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PDCI calls for “civil disobedience”

Since the validation of the candidacy of Alassane Ouattara for a third term and the rejection of, among others, Guillaume Soro and Laurent Gbagbo - the opposition does not intend to remain silent about what it qualifies as "forfeiture". This Saturday, the PDCI held a meeting in Cocody to condemn the political situation and organize the next mobilization of "civil disobedience". It is technical advice that quickly got the look of a meeting. At PDCI headquarters, political representatives from all districts of Abidjan met…

Nigerian Labor Congress calls for strike

The country's largest union is stepping up pressure on the government by calling for demonstrations on Monday 28 September to protest the rise in fuel and electricity prices in the country. In the context of economic crisis, the federal government has in fact decided to end its subsidies in these two sectors. The price of petrol at the pump is now indexed to market prices, while electricity prices will double in early September. The threat of a social movement launched by the Nigerian Labor Congress was at the center of…

President Uhuru Kenyatta calls for an anti-doping plan

In Kenya, President Uhuru Kenyatta is concerned about the recent rise in doping cases among the country's athletes. He asks the Ministry of Sports to develop a major training and testing plan to combat this scourge. For the Kenyan president, the country's reputation is at stake a few months before the Olympics. "Kenya has built its reputation as a stronghold of sport on pure and just victories." This statement is signed by Uhuru Kenyatta, who expresses his concern over the increase in doping cases discovered in recent…

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