Iftin Express denies allegations of support for the arms trade

BOSSASO, Northeastern State - A top Somali money transfer leader has refuted allegations of money laundering and facilitating the arms trade in the Horn of Africa country, days after the Global Initiative team l linked to professional misconduct and the illicit arms trade. The Iftin Express, based in the northern federal state of Northeastern State, dismissed the allegations as< fabrications >>, adding that the accusers had no evidence< de fond >> to link them to behavior, which violates various arms…

Maraakiib ganacsi oo ku xayiran Xeebaha Boosaaso. –

Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari, ayaa sheegaya in xeebta Boosaaso ay ku xayiran yihiin doonyo iyo maraakiib sida Shixnado ganacsi oo u raran ganacsato Soomaaliyeed. Doonyaha iyo Maraakiibta oo shixnado ganacsi ka keenay dalalka Carabta, gaar ahaanna Cummaan iyo Imaraatiga, ayaa saacado ku xayiran xeebta Boosaaso, kadib markii lagu wargeliyay in ay halkaas ku hakadaan, maadaama ciid laga saarayo Marinka dekedda Bosaaso ee Puntland. Maamulka dekedda…

DAAWO Yaabkan!! Garsoorihii Kulankii Liverpool vs Arsenal Ee

Garsooraha ree England ee Craig Pawson ayaa ahaa mid indhaha caalamka xaday intii ay socotay ciyaartii uu xalay dhex-dhexaadiyaha ka ahaa ee Liverpool vs Arsenal gaar ahaan xilli uu fursad cadaan ah qasaariyay weeraryahan Alexandre Lacazette oo kooxda London ka socotay metelayay.Lacazette ayaa baas cajiib ah ka helay Dani Ceballos iyadoo uu si fool ka fool ah u wajahay goolhaye Alisson Becker balse isku dayga uu sameeyay ayaa ahaa mid sahlan oo uu goolhayaha ree Brazil xakameeyay.Lacazette ayaa qaybtii hore ahaa geesiga…

Bruno Fernandes Oo Sharraxaad Ka Bixiyey Sababta Uu Dhegaha

Xiddiga Manchester United ee Bruno Fernandes ayaa sharraxay sababta uu dhegaha u qabsado marka uu dhaliyo gool ee uu dabbaal-degga samaynayo iyo macnaha ay isaga u leedahay inuu qaabkaas u dabbaal-dego.Fernandes ayaa soo qabta labadiisa dhegood sidii uu wax dhegaysanayo oo kale, waxaanu dabbaal-deggiisani ahaa mid aanu marna ka baaqsanin intii uu joogay Manchester United ee uu goolasha u dhalinayay tan iyo dhamaadkii January.Xiddiga reer Portugal oo wax laga weydiiyey ayaa sheegay in dabbaal-deggan gaarka ah ay inantiisu u…

Internet interruptions during exams affect the economy

Authorities ordered the disconnection of 3G during the patent tests from Monday to Wednesday. No internet between 8 and at. 12 and in the evening between kl. 15 and at 19 universal time. According to the government, the measure is aimed at combating fraud, but the measure seriously affects economic activities across the country. Ahmed, in his thirties, manages a small money transfer agency between Nouakchott and the interior regions. Since Monday, its activities have stopped: "Due to internet shutdown, I had important…

Fede Valverde Oo Ka Hadlay Tartanka Ka Dhexeeya Casemiro,

Fede Valverde, waxa uu kasbaday quluubta jamaahiirta kooxdiisa Real Madrid sannadkii hore oo uu bandhig cajiib ahaa muujiyey, waxaanu liiska halyeeyada isku daray markii uu sabab u noqday in kooxdiisu ay ku guuleysato Spanish Super Cup bishii December oo ay Atletico Madrid koobka ka qaadeen iyadoo uu naftiisa casaan ugu huray Valverde.Guushii koowaad ee Real Madrid ay xili ciyaareedkan gaadhay, waxay ahayd Sabtidii oo ay 3-2 dirqi ahaa adkaadeen, waxaana uu Valverde ahaa laacibka gool-dhalinta u furay kooxdiisa.Fede Valverde…

Algae lawyers strike for independent justice

Since then, I believe that for more than a year, there have been hundreds of lawsuits against militants, activists, journalists, without these activists or these militants having committed offenses punishable by Algerian criminal law. It is only that they expressed themselves over Hirak, the management of the country's affairs. It is for this reason that there have been a lot of lawsuits, there are dozens and dozens of Algerians sitting in prisons for having expressed an opinion. And we, the lawyers, felt unable to do…

opponent Maurice Kamto condemns “a de facto house arrest”

For a week, police have been deployed around the residence of the leader of the MRC. His party called for a protest against the Paul Biya regime in Cameroon last Tuesday. Demonstrations that mobilized an impressive security system despite the low turnout. Dozens of police and gendarme filters around the residence of Maurice Kamto day and night. In order to enter, a request must be made to the authorities. And until now Maurice Kamto claims not to have received any official notification from justice to explain the…

Imaaraatka oo Simay Mushaarka Ragga & Dumarka! – Axadle

Two female arabic managers showing the engineers what the construction will look like Amar kasoo baxay Sheekh Khaliifa Bin Zaayid Al-nahyaan Bishii Agoosto ayaa dhaqangalay, waxaana uu ahaa in la jimeeyo (la simo) Mushaarka Ragga iyo Dumarka ka shaqeeya Shirkadaha gaarka loo leeyahay. Howlwadeenada looma fiirin doono Rag ama dumar, balse waxa ay qaadan doonaan Mushaar siman, maadaama markii ay kala sareeyeen, amarkaan ayaa ka dhashay kadib markii cabasho la xiriirta Dowladdu…

50ka Xiddig Ee Ugu Shacbiyadda Badan Isboortiga Oo Lasoo

Lionel Messi ayaa loo magacaabay kaalinta koowaad ee 50ka ciyaartoy ugu suuq-geynta wanaagsan dunida, waxaanu booska kala baxay Cristiano Ronaldo oo hore kaalintaas ugu jiray.Liiska 50ka laacib ee SportsPro’s 2020 oo lasoo saaray ayaa waxa kaalinta saddexaad kaga jira xiddiga kubadda kolayga NBA-da ee LeBron James, halka Neymar uu lixaad cidhiidhsaday, laakiin feedhyahanka Muslimka ah ee Khabib Nurmagomedov ayaa si weyn usoo dallacay oo kaalinta toddobaad soo galay, iyadoo uu noqday feedhyahanka kaliya ee tobanka kaalmood ee…

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