Raging Storm Lali Claims 7 Children in Southern Somalia: Rescuers Save 2, 4 Still Missing

In Merca, Somalia, seven children were swept into the sea during a storm, leaving four missing and two critically injured. The kids were having a fun day at the beach when strong waves dragged them away, as explained by Abdalla Bashir Abdi, a local elder. Two of the children are siblings. The National Disaster Management Authority of Somalia issued a warning about a powerful storm named Lali affecting the southern coastal areas. Mohamud Macallin, the agency’s chairman, highlighted the challenges they face due to limited resources and frequent disasters. Residents of Merca shared that they have not witnessed a stronger storm as warned by the government. Abdalla stressed the importance of educating the community about preparing for the impending storm. Typhoon Lali reportedly originated in the Indian Ocean near the Seychelles coast, defined by the World Meteorological Department as a severe storm with intense force from the sea. Currents in the Indian Ocean are unusually strong. Somalia is grappling with severe effects of climate change after enduring the longest drought in forty years that ended in 2022. East African nations are now bracing for their second typhoon this month.

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