Kuwait mourns Arab veteran Emir Sheikh Sabah

KUWAIT - Kuwait's ruling Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah has died, his office said on Tuesday, plunging his country into mourning for a leader seen by many Gulf Arabs as a savvy diplomatic operator and a humanitarian champion. Sheikh Sabah, 91, had led the wealthy oil producer and US ally since 2006 and directed its foreign policy for more than 50 years. His designated successor is his brother, Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah. "With the greatest sadness and sorrow for the Kuwaiti people, the Islamic…

Lionel Messi Oo Lagu Qalqaalinayo Inuu Luis Suarez Kula

Fekrada ku saabsan in Lionel Messi uu ku biiro Atletico Madrid islamarkaana uu u ciyaaro waa wax aan haatan maskaxda ka degeynin laakiin sidaasi si la mid ah cidna kuma fekereynin in Luis Suarez uu ka tagayo Barcelona kuna biirayo Atletico Madrid.Luis Suarez ayaa kulankiisii ugu horeysay u saftay Atletico Madrid isagoo dhaliyay labo gool islamarkaana caawiye ka noqday gool kale, sidaasi darteed meesha lagama saari karo in Messi uu isna maro wadada Suarez.Xiddiga reer Argentina ayaa hore u soo xirtay maaliyada Atletico Madrid…

Gary Neville Oo Bedelay Saadaashiisa Kooxda Hanan Doonta

Daaficii hore ee Manchester United Gary Neville ayaa bedelay saadaashiisa hanashada horyaalka Premier League iyadoo kaliya seddex kulan la ciyaaray xilli ciyaareedka cusub.Kooxda difaacaneysa horyaalka ee Liverpool, Everton iyo Leicester City ayaa dhamaantood wada badiyay seddexdii kulan ee la ciyaaray.Kooxdii sannadkii hore gashay kaalinta labaad ee Manchester City ayaa ku bilaabatay xilli ciyaareed guul laakiin waxay guuldarro ceeb ah ka soo gaartay Leicester City oo uga badisay 5-2.Neville ayaa saadaaliyay ka hor bilowgii…

This well-liked weight reduction food regimen may cause muscle loss, research discover

Intermittent fasting is per. Definition one of many tougher diets to observe. However whether or not you do it for the scientifically backed well being advantages like decreasing irritation and reversing diabetes, or shedding a number of kilos and rising your fats loss, it is a life-style alternative that appears to vow large positive factors in return for a larger restriction. . Nonetheless, the newest research of one of these restrictive consuming could put a damper on our enthusiasm for food regimen. Not solely did…

in Egypt, rival factions discuss security and common strength

Discussions continue to find a way out of the crisis in Libya. In the conflict between the camp in Tripoli and the east, there are three aspects: political, economic and security. At this last point, Egypt is to host a committee of five soldiers from each camp next month. To prepare for this meeting, two delegations from rival factions met on Monday in Hurghada.…

Qisadii Murugada Lahayd Ee Xafladdii Dhalashada Michael

Marka ay kooxdu ku guuleysato horyaalka, waxa laga fishaa inay isku duubnaato oo ay farxadda qaybsato, laakiin taasi kamay muuqanin naadigii tababare Jose Mourinho ee waqtigiisii Real Madrid, waxaana jiray qisooyin qaarkood murugo lahaayeen oo ciyaartoyda naf ahaantooda kala qaybiyey.Sannadkii 2012, Michael Essien oo uu Jose Mourinho ka keensaday Chelsea, isla markaana u haystay macallinka reer Portugal sida Aabbihii oo kale, ayaa waxa uu qaab amaah ah ugu wareegay kooxdaas, laakiin waxa uu istaagay cidlo markii ay…

a plague on the economies of the African continent

Corruption, smuggling, tax evasion ... Capital flight would represent $ 88 billion a year in lost earnings for the continent. An estimate from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Unctad. According to the UN, the capital flight on the continent would represent $ 88 billion, but since this is illegal practice, it is an estimate. A rather low estimate even indicates Unctad. These $ 88 billion lost to African countries more or less represent what the continent receives each year if we add official…

Ra’iisul Wasaare Rooble oo laamaha Amaanka “dusha u saaray

Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble oo la kulmay Taliyeyaasha Ciidanka qalabka sida iyo laamaha amniga Gobolka banaadir ayaa kala hadlay qorsheyaasha lagu dardar-gelinayo ammaanka, dhammeystirka dib-u-habeynta ciidamada iyo dagaalanka waxa loogu yeero argagixisada. Eng Rooble oo labo maalin ka hor xilka lawareegay ayaa Talisyada Ciidanka kala hadlay sugida amaanka magaaladda Muqdisho iyo howlgaladda ka socda goboladda dalka ee ka dhanta ah Xoogga Al Shabaab.…

Barcelona Oo Qarka U Saaran Saxeexa Xiddigii U Buuxin Lahaa

Kooxda kubadda cagta Barcelona ayaa qarka u saaran inay lasoo saxeexato xiddigii ay u doorteen inuu u buuxiyo booska uu banneeyey weeraryahanka reer Uruguay ee Luis Suarez oo dhamaadka toddobaadkii hore u wareegay Atletico Madrid.Barcelona ayaa dhawr ciyaartoy diiraddeedu saarnayd, waxaana ugu weynaa weeraryahanka reer Argentina ee Lautaro Martinez, hase yeeshee markii lacagtiisa ay Inter Milan cirka ku shareertay ayay uga leexdeen laacibka garabka weerarka uga ciyaara Lyon ee Memphis Depay oo tababare Ronald Koeman uu aqoon…

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