rape cases reported to the Lubumbashi prison

The NGO's Evangelical Non-Violent Action Group (Ganve) condemns rape cases with violence against prisoners in the Kasapa prison in Lubumbashi. According to this NGO, it all started after the fire for a weekend in one of the prison buildings of angry prisoners, some of whom tried to escape. Part of the dormitories had been destroyed and prisoners were grouped together with female prisoners. Today, these women, about fifty, will be at the mercy of these prisoners. Since this weekend, the female inmates at the Kasapa…

Kenyan president of France to finalize key economic agreements

The Kenyan president arrives in Paris for a five-day visit to France. A business-oriented move. The head of state, accompanied by five ministers, attends a conference for the public investment bank, meets with French employers and signs contracts. Uhuru Kenyatta is accompanied by a strong delegation of ministers and is expected to attend several economic events. A conference at the headquarters of BPI France, the institution responsible for promoting French companies abroad, but also a meeting in Medef, the French…

Pentagon chief Mark Esper on tour in the Maghreb

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will begin a three-day visit to North Africa on Wednesday 30 September. Mark Esper makes his first trip to the African continent. He will talk about anti-jihadist cooperation. First step, Wednesday: Tunisia. Mark Esper has a meeting with President Kaïs Saied and his Minister of Defense. About the program: strengthening ties between the United States and Tunisia and the fight against jihadist organizations. And it should also be a question of China's and Russia's activities on the African…

a 22 billion euro plan to revive the economy

How to revive Senegal's economy? The issue was at the heart of a presidential council on Tuesday, September 29th. Representatives of the government, the private sector and partners from the country gathered around Macky Sall. The authorities presented a € 22.4 billion plan and defined priority sectors. "After the defense, we must go on the attack" to regain growth according to the sports formula used by the head of state. And to this the authorities have adjusted their strategy with new priorities: "Firstly: Accelerate…

South Africa: the galley of informal workers

South Africa has released its second quarter unemployment figures for the year. More than two million jobs have been lost while the country was under very strict containment. The official unemployment rate has dropped to 23%, but the figure from the National Statistics Agency is misleading because it does not take into account people who have given up on job search, the broader definition of…

Zimbabwe’s minister accuses opposition to arms smuggling

In tonight's edition: Zimbabwe's main opposition party dismisses the government's allegations that they are trying to smuggle weapons into the country. Rent control means that thousands of people in Cairo only pay a few euros a year for large apartments, but with landlords paying money, the buildings are overdue. And in Cameroon, the long-promised Yaounde-Douala motorway remains in its first phase.…

Jose Mourinho Koobka Carabao Cup Ka Ciribtiray Chelsea,

Tababare Jose Mourinho ayaa markii ugu horeysay gacanta sarre ka helay tababare Frank Lampard iyadoo kooxdiisa Tottenham ay rigoore 5-4 ku garaacday kooxda Chelsea xilli 90kii daqiiqo ee ciyaarta la isku mari waayay barbaro 1-1 ah.Chelsea ayaa hogaanka ciyaarta ku hormartay qeybtii hore iyadoo Timo Werner uu dhaliyay goolkiisii ugu horeysay ee Blues laakiin dhamaadkii ciyaarta waxaa Tottenham u barbareeyay Erik Lamela.Tottenham ayaana u soo baxday wareega sideed dhamaadka Carabao Cup ka dib markii Mason Mount laga…

Man City Oo Dhameystirtay Saxiixa Daafac Adag Oo Ay 62

Manchester City ayaa dhameystirtay saxiixa daafaca reer Portugal, Ruben Dias oo ay 62 milyan ginni uga soo iibsadeen kooxda Benfica. 23 jirkaan daafaca dhexe ayaa u saxiixay kooxda Manchester City heshiis lix sannadood ah isagoo kooxda ku negaanaya ilaa iyo xagaaga 2026. Ruben Dias ayaa noqonaya saxiixii seddexaad ee tababare Pep Guardiola uu sameeyo xagaagan ka dib Ferran Torres iyo daafaca kale Nathan Ake. Dias ayaa in ka badan 100 kulan u saftay kooxdas Benfica mudadii seddexda xilli ciyaareed ee uu joogay.…

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