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SSC-Khatumo leader’s stern message to North Western of Somalia: No to conflict in Sool region

In Las Anod, the head of the SSC-Khatumo government, Abdikhadir Ahmed Aw-Ali Firdhiye, cautioned North Western of Somalia about starting another conflict in Sool, Sanaag, and Ayn, vowing to protect their territories. Firdhiye addressed the SSC-Khatumo community in Rome, Italy, affirming that they will overcome the North Western of Somalia military in case of an assault in SSC areas. Moreover, Firdhiye mentioned that the recently established SSC administration is actively working to bring peace and stability to the…

Grand Opening of State-of-the-art Car Manufacturing Facility in Jigjiga, Somali Region

In Jigjiga, Ethiopia, a brand new vehicle assembly plant has opened, with an investment of 250 million Birr, marking a significant milestone in the country's industrial growth. The factory, capable of producing up to 10 cars per day, was launched amidst great excitement and hope. Somali Regional President Mustafe Mohamed, leading the event, commended the collaborative work that brought the project to life. "This plant shows our progress in industry and the increasing role of the private sector in our economy," President…

Pirate Attack on Fishing Vessel Sparks Heightened Alert for Maritime Commerce

Today's update reveals the seizure of a fishing boat by armed pirates off the coast of Somalia. Neptune P2P Group warns of escalating piracy incidents, with two pirate groups operating near Socotra and Eyl. The ship's tracking system is currently inactive. Neptune P2P Group predicts an increase in pirate attacks due to their profitability. They estimate pirates are expanding their operations up to 1000nm off the Somali coast. Atalanta reports two pirate groups active in the Socotra area and 500nm east of the island. Last…

Spirited Somali Leaders Shower New Hawadle Clan Chief with Warm Congratulations

In Beledweyne, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre, and former government officials celebrated the inauguration of Ugas Yusuf Ugas Hassan Ugas Khalif in Hiiraan region.  Ugas Yusuf is now the 21st leader of the Hawadle clans. Villa Somalia encouraged him to carry on the traditional legacy, focusing on cultural matters, reconciliation, and unity protection.  Past Presidents Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, ex-Prime Ministers Hassan Ali Kheire, Mohamed Hussein Roble,…

SSC-Khatumo Chief Overhauls Leadership Team with Fresh Faces

In Las Anod (AX), the head of SSC-Khatumo, Abdiqadir Ahmed Aw-Ali Firdhiye, reorganized his team by appointing new members on Sunday through an official decree. Former Chief of the Somali Police Force, General Abdi Hassan Hajaar, and other prominent figures were included in the reshuffle. President Firdhiye, serving a two-year term, has been in power for nearly a year, overseeing ongoing restructuring efforts. The newly appointed ministers are listed as follows: 1. Abdiqani Hussein Haji Hirad - overseeing Finance 2. Dr.…

Investigation Uncovers Possible War Crimes: 23 Civilians Killed in Turkey’s Airstrikes in Somalia

In March, 14 children and 17 civilians were harmed in attacks that could be considered as war crimes. Families of the victims should be compensated for their losses. According to Amnesty International, two separate incidents that resulted in the death of 23 civilians during Somali military operations assisted by Turkish drones ought to be thoroughly investigated as potential war crimes. On March 18, 2024, strikes in the Lower Shabelle region tragically took the lives of 14 children and other civilians. The armed conflict…

Beware: Paying Ransom May Spark Fresh Somali Pirate Onslaught

In a recent update regarding piracy near Somalia, EU NAVFOR ATALANTA highlighted a significant increase in activity posing a threat. The pirates' strategy involves taking over dhows to use as bases for attacks up to 600 nm away from shore, blending in with regular sea traffic. While no new attacks have occurred in the last week, the potential payment of ransoms could lead to more dhow hijackings, fueling future raids on ships. Reuters reported a $5 million ransom was paid for the release of the Bangladeshi bulker Abdullah,…

Revamped Criminal Investigations Directorate and State-of-the-Art Courts Unveiled in Mogadishu, Somalia

The grand opening of the CID office block is pivotal to our justice system and crime prevention efforts in Somalia, as stated by a Somali Police Force representative. Unveiled in 2019 with backing from the UNODC’s Global Maritime Crime Programme, the MPCC is a one-of-a-kind facility that combines courts within the prison complex. This fresh concept not only relieves pressure on the judicial system but also reduces risks and logistical obstacles related to transporting high-risk prisoners to court, thus improving safety and…

The Impact of New EU Visa Regulations on the Ethiopian and Somali Communities: What You Need to Know

In light of recent guidelines, the European Union has put on hold certain rules about granting visas to Ethiopian citizens. These adjustments prevent EU member nations from skipping specific paperwork and providing visas for multiple entries. Additionally, Ethiopian diplomats and officials will now have to pay for their travel permits, signifying a significant change in policy. The processing time for visas for Ethiopians has been lengthened from 15 to 45 days, a move that the European Commission deems necessary to push…

Kenya Appoints Fresh Defense Leader Following Tragic Helicopter Accident

Kahariri previously acted as deputy to Ogolla, 62, the former Chief of Defense Forces for nearly 40 years.Before joining the Kenya Defense Forces in 1987, Kahariri was a deputy commander in the Kenya Navy.Over three decades, he climbed the ranks, showcasing his talents and skills, earning the admiration of many.With a family of three, Kahariri played a significant role in Kenya's mission into Somalia in 2011.This operation aimed to drive out Al-Shabaab militants who had abducted four foreigners, causing a stir.During the…

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