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Healthy Eating
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Surprising Side Effects of Using Coconut Oil, Says Science
Whether you've been looking for vegan alternatives to your favorite animal-based fats or just love adding a touch of tropical flavor to your dishes, odds are you've considered—or tried—incorporating coconut oil into your cooking.
And it's not just coconut oil's trendiness that makes it deserving of a spot on your menu—there's some evidence that this flavorful fat packs an impressive résumé when it comes to your health and wellbeing. However, there is some bad that comes along with the good, and there are some not-so-pleasant…
Taking This Supplement Without Water Caused a 20-Year-Old to Have
When figures on social media promote a dare that involves your body, it's wise to consider if there's any chance it could affect your health… even if the challenge seems harmless. Unfortunately, a young woman learned this the hard way after she tried what some TikTok users are calling "dry scooping" before her workout. Now that she's survived a heart attack that was caused by the experiment, she's speaking out about her mistake, with nutrition experts joining in to share their warnings.
The New York Post recently reported…
One Major Side Effect of Drinking Too Much Wine, Says Science
Humans have been kicking their legs up and pouring a glass of wine (or, perhaps more accurately, a goblet) as far back in history as we know of. Modern wine-lovers have no shortage of ways to consume. From a myriad of different types and flavors to a growing list of inventive sipping accessories. In the United States alone, the wine industry contributes $220 billion to our economy annually—a statistic that came to light pre-pandemic and, therefore, could definitely skew low comparatively.
But as summer rolls out promises or…
The Largest Study on Food-Induced Inflammation Just Revealed This
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for as many as 1 in 4 deaths every year. Some of the risk factors of this disease include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking. Outside of family history, we know that the main culprits are diet and other lifestyle factors, but new research suggests that some individuals may be at higher risk simply because of the way their body responds to eating certain foods.
A new peer-reviewed study from the health care science startup ZOE, and…
Best Supplements for Belly Bloat, According to Science
If there's one thing that's not on the schedule for Hot Girl Summer, it's belly bloat.
Just to be clear, we're not talking about the cosmetics of a bloated belly (genuinely, who cares?), we're talking about the discomfort bloating causes. There are so many reasons why you may be experiencing bloating including certain digestive conditions such as IBS, alcohol consumption, and even menstruation.
Regardless of what's driving your bloat, know that I understand your pain, which is why I hand-picked a list of four bloat-fighting…
3 Kids in This State Have Been Hospitalized With Unknown E. Coli
At least three children in Iowa—including an 18-month-old girl and a 12-year-old boy—have been hospitalized with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) stemming from Shiga toxin-producing E. coli. But health officials don't yet know the source of the outbreak.
The Jackson County Health Department is "working to determine what might have caused the outbreak" as it conducts contact tracing, according to the Clinton Herald. (Related: The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now)
"We've talked to quite a few people in Jackson County who had…
The Worst Grocery-Store Foods for Belly Fat, Say Experts
When you head to the grocery store, it can be hard to stay away from certain goodies along the aisles. You know the tempting options we're talking about—chips, dips, cookies and more. It's as though the packaged foods are staring, saying, "Buy me," right?
Yet, if you're looking to lose weight, especially in the abdominal and belly region (which tends to be the most stubborn kind), several common snack foods have got to go. Along with any foods that are high carb, high sugar, and of course, high calorie.
"Excess calories, in…
The #1 Worst Blizzard to Order at Dairy Queen
The season of frozen treats is upon us, and Americans don't take chill-out foods lightly. Last July, the U.S. Census Bureau revealed that the average American eats 23 gallons of ice cream each year. If you don't know the correct serving size, that's enough to tip the scales. Fortunately, it's easier than you think to stop your summer sweet tooth from getting in the way of your goals.
One particularly beloved way to bring down the temperature on a hot day is the Dairy Queen Blizzard. Paying attention to the nutrition facts is…
Surprising Side Effects of Not Getting Enough Iron, Say Experts
When it comes to getting all the proper vitamins and minerals into your diet, there always seem to be a few key nutrients people love to focus on. Vitamin C is a popular one, along with Vitamin D and fiber. While finding ways to incorporate these nutrients into your diet is good for your body, there are a few other nutrients you need to make sure you're getting enough of. Iron is one of them, an important nutrient for your red blood cells. If you're not getting enough in your diet, your body can experience some adverse side…
The One Protein Powder You Should Never Buy, Say Experts
Gone are the days when protein powder was popular for only the bulkiest guys in the gym. These days, protein powders and shakes are bolstering many people's diets, especially as the abundance of plant-based options becomes an increasingly easy way to give your body the nutrition it needs while supporting your fitness goals. If you've ever felt that buying just the right protein powder can be an overwhelming choice, two registered dietitians have advised exactly what to look for… and, what to avoid.
We see you getting…