Xiisad Dagaal oo ka taagan Koofur Bari Magaalada Dhuusamareeb.

Militariga Soomaaliya ayaa saakay dhaq-dhaqaaq ciidan kawada deegaannada Bulucle & Miir-dugul ee dhaca duleedka Magaalada Dhuusamareeb xarunta Dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug. Saraakiisha hoggaamineysa ciidamada militariga ah ee tagay deegaannadaan oo la hadlay Axadle waxa ay sheegeen in xalay ay ku hoyden deegaannadaas, saakayna ay wadaan dhaq-dhaqaaqyo ciidan. Ujeedka howlgalkooda waxa ay ku sifeeyeen in ay ku doonayaan qabsashada deegaanno horleh oo dhaca Koofur Bari…

“Haddii Madax Goboleedyadu farageliyaan kuraasteena, ma ansixin doono heshiiska” Mahad Cawad.

Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Golaha Shacabka BFS Xildhibaan Mahad Cabdalla Cawad oo ka qaybgalay munaasabad loo qabtay Madaxweynaha DG Puntland Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa kahor sheegay in culeyska madax goboleedyadu ay saarayaan kuraasta xildhibaannada. Cawad ayaa sheegay in xiliyada doorashada Madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyada isu dayaan in ay cadaadiyaan Xildhibaannada, waxaana uu sheegay in haddii la isku dayo taas Xildhibaannadu qaadanayaan go’aan ka dhan ah Heshiiska…

Beesha Caalamka oo Qabyo ku tilmaamtay heshiiska DFS & DG.

Warsaxaafadeed kasoo baxay Beesha Caalamka ayaa looga hadlay heshiiskii 15-ka qodob ka koobnaa oo 17-kii bishaan September 2020 wada gaareen Madaxda DFS, DG iyo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir. Beesha Caalamaka ayaa sheegtay in heshiiskaas uusan gaarsiisneen heerkii laga rabay, waxaana ay ku tilmaamtay mid qabyo ah oo u baahan dhameystirka waxyaabaha ka maqan ee lama huraanka u ah. “Saaxiibada beesha caalamka waxa ay garwaaqsanyihiin heshiiskii ay ku dhawaaqeen Madaxweynaha…

Cameroonian soldiers are jailed for murdering women and children

Four Cameroonian soldiers received 10-year prison sentences Monday for the killing of two women and two children in an incident that sparked international insurgency, their lawyers said. They and three other soldiers were arrested after a video surfaced on social media in July 2018 showing uniformed men leveling rifles and firing at the victims, one of whom had a baby strapped to his back. The video was one of several that emerged in recent years with alleged atrocities by Cameroonian forces during operations against…

International partners say the election agreement in Somalia is not below the 1P1V target

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's hopes for timely elections suffered a setback on Monday after international partners said the newly signed agreement was not in line with the goals of Africa's direct elections. The agreement was printed in Mogadishu on September 17 in Mogadishu after four days of talks, allowing the federal government and member states to end a possible pre-election crisis that had engulfed the country's internal policies. President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, five regional leaders, signed the agreement…

The former defense minister appointed Mali interim president, junta leader named VP

Former Malidefence minister and retired Colonel Bah Ndaw was appointed interim president on Monday, while the leader of the junta who seized power last month was appointed vice president, state television announced. Mali's ruling junta has come under heavy pressure from leaders of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to bring power back to civilians after the August 18 coup that toppled President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. It was unclear whether the arrangement would satisfy ECOWAS, which last week…

DP World oo heshiis Dekadaha ah lagaartay Israel.

Shirkadda Israel Dovertower ayaa heshiis iskaashi la saxiixatay Dubai Ports World ‘DP World’oo ku saabsan howlaha maraakiibta, ay warisay warbaahinta Imaaraadka. Heshiiska iskaashiga waxaa kala saxiixday madaxa Dovertower Shlomi Fogel intii uu ku guda jiray booqashadiisii ​​Dubai, wargeyska ku hadla luuqada Cibraaniga Globes ayaa daabacay “Shaqadeenu waa in aan u dhisno dariiqyo ganacsi oo u dhexeeya Imaaraadka, Israel, iyo wixii ka dambeeya ayaa ka caawin doonta…

The United States is asking Kenya to publicly support Israel or forget about the free trade agreement

NAIROBI, Kenya - The United States wants Kenya to support Israel's political and commercial interests or forget about a FTA with the world's largest economy. These are a set of conditions set out in the ongoing FTA negotiations between Nairobi and Washington. The United States has stated in its objectives from The East African that the agreement with Kenya, in terms of commercial partnerships, should counteract actions that anticipate or discourage business between the United States and Israel. Washington argues…

Imaaraadka iyo Maraykanka oo ka shaqaynaya heshiis dhexmara Suudaan & Israel!

Xoghayaha Arimaha Dibada ee Mareykanka Mike Pompeo oo la taagan yahay Jeneral Abdel-Fattah Burhan, oo ah madaxa golaha talada haya, Khartuum, Sudan, Talaadada, Agoosto 25, 2020. Wafdi heer sare ah oo uu hogaaminayo madaxa golaha talada haya ee Suudaan ayaa u safray dalka Isutaga Imaaraatka carabta si ay wadahadalo gooni gooni ah ula yeeshaan saraakiisha Imaaraatka iyo Mareykanka, u jeedka socdaalkooda ayaa salka ku haaya sidii Washition Liiska Argagisada uga saari lehayd…

UN envoy meets police chief in Somalia before election

MOGADISHU, Somalia - UN Chief Envoy to Somalia James Swan held a closed-door meeting on Sunday with Security Chief General Abdi Hassan on the agenda of the long-awaited election, which would begin in November 2020. Secretary-General Hassan is police commissioner and is tasked with providing homeland security in the Horn of Africa, which has struggled with insecurity for decades due to growing al-Shabaab attacks and conflicts between clans that have tracked efforts to restore normalcy in the country. Sources familiar…

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