central bank reveals financial report for 2019

This is a first, the central bank of the Democratic Republic of Congo has published the audit of its annual accounts per. December 31, 2019, performed for the first time by the auditing firm Deloitte on its website. It was a demand from the IMF that demands more transparency from the country. Not surprisingly, the general government account was in the red per. 31 December 2019. But this report reveals the existence of about thirty sub-accounts, the creditors themselves, which could have been used to compensate for this…

a response to the lifting of sanctions expected at the start of the week

Since Thursday, the Malian junta has published the transition charter. And the document takes into account a significant demand from ECOWAS to lift the sanctions. The embargo against the country could therefore soon be lifted while the malians become impatient. as reported from Bamako, Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, President of the ECOWAS Commission, made a trip on Sunday that could be crucial for the abolition or not of sanctions. He arrived in particular in Accra to meet with the Head of State of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo,…

Nigerian police chief reformulates special units

Often challenged by the population and human rights defenders for various abuses of power or brutality, these federal police forces see their area of ​​focus limited. Special units will now have to limit themselves to their main mission. Armed robberies, kidnappings, violent crimes, in short, organized crime, fall within the reach of Nigerian special forces. And that should now be their only activity. The Chief of Police, Inspector General Muhammed Adamu, was categorical: there was no longer a question of routine checks,…

Kouadio Konan Bertin targets young people during his inauguration

In Côte d'Ivoire, less than a month before the presidential election, the last investment ceremony took place this Sunday in Abidjan. After Alassane Ouattara, Pascal Affi N'Guessan and Henri Konan Bedié, it is Kouadio Konan Bertin who formalized his presidential ambitions in front of his supporters. as reported from Abidjan, Candidate Kouadio Konan Bertin had made a risky effort, namely to fill the amphitheater at the Palais de la culture in Treichville: 2,500 seats. Bet raised. During the day, fans danced, excited,…

Qiimeynta Ciyaartoyda Kulankii La Xasuuqay Liverpool, Xiddig

Ma jiro ereyo ku haboon oo lagu qeexi karo wixii caawa ku dhacay kooxda difaacaneysa horyaalka ee Liverpool kuwaasoo xasuuq 7-2 kala kulmay kooxda Aston Villa oo gaartay guusheedii labaad ee ugu weyneyd abid ee taariikhda Premier League.Liverpool ayaa soo bandhigtay qaab ciyaareedkii ugu xumaa ee lagu arko sannadihii u danbeeyay mana aysan u muuqin inay yihiin kooxda horyaalka qaaday xilli ciyaareedkii la soo dhaafay.Goolhayahooda wuxuu ahaa been boode, daafacooda wuxuu ka jilcanaa muuska, khadkooda dhexe jahwareer ayaa…

Barcelona Oo Taako Ku Qabatay Sevilla, Coutinho Oo Guuldarro

Philippe Coutinho ayaa shabaqa soo taabtay iyadoo Barcelona ay barbaro 1-1 kala kulantay kooxda Sevilla oo marti u aheyd.Sevilla ayaa caawa soo bandhigtay qaab ciyaareed ay ku muujinayaan inay ka mid noqon karaan kooxaha u tartamaya hanashada horyaalka La Liga xilli ciyaareedkan.Kooxda uu hogaamiyo tababare Julen Lopetegui waxay ku qaadatay kaliya sideed daqiiqo inay hogaanka u qabtaan ciyaarta markii karoos uu soo qaaday Suso uu qalqal ka dhex abuuray xerada goolka Barcelona iyadoo kubad auu helay Luuk de Jong kaasoo…

Juventus Oo Guul 3-0 Ah La Siiyay Ka Dib Markii Napoli Ay

Juventus ayaa guul 3-0 ah loo qoray ka dib markii kooxdii ay la ciyaari lahaayeen ee Napoli ay imaan weysay garoonka kulankoodii horyaalka Serie A madaama ay baqdin ka qabeen Korona Fayras.TV-yada baahin lahaa ciyaarta ayaa fariin ku soo qoray shaashada taasoo u qorneyd: “Waxaan sugeynaa kooxda martidaiyadoo ay baaqatay ciyaartii ka dhici laheyd garoonka Allianz Stadium.Kooxda tababare Gennaro Gattuso ayaa shalay laga mamnuucay inay u safraan magaalada Turin oo ay kulanka Serie A ku lahaayeen caawa.Waaxda caafimaadka ee…

Rikoodhyadii Iyo Xogtii Laga Diiwaangeliyay Kulankii Uu

Liverpool waa kooxdii ugu horeysay ee difaacaneysa horyaalka Ingariiska ee todoba gool laga dhaliyo kulanka horyaalka ah tan iyo markii Arsenal lagu sameeyay bishii September sannadkii 1953 kulan ay la ciyaartay Sunderland.Liverpool ayaa markii ugu horeysay laga dhaliyay todoba gool kulan horyaalka ah tan iyo bishii April 1963, markaasoo ay guuldarro 7-2 ka soo gaartay Tottenham.Markii ugu horeysay taariikhda labada kooxood, Liverpool iyo Manchester United ayaa laga dhaliyay lix gool ama ka badan hal maalin gudaheed.Xiddiga…

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