Saadaasha Khabiirka Mark Lawrenson Ee Kulamada Usbuucada

Khabiirka ciyaaraha ee Mark Lawrenson ayaa shaaciyey saadaashiisa kulamada usbuuca afraad ee horyaalka Premier Leauge oo ay ku ballansan yihiin kooxo adag, kuwaas oo natiijadooda kasoo baxda kulamadoodu ay saamayn ku yeelanayso kaalmaha hore, sidoo kalena ay macallimiinta qaarkood halis geli doonto shaqadoodu haddii ay khasaare soo hooyaan.Chelsea oo dhibaatooyin ku dhex-jirta ayaa waxay garoonkeeda kusoo dhoweyn doontaa Crystal Palace duhurnimada Sabtida, waxaanu kulankani qaabayn doonaa sida ay u ekaan doonto Blues, iyadoo…

Ciidanka Haramcad oo howlgal kusoo qabtay xubno katirsan

Ciidamada Booliska Gaarka ah ee Haramcad oo Saldhig ku leh Magaalada Dhuusamareeb ayaa fuliyay howlgal qorsheysan oo ka dhacay Gobolka Galgaduud sida saraakiisha Ciidanku sheegeen. Howlgalka waxaa uu si gaar ah uga dhacay deegaannada Ceel Garas iyo God-Dhurwaa, Ciidanka Haramcad ayaa gacanta kusoo dhigay xubno katirsan Al-Shabaab oo ahaa bartilmaameedka howlgalkooda. Taliye ku xigeenka Ciidanka Booliiska Gaarka u tababaran Cabdixamiid Cabdullaahi Maxamed (Fanax) ayaa howlgalka…

Rwandan Kabuga trial: prosecutor Brammertz “hopes it will take place and will come to an end”

When will Félicien Kabuga be tried? France, where the alleged Rwandan genocide was arrested in May, gave the green light on Wednesday to define its surrender to the mechanism of international courts seeking to try him for war crimes and genocide. An important step has been taken, but the road to trial is still long. Serge Brammertz, lawyer for this mechanism, is our guest this morning. .

Alpha Condé promises peaceful elections ahead of international envoys

Representatives of the United Nations, the African Union and West African countries have been on missions in Conakry since Thursday, October 1st. They welcomed the assurances of President Alpha Condé, a candidate for a controversial third term, to a peaceful election. This visit comes in the middle of the election campaign, the presidential election, which will be held on October 18. The mission has launched vigorous consultations with actors in the Guinean crisis. At the end of an audience with Alpha Condé at the…

A catastrophic cotton campaign in Mali

Cotton production is in free fall in Mali. The former African fiber champion is expected to harvest a quarter of what he produced last year. The poor textile economy associated with Covid-19 is not the only reason. It will be one of the worst cotton crops in Mali's history. Less than 80,000 tons of fiber compared to nearly…

a meeting to restart monitoring of the Algiers Agreement

From New York to Bamako via Paris and Algiers, one of the priorities of the Chancelleries accredited in Mali is the implementation of the Algerian peace agreement signed in 2015 between the armed groups in northern Mali and the government. This provides a better representation of the peoples of the northern part of the country and disarms movements of ex-rebels or loyalists to integrate them into the army to put an end to the tensions in these regions. But for five years, this deal has slipped. A diplomatic meeting was…

environmental activist Raleva again faces justice

In Madagascar, civil society is sounding the alarm. Environmental activist Raleva is due to appear this Friday, October 2, for the public prosecution of Mananjary, a town located on the island's east coast. The man took part in a demonstration by local people on September 1 to protest against gold mining in a Chinese company. Environmental associations are concerned about the possible consequences of this call. Environmental activist Raleva is summoned to Friday, October 2, by the National Gendarmerie with three other…

Leaders should place security issues at the center of the election plan

EDITORIAL | Somalis have now announced their upcoming election timelines for lawmakers and senators in the next parliament, as well as the new president. All processes will be carried out using indirect voting for the country's leaders, failed bid for universal suffrage due to political disputes that wasted every chance. It is a reflection of how fast and smooth things can move when leaders sit down to discuss. More importantly, it is a result of compromise. This week, President Farmajo referred to compromise…

Paul Rusesabagina’s children are asking for international support

From Washington to Brussels, the children mobilize for Paul Rusesabagina, the hero of the film Hotel Rwanda, and call for more international support for their father detained in Kigali. Paul Rusesabagina, who is known to have saved more than 1,200 people during the genocide, now an opponent, is detained since late August in Kigali. He was charged in mid-September with "terrorism, murder and financing of riots". This Friday, 2 October, the Rwandan judiciary is due to rule on a request for bail. His children condemn the…

[Rapport Mapping 2/3] DRC: in Kisangani, pain and persistent issues

More than 700 civilians died from 5 to 10 June 2000 in Kisangani after heavy arms conflicts between the Rwandan and Ugandan armies. Even today, the traces of this violence are still there and the pain is still alive. Monsignor Samuel Lotika has gray hair and well-worn glasses. The provincial president-bishop of Christ Church in Congo barely hides his teary-eyed eyes at the mention of the Six-Day War. “The first one was going to fall in the classroom where my son was studying. Many of the students were dead. It was also…

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