Nigeria: Facebook announces office in Lagos, second in Africa

A facebook office at Nigeria. The American giant of social networks intends to set up in Lagos, next year. Second desk on the African continent, after that of South Africa in 2015, the Nigerian branch will recruit teams in the fields of sales, of the Politics and some communication. Facebook hopes to develop products created by Africans for Africa and the rest of the world. In 2016, the founder of the company, Mark Zuckerberg, had traveled to Lagos for his first trip to the mainland. This deployment in Africa's…

Ethiopia files terror charges against leading opposition activist Jawar Mohammed

ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopia has filed terrorism charges against a prominent media mogul and opposition politician from the Oromo ethnic group, Jawar Mohammed, the Attorney General's Office said on Saturday. Jawar, the founder of the Oromiya Media Network and a member of the Oromo Federalist Congress party, was arrested in June amid widespread unrest following the assassination of popular Oromo musician Haacaaluu Hundeessaa. Jawar and 22 other activists, including Oromo opposition leader Bekele Garba, face charges of…

Imaaraadka iyo Israel oo ka wada hadlaya sidii loo dhisi lahaa dhuun shidaal oo mareysa Sacuudiga.

Imaaraatka iyo Israel ayaa ka gorgortamaya sidii ay u dhisi lahaayeen dhuun shidaal. Sawir: Reuters. Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta iyo maamulka Israel ayaa diyaarinaya wado ay maraan maraakiibta oo gacan ka geysan doonta sidii loo badbaadin lahaa kharashka shidaalka ceyriin ee booyada lagu sii mariyo kanaalka Marinka Suweys ee Masar, iyadoo lacag loo keenayo Israel. Saxaafadda Carabta ayaa 20-kii Sebtember werisay in saraakiisha Israa’iil ay wadahadallo la yeesheen Imaaraadka…

Hoggaamiyaha Xisbiga Wadajir oo ku eedeeyay madaxda DFS boob ka dhan ah Matalaadda Gobaladda Waqooyi!

Hoggaamiyaha Xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Wadajir Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame. Hoggaamiyaha Xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Wadajir Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame oo maanta oo Axada shir jaraa’id ku qabtay caasimada wadanka ee Muqdisho ayaa ka hadlay heshiiskii siyaasadeed ee doorashada Soomaaliya iyo arrimo kale. Hogaamiyaha Mucaaradka ah ayaa sheegay in doorashada la boobayo ee la rabo in la dhaco ay tahay kuraasta xubnaha ka soo jeeda Gobaladda Waqooyi ee doorashadooda ka…

Military judges warn SNA against arms abuse in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army Troops have been warned about the misuse of firearms across the country, following new reports of increasing cases of violence by military men, which have raised questions about the relationship between civilians and security forces. Chief of the Military Court Colonel Hassan Ali Nor fired warning against SNA troops as he visited the contingent serving in Balad-Hawo in the Gedo region just inside the Kenya-Somalia border. The troops have been guarding the city since…

Al-Shabaab shows crashed drone near US military base in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based Al-Shabaab militants have for the first time released photos allegedly of a U.S. drone that crashed into their stronghold while on a surveillance mission, sending a stern warning to the military about the operations being carried out against them in the country. For several months, soldiers have been attached to the Somali National Army , the troops of the African Union mission and the US African Command have conducted operations against the militants, especially in the Shebelle…

Itoobiya oo Maxkamadeyneysa Jawaar Maxamed & Rag la eedeysan!

Xeer ilaaliyaha Itoobiya ayaa sheegay in Berri oo Isniin ah la maxkamadeynayo Siyaasiga Oromada ah ee Jawaar Maxamed iyo 24-ruux oo kale kuna eedeysan waxa loogu yeeray falal Argagixiso. Qaarkood ayaa maqanayaal ah, waxaana gacanta Dowladda ku jira shaqsiyaad koobaan oo uu ugu tun weyn yahay Jawaar Maxamed oo mar awood badan ku lahaa Warbaahinta balse u xuubsiibtay dhanka Siyaasadda. Eedeynta ugu weyn ee loo heysto waa in dhimashada 150-ruux, inkasta oo Hay’adda Xuquuqda…

KDF commander meets SNA chiefs in Somalia

KISMAYO, Somalia - A top Kenya defense force Commander-in-Chief on Thursday held a closed door meeting with a section of the Somali National Army management serving in the unstable Gedo region just months after reported differences between the two security teams. Earlier this year, SNA troops accused the KDF team of supporting Jubaland forces, leading to an altercation in the town of Balad-Hawo on the common border between Kenya and Somalia. Hundreds of residents were displaced during clashes. But African Union…

12 Somalis arrested in Kenya on suspicion of links to Al-Shabaab

NAIROBI, Kenya - Kenya police arrested 12 Somali nationals in the northeastern city of Garissa on Saturday, a senior police chief confirmed, and they will be arrested in court for explaining the motive behind their trip to the East African country without proper documentation. The 12 foreigners are said to have sneaked across the porous border without valid documentation, the official said in an incident that raises questions about the country's effectiveness in managing the borders, which has been an elephant in…

Goorma ayaa Golaha Shacabka la horgeynayaa Maxamed Xuseen Rooble?

Fadhiga golaha shacabka Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Magacaaban ee XFS Maxamed Xuseen Rooble oo haatan sugaya hortagista Golaha Shacabka si uu kalsoonida ugu helo, maadaama uu ka dalbaday codsiintiisa ayaa la ogaaday waqtiga uu Madaxweyne Farmaajo la hortagayo Aqalka Shacabka. Ilo xog ogaal ah, Xildhibaanno iyo mas’uuliyiin kale oo u dhaw Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Magacaaban Saddexda Cishe ayaa Axadle u sheegay in kulanka Berri ee Golaha Shacabka Ajendaha uu yahay kalsooni siinta Wasiirka…

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