Maxay Ciyaartoyda Liverpool Ku Sameeyeen Andy Robertson

Andy Robertson waxa uu xalay sameeyey qalad sababay in gool caddaan ah laga dhaliyo kooxdiisa, kaddib markii uu kubadda u dhiibay weeraryahanka Arsenal ee Alexandre Lacazette oo si fudud kubadda u dhaafiyey goolhaye Alisson Becker.Liverpool ayaa dib usoo dagaallantay oo saddex gool ugu beddeshay Arsenal, waxaana mid ka mid ah goolashaas saxeexay Andy Robertson oo iska soo beday qaladkii uu sameeyey.Daqiiqaddii 25aad ayaa kubbad uu Andy Robertson isku dayayay inuu iska difaaco, waxay kaga dhacday meel aanu ugu talo-gelin,…

Abortion is an ‘obstacle course’ for women in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Every day, an estimated 400 women perform unsafe abortions in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. FRANCE 24 spoke with members of the NGO Afia Mama, which provides psychological, medical and legal support to women seeking abortion. Although the DRC has signed and ratified the Maputo Protocol, which allows women to terminate a pregnancy in the event of rape or if it threatens their health, Congolese criminal law continues to prohibit abortions. "The fact that the law is inconsistent means that the…

Mas’uuliyiin katirsan Hir-Shabeelle oo dhiirageliyay soo

Magaalada Jowhar Xarunta DG Hir-Shabeelle waxaa lagu soo gaba-gabeeyay kulan dadka looga dhaadhicinayay joojinta hayb-sooca qaar kamid beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee dhanka Siyaasadda iyo dhaqanka. Mas’uuliyiinta maamulka Hir-Shabeelle ee kulanka ka qaybgashay waxaa kamid ah: Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Baarlamaanka Canab Axmed Ciise, Wasiirka Diinta & Awqaafta Hir-Shabeelle Sheekh Abuukar Cali iyo Odoyaasha dhaqanka Degmada Jowhar. Qaar kamid ah odoyaasha kulanka ka hadlay…

Hordhac: Tottenham vs Chelsea | Mourinho vs Lampard –

Tottenham ayaa garoonkeeda ku ciyaaraysa markii labaad muddo shan maalmood gudahood ah, waxaanay caawa ku martigelin doontaa Chelsea oo ay ku ballansan yihiin wareegga afraad ee tartanka Carabao Cup, kaas oo midkooda laga badiyo uu si toos ah uga hadhi doono tartanka.Labada kooxood ayuu kulankani ugu soo beegmay xilli ay ku jiraan toddobaad xun oo ay kulamadoodii horyaalka Premier League mid walba barbarro soo gashay, laakiin kooxda tababare Jose Mourinho oo usbuucii kasii horreeyey dhoolatus weyn samaysay ayaa ku niyadsan…

why ECOWAS has not yet lifted its embargo

The president of the transition, Bah N'Daw, his prime minister, the diplomat Moctar Ouane, and the vice president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, met on Monday, September 28, in Bamako to discuss the tasks that await them over the next 18 months. But they must first face a problem: the embargo imposed on Mali by ECOWAS has not yet been lifted despite the appointment of a civilian prime minister. Bamako has not yet officially responded non-lifting of the embargo issued by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).…

Diyaaradaha ka shaqeeyaha Gudaha Dalka oo shaqo joojin

Ilo xog ogaal ah ayaa Axadle u xaqiijiyay in diyaaradaha duullimaadyada gudaha dalka ka sameeya in ay saakay joojiyeen duullimaadyada maalinlaha ah ee ay ku kala tagaan Gobollada dalka. Shirkadaha ayaa ka carooday kadib markii shaqo joojin lagu sameeyay mid kamid ah Shirkadahooda Nabadsugidda ka joojisay shaqada, waxaana lagu guuldareystay in xal laga gaaro arrintaas. Buuq ayaa hareeyay in howlaha Duullimaadka Garoonka Diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee Magaalada Muqdisho, qaar kamid…

US-trained Danab forces kill al-Shabaab militants in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Danab Special Forces killed Al-Shabaab militants in the fragile Lower Shabelle region on Monday following a fierce shooting, Somali Army chief Gen. Yusuf Rageh Odowaa said, adding that the latest The meeting was a huge achievement for the security forces. The army chief said at least seven al-Shabaab militants were killed by the US-trained Danab, adding that several others were wounded and were in the custody of security forces. He said the operation was aimed at those who have supported…

Lafta gareen oo Xildhibaannada & Senatarada kasoo jeeda KGS

Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa xalay lagu qabtay munaasabad oo soo agaasimay Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka BFS Maxamed Mursal Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan, waxaana ka qaybgalay Madaxweyne Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed Lafta Gareen, Xildhibaannada & Senatarada kasoo jeeda DG KGS. Madaxweyne Lafta Gareen ayaa madasha ka sheegay in la doonayo ka gudubka dhibaatooyinka siyaasadeed ee lasoo maray, maadaama shaqsiyaad usoo dhinteen gaarista hamiga siyaasadeed ee deegaannada maamulkaas. Lafta gareen…

postal strike disrupts money transfer and parcel service

With the claim of the best working conditions, the agents of the Congo Post and Savings Company (SOPECO) begin this Tuesday, September 29, the second week of their indefinite general strike, which particularly paralyzes money transfer and receipt. and sending packages. "Unlimited general strike, stay home!" These writings, posted at all entrances to the postal services, well padlocked, welcome users like Ulrich Malonga, who cannot withdraw the money sent to him from abroad in this agency, which is placed in the main…

Waare oo qorsheeyay howlgal lagu sugayo Shabeelaha Dhexe

Hogaamiyaha DG Hir-Shabeelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaa qorsheeyay howlgal lagu sugayo ammaanka Magaalada Jowhar, Deegaannada duleedkeeda ah iyo wadada isku xirta Muqdisho iyo xarunta maamulkiisa. Muqdisho ayuu ka bilaabay taageero u raadinta howlgalka lagu sugayo ammaanka Jowhar, waxaana uu la kulmay saraakiil Ciidan oo uu ugu darajo sareeyo Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Gen. Odowaa Yuusuf Raage. Waxa uu u yeeray saraakiisha Militariga ee qaabilsan Gobollada Shabeelaha Dhexe…

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