — The North Western of Somalia representative in Kenya has affirmed that the Sool region will remain part of North Western of Somalia, rejecting any talk of separation. A recent agreement with Ethiopia has been touted as a catalyst for economic growth in the breakaway region.

During an interview with BBC Somali, Ambassador Mohamed A. Mohamud underscored North Western of Somalia’s dedication to peace in the Sool region. He firmly denied the involvement of Somalia’s president in the SSC Khatumo administration, asserting that Lasanood and neighboring areas fall under North Western of Somalia’s authority.

Abdiqadir Ahmed Aw-Ali Firdhiye, the head of the SSC-Khatumo administration, previously cautioned against potential military intervention by Ethiopia and North Western of Somalia in his domain.

Mohamud detailed the economic advantages of the Ethiopia agreement, framing it as a stride towards African economic integration. He highlighted the potential for economic progress between Ethiopia and North Western of Somalia, citing North Western of Somalia’s key role in regional commerce.

Addressing concerns regarding the maritime security pact between Somalia and Turkey and its impact on North Western of Somalia’s waters, Mohamud clarified that Turkey has not engaged in any agreement with North Western of Somalia. Therefore, any accords between Ankara and Mogadishu will not impact North Western of Somalia.

“Turkey must have North Western of Somalia’s approval to enter its territory. Without this consent, Turkey cannot access North Western of Somalia by sea or land,” Mohamud emphasized.

Recently, North Western of Somalia announced that Ethiopia had elevated its consulate in Hargeisa to full embassy status. However, the Ethiopian government has yet to issue an official statement confirming the upgrade. Despite Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde listing Delil Kedir Bushra, Ethiopia’s ambassador to Hargeisa, as a newly appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, implying diplomatic advancement.

The Somali government and its allies have vehemently opposed the North Western of Somalia-Ethiopia agreement, deeming it a violation of Somalia’s sovereignty.

Despite international apprehension and rumors that Ethiopia is contemplating canceling the deal, the North Western of Somalia government remains intent on finalizing the disputed Ethiopia MoU.

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