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COP29 Host Calls on Wealthy Nations to Resolve Climate Agreement Stalemate

UN Climate Summit Hosts Push for Breakthrough in Funding Talks The leaders of the upcoming UN climate summit are pressing governments to start making compromises to resolve the impasse over assisting poorer nations in addressing climate change. This year's COP29 summit, set for November in gas-abundant Azerbaijan, aims to secure a global pact on financial aid from wealthy countries to developing ones for climate-related investments. However, negotiations have hit a snag. Emerging nations require substantial funding for…

Facing forex issues, Ethiopia inks currency exchange agreement with UAE

Ethiopia Secures Currency Swap Agreement with UAE In Face of Forex Woes Faced with a tricky foreign exchange situation, Ethiopia has inked a significant currency swap arrangement with the United Arab Emirates. This move comes as a lifeline for the Ethiopian economy, struggling mightily with currency shortages. "Under the accord, both nations can now directly exchange their currencies without the need for a third-party currency, such as the U.S. dollar," highlighted sources familiar with the matter. Reportedly, Ethiopia's…

declarations of the customs agreement signed with

Customs revenues account for almost a third of Central Africa's state budget, but technical and financial partners regularly point to organizational problems and corruption. A customs agreement was signed on May 7 between the Russian Economic Commission and the Ministry of Finance, but it continues to provoke debate. Recent controversy, the video of a UN mission car loaded by Russian partners. The…

agreement signed for the creation of a

Against the production of vaccines against Covid-19 in Senegal. An agreement was signed on Friday 9 July with several partners, European countries, the World Bank and the United States, to finance the first phase of the project. A factory that should start production in 2022, when Africa now imports 99% of its vaccine needs.…

CMA makes an overview of the six-year agreement in Algiers

The peace and reconciliation agreement (APR) stemming from the Algerian process was signed six years ago between the Malian government and the armed groups involved in the peace process. In connection with this anniversary, the CMA (ex-rebellion) organized a press conference in Bamako on Sunday. For her, if hostilities have ceased on the spot between the signatories of the agreement, it is necessary to deplore the absence of real progress in its application. For the coordination of Azawad movements (CMA,…

after the agreement with the IMF, what is it

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), after a three-week marathon of negotiations, governments and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed on the content of a three-year program. The announcement was made on Friday 28 May. Yes The agreement validated by the IMF Board, the DRC could start receiving an initial payment,…

Roble visits Kenya after a historic preliminary agreement in Somalia

Roble visits Kenya after a historic preliminary agreement in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble will visit Nairobi, Kenya's capital, just days after leading the country in signing the pre-election agreement, effectively breaking the political deadlock that had locked Somalia for more than five months. Although the exact date and time have not yet been announced,…

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