Ethiopia Calls on Egypt to Alter Its Position on Nile Dam Amid Rising Tensions

Ethiopia Calls on Egypt to Reconsider Stance on Nile Dam Amid Growing Tensions

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopia is pressing Egypt to rethink its “hostile tactics” concerning the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), as tensions escalate over the Nile River’s water management.

This plea arises from Egypt’s recent correspondence with the UN Security Council. In that letter, Egypt accused Ethiopia of violating international norms by filling the dam without a tripartite agreement.

The GERD, perched on the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, has sparked controversy since its construction kicked off in 2011. Ethiopia champions the dam as vital for its progress, aspiring to deliver electricity to millions and stimulate economic advancement. Conversely, Egypt, which depends heavily on the Nile for its water needs, fears that the dam could drastically diminish its water allocation, posing a dire risk to its survival reliant on the river.

Ethiopia’s rebuttal to Egypt’s allegations was resolute. The government underscored the dam’s significance for national progress and called on Egypt to engage in “sincere negotiations” within the framework of international law.

The Ethiopian administration also emphasized its dedication to the Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) concerning the Nile River Basin, a pact it ratified recently, seeking to enhance collaboration among countries sharing the Nile.

Recent discussions between Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt ended without any significant outcomes. Egypt withdrew from talks in December 2023, claiming Ethiopia displayed a lack of willingness to reach a compromise.

Regardless of these obstacles, Ethiopia has pressed on with the dam’s development, completing the fifth phase of filling. Egypt argues this action contravenes a 2015 Declaration of Principles. This ongoing conflict prompts both nations to pursue a diplomatic solution that honors each country’s requirements and rights.

The enduring dispute not only illustrates the intricate dynamics surrounding the Nile’s water politics but also sheds light on the broader hurdles facing regional cooperation and development across Africa. As both countries navigate their respective stances, the global audience watches intently, yearning for a peaceful resolution that could set a benchmark for managing transboundary water resources throughout the region.


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