Female suicide bomber kills intelligence officer in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A female suicide bomber killed a senior intelligence official after blowing herself up in Mogadishu early Thursday, a police officer said in an attack attributed to al-Shabaab jihadists. The woman detonated a bomb strapped to her waist at the Black Sea Crossing aimed at commonly dressed agents working for the National Intelligence and Security Agency and killed the secret unit commander. Giant smoke birds rippled from the area as ambulances rushed the injured to a nearby hospital for medical…

The Amnesty International report condemns the repression of demonstrations

This report documents the responsibility of the Security Forces to suppress demonstrations against constitutional reforms. Movements that have killed at least 50 people a year, according to Amnesty International, which shows a number of killings of protesters and arbitrary arrests. This study focuses in particular on the demonstrations that took place in March last year, on the sidelines of the legislative and referendum polls in March last year. According to Amnesty, defense and security forces used firearms illegally in…

Barcelona Oo Si Rasmi Ah Ugu Dhawaaqday Saxeexii La Sugayay

Kooxda kubadda cagta Barcelona ayaa si rasmi ah ugu shaacisay saxeexeeda cusub ee Sergino Dest oo ay kala soo wareegtay Ajax, kaas oo ay kaga soo adkaatay Bayern Munich oo kula tartamaysay.Sergino Dest oo u dhashay waddanka Maraykanka ayay Barcelona kusoo iibsatay 21 milyan oo Euro iyo 5 milyan oo Euro oo kale oo dheeraad ah oo ku xidhan bandhiggiisa iyo guulaha uu la gaadho, taas oo qiimihiisa gaadhsiin doonta illaa 26 milyan oo Euro.Laacibkan ayaa qalinka ku duugay heshiis shan sannadood ah oo socon doona illaa June 2025,…

Saddex Xiddig Oo Ka Dhaawacan Man United, Kabtan Maguire Iyo

Manchester United ayaa sugaysa kulanka ay usbuuc dhammaadka la ciyaarayso dhigeeda Tottenham ee ka tirsan horyaalka Premier League iyadoo ay jiraan xiddigo sababo dhaawac muran loo gelinayo ka qayb galkooda ciyaartaas.Man United ayaa soo dhawayn doona Spurs oo uu hoggaaminayo tababarahoodii hore ee Jose Mourinho kaas oo ay hadalo xoogan dhawaan saxaafada isu marinayeen macalin Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.Man United ayaa qaab isku dhafan kusoo bilaabatay xilli ciyaareedkan kaddib markii ay kulankoodii ugu horreeyay guuldarro kala…

New political party led by a famous academic launched

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The race to expand the democratization space in Somalia was markedly strengthened on Wednesday following the recent launch of a political party that would allow people to express their wishes and interests as planned in the country's interim constitution. Somalia has struggled to install discipline in its key institutions for three decades after Siad Barre's ouster, but recent developments give at least a glimmer of hope to a country also bedeviled with clan clashes and the Al-Shabaab threat. .…

Hogaamiyayaasha DFS iyo DG oo isla gartay waqtiga la bilaabayo soo

Hogaamiyaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo Hogaamiyayaasha Dowlad Goboleedyada 5 ah ayaa is-faham ka gaarey dhismaha gudiyadda isku-dhafka ee maamuli doono doorashooyinka dalka iyo qodobo kale oo Jadwalka iyo hanaanka soo xulista Xildhibaanada labad aqalka ee Baarlamanka 11-aad. Hogaamiyayaasha Faderaalka iyo kuwa Goboladda ayaa isla meel dhigeen in hanaanka doorashadda Xubnaha Aqalka Sare ay billaabato October 15, islamarkaana ay socon doonto illaa 15-ka November…

Waa Kuwan LABADA Caqabadood Ee Xalkooda Laga Sugayo Arsenal

Kooxda ree London ee Arsenal ayay jiraan laba shaqo oo u yaala lagana sugayo inay xaliso haddiiba ay doonayso inay samayso saxeexa riyada u ah tababare Mikel Arteta ee Houssem Aouar oo kooxda ree France ee Lyon ka tirsan.Arsenal ayaan u muuqan mid shan saxeex ku dhammaysan karta gudaha suuqan maadaama oo Aouar uu muhiimadooda koowaad noqday hadda oo ay isaga ka doorbidayaan Thomas Partey oo Atletico Madrid qayb ka ah.Arsenal ayaa qaab wanaagsan ku bilaabatay xilli ciyaareedkan horyaalka Premier League ilaa ay guuldarro 3-1…

Afro-Club, hit on turntables with Wizkid, AliKiba and P.James – RFI Musique

The month of October has arrived with a series of news for the Afro Club, whose hit of turntables consists this week of Nutty O, Vegedream & Tayc, P. James, Mr. Leo, AliKiba, Wizkid & HERE and finally Yaknou. In Nigeria, Wizkid explodes the counters with the single Smile as a prelude to his album Made in Lagos. It is on September 16 that Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun alias Wizkid set fire to the net by announcing the upcoming arrival of his new album Made In Lagos. Previously expected until July 16, Wizkid suffered a…

Denis Mukwege: “The situation is explosive in eastern Congo and we must act quickly”

Ten years ago today, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights published his "Mapping" report on the most serious crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) between 1993 and 2003. This unprecedented investigation was to put an end to more than a decade of impunity and had in one year registered 617 war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide crimes. But since then, none of these crimes have been tried, and its recommendations remain a dead letter condemned by more and more voices in the Congo,…

Weeraryahan Sheegay Inuu Ku Biirista Man United Doonayo,

Asalaamu calaykum waraxmatulaahi wabarakaatuhu. Idilkiinba salaan dhamaan akhristayaasha sharaftalahow kuna soo dhawaada barnaamijkeenii sida maalin laha ahaa aanu idiinku soo gudbin jirnay waxyaabaha ay wargaysyada yurub ka qoreen suuqa kala iibsiga ciyaartoyda.Suuqa kala iibsiga ciyaartoyda xagaaga ayaa si rasmi ah u furan waxayna koox kastaaba haysataa fursada ay ku samayn karto saxiixyo cusub oo ay xili ciyaareedka cusub kooxdeeda ugu soo xoojin karto.Kooxaha qaar ayaa haddaba bilaabay in ay saxiixyo muhiim ah sameeyaan…

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