Askari loo lagu helay kufsiga gabar 4 jir oo xukun dil ah

Xukunsane Maxamed Xuseen Cilmi oo lagu helay kufsiga gabar 4 jir. Maxkamada Darajada 1aad ee Ciidanka Qalabka Sida ayaa xukun dil ah ku riday Dable Maxamed Xuseen Cilmi oo loo haysto kufsi uu u gaystay Dhibanad Farxiyo Cabdi Shakuur Bootaan oo Afar jir ah, 14-kii May Sanadkan. Kufsigaasi oo ka dhacay  degmada Wadajir ee gobolka Banaadir sida ay fadhiga maxkamada ka horsheegeen Xafiiska Xeer Ilaainta Ciidamada Qalabka Sida Maxamed Xuseen Cilmi ayaa ay Maxkamadda Ciidamada…

FMS leaders return to Mogadishu for talks with Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Federal leaders returned to Villa Somalia on Wednesday to fine-tune the pre-election pact signed almost two weeks ago as the country prepares for the long-awaited election, which would begin in November when the current administration's term expires. The five heads of state and Mogadishu Mayor Omar Filish signed the agreement early following pressure from the international community, but the team did not finalize some of the finer details that would lead to a credible election that would be…

“Waxaad Ka Tagaysaa Koox Weyn Oo Ka Weyn Man City” –

Tababaraha kooxda ree Portugal ee SL Benfica ee Jorge Jesus ayaa farriin cajiib ah u diray daafaca dhexe ee ay kooxdiisu ka iibisay Manchester City ee Ruben Dias xilli uu u muuqday mid quudhsaday kooxda Premier League.Jesus oo lagu yaqaano inuu waxkasta uga hadlo si daacad ah oo toos ah ayaa quudhsi aysan jeclaysan doonin ka yidhi Manchester City xilli uu Dias macasalaameyn qiiro leh kaga tagay kooxdiisa.Xilli ay dhammaan ciyaaryahanada Benfica iskugu soo urureen qolka labiska ee kooxdooda, Jorge Jesus ayaa amaanay 23 sano…

negotiations on the lifting of sanctions and the formation of a government

Appointed Prime Minister of Mali on Sunday 27 September, Moctar Ouane has two immediate goals. The first is the formation of a government of national unity with even hope of seeing the participation of representatives of the armed groups involved in the peace process. The second is to achieve, with the support of the interim president, Ba N'Daw, the lifting of the embargo imposed by the West African Economic Community (ECOWAS) on Mali. To lift the embargo against Mali, the phone works a lot these days between Accra and…

Dhaq-Dhaqaaqa Suuqa Ee Man United Oo Halkiisa Kasii Socda &

Manchester United oo u muuqata mid doonaysa inay maalmaha ugu dambeeya ee gudaha suuqa xagaagan ka qabsato wixii ay ka qabsan kari weyday intiisii hore ayaa dalab ka gudbisay garabka weerar ee kooxda Fiorentina ee Federico Chiesa.Madaxda sarre ee Old Trafford ayaa wali doonaya inay Jadon Sancho kala soo saxeexdaan Borussia Dortmund kahor xidhitaanka suuqa laakiin Borussia Dortmund ayaa ku dhagan qiimaha 108 Milyan ee Pound ah ee ay ku doonayso.Iyadoo ay kaliya shan maalmood ka hadheen suuqa kala iibsiga, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer…

UN agencies, including UNICEF, WHO are investigating allegations of sexual abuse by DR Congo workers

UNICEF on Wednesday became the third UN agency to launch an internal investigation into the sexual abuse of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and promised "serious consequences" for possible sins. The Children's Fund said in a statement that it was "shocked that people identifying themselves as UNICEF workers have allegedly abused vulnerable women in the Democratic Republic of Congo." It was not immediately clear how many UNICEF staff had been charged. "There will be serious consequences for any staff…

Putin iyo Macron oo u jeediyay xabad-joojin wadamada Armenia

Hogaamiyaha Ruushka Vladimir Putin iyo kan Faransiiska Emmanuel Macron ayaa ku baaqay xabad joojin deg deg ah oo u dhaxeysa ciidamada qowmiyadaha Armenia ee Nagorno-Karabakh iyo Azerbaijan, maadaama tirada rasmiga ah ee dhimashada ay kor u dhaaftay 100 labada dhinac iyaga oo sheega in ay sii wadayaan dagaalka. “Vladimir Putin iyo Emmanuel Macron waxay ugu baaqeen dhinacyada dagaalamaya in ay joojiyaan dagaalka gebi ahaanba sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan, in xiisadaha la qaboojiyo oo…

Independence special: Joni Haastrup, soul prince in Nigeria

This October 1, 2020 marks the 60th anniversary of Nigeria's independence. As on every anniversary date, RFI makes you relive the musical atmosphere of the time. Close-up of a unique singer whose career began in the 60s, before Fela and before Tony Allen: Joni Haastrup, king of Afro-soul. In the early 1960s, Nigeria was hit by…

Hogaamiyayaasha ku shirsan Villa Somalia oo qodobada qaar heshiis ka

Waxaa maalinkii 3 aad madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ka socda shir u dhexeeya madaxweyne Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo hogaamiyayaasha dowlad goboleedyada waxaana looga hadlayaa qodobada dhamaystirka doorashooyinka Soomaaliya ee 2020-21-da. Shirka oo aan la qeexin xilliga rasmi ah ee laga gabagabaynayo ayaa laga gaaray heshiis hore dhac ah inkastoo aan Saxaafada loo soo bandhigin sidoo kale waxaa jira qodobo dhowr oo dhinacyadu aad iskugu hayaan. Maxaa laga heshiiyay?…

sixty years later between disillusions and hopes

Nigeria's 60th anniversary will continue to be very limited and anti-Covid-19 measures will require it. Several local governments, including the state of Lagos, have already announced that they are canceling their military parade. The ceremonies will therefore be concentrated in Abuja, where a parade is planned. President Muhammadu Buhari speaks early this morning on radio and television, but not publicly as originally planned. But Nigerians' interest in this anniversary date is limited. There is therefore nothing…

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