Western Türkiye Authorities Apprehend 11 ISIS Suspects

On Tuesday, Turkish authorities grabbed eleven suspected Islamic State (IS) adherents in Izmir’s western province, as per local media reports.

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Counter-terrorism squads kicked off the raid under the watchful eye of the Izmir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, relayed the state-run TRT broadcaster.

Messing around with IS in Menemen got them on the radar.

During their sweep of the suspects’ homes, the cops nabbed weapons, propaganda, and heaps of digital gear.

Declared a terror outfit in 2013, the Turkish state holds IS responsible for numerous fatal assaults in the nation since 2015, including a January hit on a Roman Catholic Church in Istanbul which claimed a life.

In a simultaneous update, Türkiye reported it had “neutralized” thirteen “terrorists” in northern Iraq and northern Syria on Tuesday.

“The Turkish Armed Forces neutralized 10 PKK terrorists spotted in the zones of Operation Claw and Operation Claw-Lock in northern Iraq, and three YPG terrorists in the Operation Olive Branch zone in northern Syria,” stated the Defense Ministry on social media platform X, not mentioning the exact timing of these actions.

Usually, when Turkish officials say “neutralized,” they mean the “terrorists” either surrendered, were eliminated, or got captured.

Türkiye considers the YPG the Syrian arm of the PKK, a group branded as a terrorist entity not only by Türkiye, but also by the U.S. and EU, and who’ve been battling the Turkish regime for over thirty years.

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